(SMG34) Working With the Enemy - Chapter 1: Triple Threat
A/N - Welcome to a brand new start of "Working With the Enemy", my SMG34 story revamped! This is going to function a lot like canon SMG4, with comedic scripts and a more solid narrative. It'll take a bit longer than the old version for the romance to start, but I'm hoping to establish the characters as they are before the relationship. A lot of characters plan to be used from SMG4. There's no set cast. The original version of this fanfiction was written After Anime Arc and Pre-YouTube Arc, so several versions of the characters will match their characteristics from that time period. SMG3 had yet to return, so his personality is very much in line with Vintage/Classic SMG4. With that out of the way, enjoy!
Love y'all
🍡🍓 StrawbearyBoba 🍓🍡
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Normal is a word that simply doesn't describe the lives of the denizens in the Mushroom Kingdom. Fighting off crazed idiots every so often, running errands for a needy Princess Peach, and everything always having a dash of risqué activity to it lends to one molding in with the scene, accidentally or on purpose.
That is not the case for SMG4. Surprisingly through his time in the Kingdom, he hasn't gotten any less annoyed with the activities that take place in this crazy place. However, he accepts everything as it is, and only hopes to get through one day without anything absurd happening to him. To achieve this goal he often shuts himself in his room, making videos day in and day out. Only really leaving if he finds he needs to get some fresh air, or something nefarious is afoot.
This goal is seldom accomplished. In the middle of editing one of his comedic videos. Deep in concentration in the darkness of his bedroom he toils away on his Youtube quest. All alone, accompanied only by the sound of his labored breaths and clicking of his computer mouse. Needless to say he's on a hair trigger. He doesn't even notice when his door opens, and someone silently slips into his room. The figure sneaks closer to SMG4 as his eyes practically bulge out of his skull at his laptop screen.
"Um, SMG4?" Luigi asked wearily, tapping on SMG4's shoulder with a shaky arm. As if awoken from a trance, he jumps up and whirls around to face the green italian.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT— Oh! Luigi, it's you! What's up?" SMG4's blood-shot eyes and sneer immediately switched to sparkling eyes and a wide smile. He looked around confused only to find Luigi cowering behind a chair.
"No need to hide, man. Sorry if I scared ya, you know how I can be when I'm making my videos.." SMG4 scratched the back of his head apologetically.
Luigi crept from behind the chair and straightened himself up. "If it's not too much trouble... can you buy me a new gaming chair??" SMG4 raised his eyebrow.
"What happened to your old one?" Luigi chuckled awkwardly, "Y'see... it kinda..."
"What's up everybody, it's me Weegeepie! Today we're going to be playing some Cooking Mama!" Luigi smiled toward his audience. "First, you take some toast, then you—"
"YEAH TOAST!!!" Suddenly, Toast Shy Guy bursts through Luigi's ceiling and starts aggressively pulling at Luigi's DS. "Wait wait wait STOP I DON'T HAVE ANY REAL TOAST PLEASE!" Luigi screams as he tussles on the ground with Toast Shy Guy before he finally lifts up his gaming chair up over his head and rains all hell down upon Toast Shy Guy's poor little noggin. The chair's entire body goes flying from the sheer exertion of Luigi's italian strength far out into the sky. Luigi mourns his fallen gaming chair, sighing, barely noticing Toast Shy Guy's body slowly dissipating; fleeing from this mortal coil forevermore.
"...Shit." Luigi says dumbfounded.
"So you see..." Luigi stammers, struggling to find more to say. "I've heard enough," SMG4 sighs. "Let's go get that gaming chair. At least you're taking me on a normal errand, unlike everyone else in this stupid castle."
"THANK YOUUUU!!" Luigi cries in unabashed joy, then he lifts SMG4 up and they dash all the way to their local electronics store.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
An unimpressed Toad cashier stands by the front of the store, watching SMG4 and Luigi speed past him, then ending up right back in front of him.
"Hi, welcome to Electronics and Shit, how the fuck can we help you today?" Toad asks, in an uninterested drawl.
"We're getting The Tic Tac Slick Slack Dick Dack Paddywack Cooler Master, Make Me Faster, Mouse Spamming XYZ Gaming Chair for 24/7 Gamer Guys." SMG4 responds, just as bored.
"This'll make my let's plays so much more entertaining! Thank you, SMG4. I can't say that enough." Luigi's hat touches the floor from how deeply he bows. SMG4 pats him on the back, nervously. "Heh, uh, no problem big guy. This stuff's important to you. No need to thank me."
"Oh, that's great for me then!!" A mysterious voice echoed through the electronics store. Right after the Toad just got done ringing up Luigi's new gaming chair, a massive robotic claw descends from the heavens. It snatches away the package; an eggdog casually barking from the shaft. Ascending back into the heavens, the clouds begin to part. The group's eyes follow the dangling package as it's pulled into a massive mech-suit. On queue, a recolor christened with a blue shirt and black overalls hops out of the suit's cockpit. Against all odds it's the man SMG4 loves to hate:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Hope you don't mind losing out on a golden opportunity FUCKERS!!" SMG3 laughs manically.
"SON OF A BITCH. AGAIN?!" SMG4 shouts.
"My gaming chair!" Luigi cries out.
"Aight, fuck this shit I'm out. I don't get paid enough for this." The Toad rolls his eyes and walks off.
"God damn it, SMG3. What the hell are you on about this time?!" SMG4 yells at his doppelgänger. SMG3 gives him a tight smirk. "Well, if you must know. Just this morning, I was logging onto Fortnite for my PS5. I sat down on my couch, but Eggdog and I never achieving the#1 in the Battle Royale like we so deserve. Just when we were about to give up, a brilliant idea... and a gaming chair which really hurt by the way, quite literally smacked me in the face! I realized that if I wanted to win at Battle Royale, I'd need an expert gaming chair to help me to the finish line!"
"So why the hell are you stealing ours?!" SMG4 demanded. SMG3 lowered the mech down so he could stand at eye level with SMG4 and Luigi. "See, I was gonna use the gaming chair that flew into my face, but when I tried to use it, it completely fell apart. I figured, 'bummer, I'd buy one with my own money I get from my brilliant, completely original Youtube content.' But a closer look at the scraps of the chair revealed to me the previous owners. I figured as revenge for giving me a raw deal the first time, I'd let you two redeem yourselves by gifting me a brand new one! Aren't I so kind to you?" He sneered. "No!" Luigi sobbed, "That's not right, SMG3. I was gonna buy that fair and square." Luigi frowned.
"Ha! That's the funny part, when the hell have I ever given a shit about what's fair and square? Now, if you excuse me, Eggdog and I have some Fortnite matches to win!! See ya bitches!!!" Eggdog barks in agreement, and the two rocket off back to SMG3's evil lair.
"No, GET BACK HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I HAVE A VIDEO TO FINISH!!" SMG4 fumed as the mech got further out of sight.
"My chair..." Luigi mumbled.
"Oh, right. AND A FRIEND I HAVE TO AVENGE!!" SMG4 tacked on. He sighed.
"Damn it. Just what we needed.. now we have to deal with this crap. C'mon Luigi. Let's go get your chair back and kick that asshole's butt!" SMG4 turned to Luigi, who looked rather apologetic.
"I'm really sorry about this, SMG4..." Luigi wilted, his previous happiness entirely dashed.
"Don't be. It's not your fault. Now let's go!" SMG4 calls. As they set out to find SMG3 and wherever his current base of operations is, the second phase of SMG3's plan has begun.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
SMG3 saunters in smugly through a room full of computers and wired appliances. When he gets to the end of the room, a melon wearing a beanie, goggles and headphones waits for him. "You're supposed to be really good at the stuff you do. We have an understanding you're gonna help me out, right?" SMG3 starts. He awaits a response from the Melon, who just stares at him. "Perfect!!" He exclaims, "Now to the main event!"
SMG3 takes out his PS5. "Can you give me wall-hacks and aimbot for Fortnite so I can win pwetty pwease!" He looks at the melon with sparkling eyes. After a few seconds, the melon starts to roll away. "Hey what the fuck!? What did I JUST say about helping me out?! DON'T LEAVE A GUY HANGING MELONY I'M DESPERATE!!" He starts chasing after her, but she continues to roll away. "Script Kiddie?! I'm not a Script Kiddie!" He starts to throw a bunch of things around the room at her, computers, mice, wires, but she dodges every single one. "What do you mean this isn't a legitimate use of your talent?!" Melony ignores SMG3's complaints, and rolls into a pile of papers that go flying upon impact, they land in front of SMG3, obscuring his path. As they fall to the floor, and Melony is out of sight, SMG3 stands over them. His anger flares up as the papers spell out "GIT GUD SCRUB."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"...Alright. That is IT YOU JERK! I'm going to kill you and then kill you again!". SMG3 takes out a pistol searching the room which's atmosphere has gotten much more dangerous(???). As he passes by a corridor of computers plugged into an outlet, he hears the sound of a doorknob rattling to his right. He immediately jumps over to where he heard the sound, and as he predicts, Melony is there standing in front of the the door, having attempted to head-butt a book at the doorknob to get out. As she attempts to throw more objects, a dark shadow appears behind her. She slowly turns around to SMG3 looking darkly at her. He slowly points a gun to her head. "You'd better change how you're speaking to me and do what I ask. I don't wanna turn you into fruit salad." He places the PS5 in front of her, "Hack my PS5, OR ELSE!"
Hearing the click-clacks of the laptop keys, SMG3 smiles knowing Melony's getting right to work. "That's more like it." SMG3's smile sinister. "Hopefully you're done being annoying. But just to avoid another outburst..." He snaps his fingers and in a flash his mech appears, piloted by Eggdog. A claw lowers down and SMG3 grabs onto it, holding the PS5 and Melony as they set off to his evil lair. As they cruise through the sky, they're noticed by SMG4 and Luigi down on the ground, in the middle of Toad Town's main pavilion.
Running around the brick flooring of the main area, SMG4 and Luigi stand in front of Toad Town's massive water fountain in the middle of the pavilion. Looking around frantically for any sign of the black overall wearing rapscallion, their eyes gloss over several typical events for the Mushroom Kingdom denizens. Drug pushing... random explosions... Fat Shy Guy pole dancing for cash and several toads annoyed when Minecraft Steve can't help but say "Hi gais!!". After more perusing of the area, Luigi decides that maybe he should look up into the sky. SMG3 did leave in a mech after all.
"SMG4, look!" Luigi points up into the sky. "There he is! ...Why does he have a melon with him?"
"Gamer food, I guess?? But that's not important! We gotta follow him somehow." SMG4 thinks deeply. "How the hell are we gonna do this?" He looks around the town searching for anyway to catch up with his sworn enemy. His eyes thankfully catch on to a sign across the pavilion, next to a line full of people behind it labeled 'Brain Damage Simulator'. He notices a goomba hop into a black cannon pointing directly at a brick wall, who proceeds to get shot out and smacks right into it with a thud. "Bingo!" He smiles mischievously. "C'mon Luigi, I have an idea!" He directs Luigi over to the cannon.
"...Good idea, SMG4! I can use that cannon and forget any of this ever happened so I won't be sad anymore!" Luigi sobbed. SMG4 shakes his head in pity and waves the comment away. "No, not that! We're gonna shoot ourselves directly onto the mech and follow SMG3 that way!" SMG4 grabs Luigi by the overalls and runs to the other side of the pavilion, pushing the both of them to the front of the line. He swiftly shoves Luigi into the cannon and changes it's trajectory from the wall so it aims directly into the mech's cockpit.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Ready, aim... FIRE!!" SMG4 yells as Luigi gets shot into sky, screaming as he lands face first into the cockpit, next to Eggdog, dizzy. Eggdog slowly turns to Luigi as he struggles to regain his composure. They meet eye to eye, Luigi chuckling in fear. "Uh... hi doggy..." Eggdog immediately mauls Luigi, who struggles to pull him off. "AHHH MY FACE!! STOP! BAD DOG! BAD DOG!!" Before Eggdog can take one last good bite of his nose, SMG4 lands in the cockpit, crashing down in the middle of the scuffle taking out Eggdog as he lands with a thud.
"T-thank you..." Luigi coughs out from the floor. Helping Luigi up, SMG4 glances at Eggdog now unconscious in front of the mech-suit's control panel, determined. "Alright, let's change this thing's course..." SMG4 walks up and sits on a chair in front of the panels, cracking his knuckles in anticipation. He readies his hands to take hold of the main levers until, "Wait a second. I have no idea how to control this thing!!" All of SMG4's previous ill-fitted determination all but vanishes from his body, his head now completely empty as he gawks at the flurry of buttons and levers in front of him. "Y-you mean you sent us into a mech without knowing how it even WORKS?! We're gonna die!!" Luigi panics. "No, uh. Shit. Maybe if I press this—" SMG4 stammers, pressing and pulling every button and lever in a frenzy. Eventually, a red light starts flashing, and SMG4 prepares to take a breath of relief now that he's actually done something.
"Self Destruct Mode: Activated." An automated voice sounds.
"Shiiiiiit..." SMG4 gulps as an alarm starts going off and red lights start flashing in all parts of the mech. Still hanging from the claw on the outside, SMG3 hears the alarm. "What the hell is going on— oh SHIT." He looks up into the cockpit and sees SMG4 and Luigi, he growls. "Oh, HELL NO." With one arm free, he pushes against gravity climbing back into the mech, somehow still holding onto Melony and the PS5. Once inside the cockpit, he sets her and his console down. "Finish setting this up, I have a plumber I'm about to beat into a blue puddle!" SMG3 directs her. Melony somehow gives him a bombastic side eye, but she does what she's told. As SMG4 and Luigi panic across the room, a voice interrupts them.
"I'm about to kick somebody's ass! You couldn't just leave me alone, could you? SMG3 asks, clearly miffed. "Now we're all gonna die because you knocked out my pilot!" SMG3 stands behind Luigi and SMG4. "You're one to talk! You're the reason we're in this situation in the first place!!" SMG4 yells back. "Who's gaming chair hit me in the face?" SMG3 inquired. "YOU'RE DELUSIONAL!" SMG4 barked. "Waaaah, I'm sorry it won't happen again!!" Luigi frenzied. "Don't apologize to him, dude! It's not even your fault!" SMG4 comforts the panicking plumber.
"Whatever! Get ready to die while Melony and I escape with the aimbot that'll send me right to the top of every lobby along with your stupid gaming chair! C'mon out, Melony!" SMG3 commanded. Sat on top of the The Tic Tac Slick Slack Dick Dack Paddywack Cooler Master, Make Me Faster, Mouse Spamming XYZ Gaming Chair for 24/7 Gamer Guys Gaming Chair, Melony rests having completed added the hacks onto SMG3's PS5. "That melon's alive?!" SMG4 gasps. "That's really bad if she's on SMG3's side..." Luigi says wearily. Melony sits there while SMG3 has a disgustingly smug look on his face.
"30 SECONDS TILL SELF DESTRUCT" the automated voice sounds.
"Well, I'd love to stay and talk about how much of a loser both of you guys are, but I have battle royales to win and a battle pass to complete!" He waves to SMG4 and Luigi before taking out a grappling hook and connecting a propellor mushroom to it, shooting it through the roof of the mech. He rushes to pick up Eggdog, still unconscious from earlier, and sits down on the Gaming Chair, the PS5, Eggdog and Melony all rested on his lap in a pile. He wraps the grappling hook around the headrest, merging it and the propeller mushroom together, replacing the end of the hook with a large helicopter like appearance. The group begin to get lifted out of the mech, with the song "Fortnite battle pass, I just shit out my ass" emitting from the sky like a heavenly choir, leaving the other two plumbers to their demise.
"I just wanted a new chair for my Youtube channel... why does everything have to always go wrong for us?" Luigi sighs, defeated. SMG3 lets out one last evil laugh, placing shades over his eyes, as he floats into the sky. "Finally! One of my heists goes right for once! Isn't that great, Eggdog?" Eggdog, now awake, lets out a weak but happy cough in response. Melony looks down at SMG4 and Luigi, then back at SMG3. She takes a remote from her beanie and presses a large blue button on it.
"BOMB DETONATION IN... 5 SECONDS." A robotic voice sounds from the PS5. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" SMG3 shouts, immediately picking up the PS5 from his lap. "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!" Without enough time to properly dispose of the PS5 turned bomb, Melony pushes SMG3 and Eggdog away; pulling the grappling hook off the gaming chair, sending her and the chair falling back to the mech. As she lands back into the cockpit, SMG3 and his PS5 explode, leaving no trace. If Melony could sigh in relief, she would. She notices SMG4 and Luigi messing with the control panel, very clearly clueless. She throws her remote at the back of SMG4's head to get his attention.
"OW— What was that for?" SMG4 shouts at her. Melony says nothing, quickly hopping on top of the control panel and gets to work. "I-I think she's on our side now!" Luigi says. "Can you stop this mech from killing us with it???" SMG4 asks her frantically. "And save my gaming chair while we're at it?" Luigi adds on.
Melony sets to work immediately taking a screwdriver and opening the overhead panel. She rewires several of the aircrafts components, and pushes several buttons and levers on the cockpit. She works at a fast pace, reaching a rhythm only a true professional would know. As the automated voice counts down slowly from 9, SMG4 and Luigi shut their eyes. Luigi hugs his gaming chair, and SMG4 braces for the explosion. By the count of 4, the mech's lights return to normal and the automated voice slowly powers down before it stops in it's tracks. Melony leans back, proud of her work. She nudges SMG4 and Luigi, who open their eyes, relieved.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Not too soon after the whole ordeal, Melony pilots the mech with SMG4 and Luigi as her thankfully passengers. They direct her from Toad Town Pavilion all the way back to the front of Mushroom Kingdom castle. When she gets close enough, she sets it down before the bridge, which allows those who wish to enter to walk over the moat. SMG4 and Luigi climb down from the cockpit, carrying the gaming chair carefully as they exit from the bottom hatch. Once they get out, they step out onto the bridge. They pause and turn back around to address the fruit who helped them out. "Melony, right?" SMG4 asks. She simply stares down at him, but SMG4 seems to understand. "Yeah, you really saved our asses back there." He chuckles. "Is there anyway we can repay you?" Luigi offers. Melony motions to the gaming chair. "Right, of course." He nods, sheepishly. "I'll refrain from throwing it in a panic from now on." With that, Melony leaves SMG4 and Luigi, piloting the mech far away into the blue sky.
"All that bullshit for a gaming chair..." SMG4 sighed. "At least we got it in the end." Luigi reasoned. "I guess you're right. Now let's get this thing into my room so I can start my new Minesweeper Let's Play!" Luigi beamed. SMG4 groans but then smiles as he and Luigi walk into the castle. However, someplace else in the middle of the ocean, SMG3 and Eggdog float on the surface.
"Whatever, I don't even care if he always ruins my fun! I don't even like Fortnite that much ANYWAY. Should've just fucking played Valorant." A bit of silence passes before he speaks up again. "I swear... I'm going to kick that stupid italian's ass if it's the last thing I do!" SMG3 declares, weakly. Eggdog barks in agreement and licks his face. SMG3 sighs. With nobody there to exchange quips or indulge in his dramatics, he fully accepts his defeat and lays there contemplating his latest and past losses.
"One day, I'll get what I want."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
A/N - And there's the end of Chapter 1 of revamped SMG34: Working With the Enemy! I know, not a lot of shipping yet, but what's SMG34 without the rivalry, the conflict and drama that preceded it? We're gonna have like two more chapters of SMG3 being his loveable villain self, and then we'll catch up to where the first chapter of the original version was, where he confesses. Afterwards, it's gonna be way more different than I had originally planned. Remember to R&R! Or... Vote in Wattpad's case.
P.S. How do y'all like the new cover? Drew it myself! Also, music or no music? I feel like the writing feels more SMG4-like with the addons of music, but if y'all don't like it I can reel it back. (Also don't worry, I know how to write serious moments for when those happen).
Love y'all
🍡🍓 StrawbearyBoba 🍓🍡
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