(Old) The Astounding Execution Of The Plan From Last Episode
Time to post the third part of the four part villains series nobody reads because my SMG34 Fanfiction is the only reason this book is even in the tags lmao.
[Caption: The four evils are in front of the Citrus Kingdom castle, specifically, the Orange quarters and SMG3 and Bowser take it upon themselves to warn the newbies Enzo and XF996 (Now referred to as N, sorry for the change y'all but N is easier than XF996)]
Enzo: "So this is the place we're supposed to be kidnapping a prince from?"
N: "Aww... how quaint! I hope we 'ain't' to weak for this!"
SMG3: "With you on our side, this'll be easy N."
N goes to hug SMG3 but instead SMG3 shoved Bowser in between them and N bounces off Bowser like a trampoline into a wall, cracking it a little.
Bowser: "SOOORRY!!!"
Bowser tries to run over but trips and makes a crack in the ground, it was pretty loud too.
Enzo facepalms
Over on a path on the castle corridors, the trouble alerts two guards.
Guard 1: "What was that!?"
Guard 2: "I don't know, but its probably another attempted break in..."
Guard 1: "Another?!"
Guard 2: "First day on the job?"
Guard 1: "Uh... yeah! Well what are we waiting for, lets go and look for whoever is trying to break in!"
The two Guards start running down towards our villains with large spears in hand
Enzo, grumbling: "Well, if we didn't set off the guards then we certainly did now..."
SMG3: "Well if that's the case we'd better get the hell out of here."
SMG3 starts running towards N and tears him off the wall and they both go into the bushes. Enzo follows suite but uses his birthday canon* to surprise Bowser enough to lift him off the ground cartoon style.
Panicky and whispery, SMG3 remembers the original plan
SMG3: "Wait... guys what are we doing? This is the perfect opportunity! We were supposed to pretend to turn ourselves in remember?!"
N: "Ohhhh you're right!"
SMG3: "And thats why I'm the best villain, I remember everything."
Enzo: "Except how to beat SMG4."
Bowser and N: "Oooh."
SMG3, grumbles: "...Let's just get this plan started..."
N goes out first and calls out to the guards, looking around at the cracks Bowser created when he fell
N: "Ohh guards!! We're over here!!"
Guard 1: "There you scoundrels are!"
Enzo, from in the bushes: "*snorts* Scoundrels..?"
Guard 1 an Guard 2 run towards N, getting ready to skewer him when SMG3 jumps out in front of them
SMG3: "Hold on! Hold on... we're turning ourselves in!"
Guard 1: "Y-you are?"
Guard 2: "Hmm... I don't know about this. It could be a trap."
Enzo walks out with Bowser
Enzo: Come on, really? Would we ever try to fool you guys?"
Guard 2: "Yes."
Guard 1: "Come on!!! I wanna have one successful capture on my record!"
Guard 2 looks at the team of villains and back at Guard 1.
Guard 2, grumbles: "Grrr... don't try anything or I will rip your fucking eyes out."
The villainous group nods frantically with fake smiles, they go along with getting tied up and are led into the prison down below the castle
Enzo: "Wooow, a dark scary ugly dungeon. Something I've seen millions of times..."
Bowser: "I-I know! Its absolutely terrifying..."
N, looking around in awe: "I wonder who those skulls belong to."
Guard 2: "I'll add the four of yours up there if you don't all shut up!"
Guard 1: "Hey, don't be so rude. They turned themselves in to give us an easy workday."
SMG3: "Yeah, he's right! You should be thanking us, not telling us to shut up."
Guard 2: "Argh!"
Guard 1 and Guard 2 shove the villains into a small cramped cell and lock them inside.
Guard 2 turns to walk away and Guard 1 follows along
Guard 2: "If these guys break out and we lose our daily salary I'm blaming you and ONLY you."
Guard 1: "And my defense will be that it was my FIRST DAY!"
As the two guards argue, the villains decide to establish an escape plan.
SMG3: "Okay... the guards are gone. What's the plan?"
N: "Hmm... NO PLAN!"
N immediately busts out the lock and everyone begins to run around the corridors looking for wherever the prince is.
Enzo: "So do you remember anything about this place's interior?!"
SMG3: "Not much, my black eye had obscured most of my sight but I feel like I'll know it when I see it."
Bowser: "I feel like this plan might backfire..."
SMG3: "Oh, please! Since when have MY plans ever backfi—"
*The villains are lifted into a net trap, below them are the guards standing, and the prince in the middle with a somewhat shocked look on his face*
Alistair: "Hmm, you know I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this... uh this early."
SMG3: "Damn it."
*SMG3 looks at Alistair with a massive frown*
Bowser: "Ha."
Alistair: "*sigh* You're stuck in the giant net too, remember?"
Bowser grumbles angrily
Alistair laughs: "Riiiiight... Pomelo."
Guard 2 looks over
Alistair: "Rangpur?"
Guard 1 looks over
Alistair: "Help me take these guys over to the dining room, but hmm.."
Alistair gets a slightly more disturbing smile on his face
Alistair: "...put them in something thats more... restrictive. Clearly ropes just won't cut it."
Pomelo and Rangpur: "Yes sir!"
Pomelo and Rangpur tie up the villains in black rope and chainmail, leading them around with a ball and chain.
Alistair bites his lip: "Uh... thats a little much, but if they can break through that then it'll be quite an accomplishment."
The villains look around uncomfortably
Bowser whispers to them: "I really don't like how innocent he's acting..."
N: "Why's that?"
Bowser: "Hey, us royals need to know about each other. This guy seems innocent and kindhearted, which he is... to an extent."
SMG3: "Why do I feel like I know where this is gonna go..."
Enzo: "Please tell me the CBT he's into is cognitive behavioral therapy..."
Bowser shakes his head, disappointedly: "Nope... its the exact opposite..."
Alistair: "You guys talking about something?"
The villains shake their heads
SMG3: "Nooo not at all!! In fact uh... uh we really like these chains you have us tied in. We could use these... as uh... stuff to kidnap you with...?"
Alistair: "No thanks, I like Dominoes more than Subway."
The villain's faces all go pale
Alistair laughs: "Come on! I'm just pulling your legs! I really just want to hear why SMG3 and king of the fatasses decided to break into my castle for the second time."
N: "Oh right, this happened before hasn't it...?"
Alistair: "Yup."
N: "Oh...well surprise..??"
Enzo uses a birthday blower sarcastically cheers: "Yaaaaay..."
They all walk into the dining room and tie the villains to a tiny chair, way too small for any of them.
Bowser: "Say... this is really uncomfortable..."
Alistair: "That's the point. Now, explain. What's she trying to do THIS time..?"
SMG3: "The usual. Kidnap you for money or something- wait how did you know it was her?"
Alistair: "It's always her. That lady needs a new schtick."
SMG3: "I think she's fine the way she is."
Alistair: "Hmm..."
N: "What is it?"
Alistair: "Well I'm not sure what to do now..."
Rangpur: "Uh, SIR?! I apologize for my anger but OBVIOUSLY we should be putting these four to death for breaking and entering, not once, might I add- but TWICE!"
Pomelo: "Nah. Let's let them off the hook. They practically turned themselves in with that net trap move."
Alistair: "So it's either a quick but torturous death or these guys are let off the hook knowing I could have done worse? I don't know which one's better, they both sound so pleasurable! For me, I mean."
Enzo: "Preferably the one where my head stays intact?"
N: "And the one where I can continue making puns with my best friend without having them be my last words?"
SMG3: "Can you stop saying I'm your best friend in public!? What reputation will I have if people find out I'm friends with an ex-member of the show!?"
N: "Grrr... well, it couldn't get any worse. You're known for failing in every episode you appear in; so this would just be another add-on to the list, but you should be used to it already."
SMG3: "*weeping*"
N: "Exactly. Shut up bitch."
Pomelo: "Um... sir? So uh... outside there's a lady with a big-"
Rangpur: "Dress."
SMG3: "*stops weeping* Sriracha?"
Bowser: "Well, we're screwed."
Alistair: "So that's what the plan was..."
Enzo: "Plan?? What plan?!"
Alistair: "Congratulations, villains! You have just been used!"
The villains look at Alistair like he's insane. SMG3 breaks the silence.
To Be Concluded...
"The Almost Not-At-All Failed Victory!"
About time I updated this, right? Sorry it ain't SMG34 but I like doing other content, plus idk what else to do with my thing atm. Maybe a chapter of SMG3's first video with SMG4's gang? We'll have to see.
!~Thanks for Reading~!
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