41: Discord
Chrysalis paced back and forth. "Where is that stupid pony?!" She muttered. Soon she was relieved when Lightning came flying towards her. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!!!!!!!!!" She roared. Lightning dust trembled and felt her hooves buckle. "Sorry, I h-had class and....detention" She mutterdd the last part.
"It doesn't matter, now lets go" Chrysalis snapped and then led Lightning dust to the heart if tge everfree forest. Lightning didn't questioned where they were heading, but couldn't resist her curiousity to bubble.
"We are here" Chrysalis announced, Lightning was too late to stop, so she bumped into the taller and older mare's flank. She blushed in embarrassment but Chrysalis didn't seem to mind.
"Whatch thyself" She said tonelessly.
They had reached the entrance of a cave. "What exactly are we doing here?" Lightning sassed. "to gather some allies silly pony. Are you stupid enough to think we will be taking over, on our own? As much as I am powerful, I am too weak, and you are too.....simple, we'll need help" Chrysalis said proving that she can be as sassy and rude as Lightning dust.
They entered the dark cave and went deeper and deeper and deeper to the darkness with only Chrysalis's magic for light.
There were spiders, bats, and scorpions inside but Chrysalis paid them no attention. Lightning however was getting the creeps.
"Who goes there?" A deep, and snarky voice echooed through the walls. "Hello, Dissy dear" Chrysalis said smirking. "C-c-c-c-CHRISSY?!!!" Suddenly, lights came on, torches were lit, and then the room brightenned.
Lightning was amazed to find that the room they were in was very....chaotic. And weird. Realy realy weird. The floor was black and white tiled, the walls were pink and were made of edible cotton candy, and there, in the middle of the room was a chocolate fountain.
But her momment of amazement didn't lastsd long, when she saw a creature made of various diffirent parts.
He had the head of a pony, a dragon tail, bat wings, a claw and a paw, snake eyes, a stag's antler and the other horn was....she didn't know what.
"Chrissy? Is that realy you? How did you....how are you...what the???" The creature known as Discord gawked. Lightning stifled a laughter and Chrysalis rolled her eyes. To Chrysalis, Discord was an embarrassment. But to the young filly, Diacord was amusing.
"Don't look so surprise to see me Discord, Didn't I vowed to return again someday?" Chrysalis sassed.
Discord groaned. "Somethings never realy change" He thought. "Well now that your here, what do you want?" He asked crossing arms. Chrysalis blinked in confusion.
"Don't look so innocent Chrysalis, I know you wouldn't have come to my lair just to say hello" He went on. Chrysalis rolled her eyes and had a look around. "You call this a lair of evil? I can see the chaos part but where is the evil scary side?" She said.
Discord ignored this remark and tap his donkey hoof impatiently. Lightning dust however was the first to answer. "We're here to ask for help on taking over Bloors academy" She finnaly spoked. Discord eyed her criticaly. "I thought you were a stray baboom" Discord said insulting her.
"You clearly want me to help you rule...a what? A school?" He asked. And then, burstsd out laughing. "You have-ahahahhahahaha!!!-Got t-to to be joking my dear!" He said as he continued to laugh. Chrysalis gritted her teeth and glared at Lightning dust. Then starsd back at Discord.
"Need I remind you who imprisoned me?! That weasley old fool Silverdoe! I want my revenge Discord! REVENGE! And....." She paused as if thinking. Then said slyly. "Don't you want yours?"
To this, Discord faced her with a serious expression. "Think about it Dissy dear, For centuries you were imprisoned to stone! A statue! And who helped you free? Me...who else! Me and Sombra, what was the tree of us calldd back then? The golden trio?" She said sneering. (A/N: lol the golden trio, Harry potter muwahahaha)
Discord nodded and smirked. The three of them were unstopabble, and ruthless. Spreading Chaos and Darkness all over Equestria. But their little fun ended when Discord and Sombra met Luna and Celestia. Discord thought Celestia was beautiful, and Sombra Thought Luna the same.
Chrysalis howeve, was left alone in the dark, her two friends left her. And because she was heartless she did not find any love.
But the romance blossoming between Celestia and Discord ended and so does from Luna and Sombra. The boys did not tell what happened, or even gaved a slight hint. Chrysalis was just surprised and relieved to see them both running back to her because of heartbreak. And her little trio had returned.
"Well Discord?" Chrysalis asked.
Discord formed a fist with his paw, he remembered when Celestia rejected him, and his anger was so great he went completely nuts he spread chaos for days! And it took Celestia a week to fix things up and...it was her who turned him to stone a second time. But luckily Sombra freed him using a very powerful dark spell.
He too, at that time had deal with....drama.
Discord shuddered at the memmory.
"Discord are you even listening?!" Chyrsalis shouted. "Yea yea whatever" Discord said finnaly. "So....are you in? Or out?" Lightning pressed on. "Fine, I will help, but here is the deal, you get your revenge on Silverdoe and you get the school, but me? I'll have my own vengence after I helped you! Got it?" He asked.
Chrysalis nodded solemly. "Alright then lets go" Lightning said and was about to head to the exit when Discodd grabbed her by the tail and eyed her. "Hold it there missy, we're not going anywhere yet without....Sombra" He said.
Chrysalis eyed him skepticaly. "Oh great, not him again" She muttered. "Said something Queeny?" Discord snapped. "Has he even grown to forget his little heart achs with Luna yet? And we don't even know where to find that stallion" Chrysalis pointed out.
"Not to worry my dear, I know!" Discodd said, dropping Lightning to the floora and then snapping his fingers, a metal detector thingy appeared but it had a nose on it. It sniffed the air and then frozed. "Uh ha! I got his scent! Lets go" Discord said and went to lead the way.
Chrysalis groaned and facehoofed. Even after all these years (They didn't realy aged much because they had eternal youth) Discord still acts like a child. But what morw can she suspect with him? He was a being of chaos after all.
"Come om come hurry up!" Discord said impatiently. "Any one up for a game of I spy?" He asked grinning.
"No!" The two mares exclaimed. Discord shrugged. "I'll take that as a yes. Now, I spy with my little eye something that is black and holey! No takers? Its you Chrissy!"
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