EnFM - A Birthday Not Behind Bars?
This is probably the rarest SMG4 ship I've ever gotten requested. I've never even seen it before, so I shall write it just because it seems interesting. Taking some creative liberties with the original request, I will write as best I can!
In the Mushroom Kingdom's prison, there's a man who has just been released after being in custody for 5 years. A blond haired man in a red and black police suit walks down the corridors of villains, checking the names to make sure he has the right one.
"...X, Silent Guy, John Gayham, Villager...." He then stops at cell 213.
Inside, a hand-cuffed man with a messy mustache and blue clothes sat on the ground, facing the other way.
Hearing the sound of his name however, caught his attention, and he turned to the direction the voice came from. Gruff and aggravated, he spoke up.
Main Story
Enzo, aggravated: "What do you want?"
FM, sarcastically: "Aren't you in a good mood today."
Enzo rolls his eyes and looks back at the cell wall
Enzo: "Why are you even here?"
FM: "Nothing much. Just to wish you a happy birthday."
Enzo looks back again, significantly more interested
Enzo: "W-what?"
FM takes keys out of his pocket and unlocks Enzo's cell door
FM: "Happy Birthday."
Enzo: "What is this, some kind of joke?"
FM: "No. You served all your time here. It was a five year sentence for almost ruining Christmas and all your previous murderous exploits."
FM puts his keys back into his pocket
FM: "You're free to go."
Enzo stops and thinks for a second.
Enzo, sighs: "... I'm not leaving."
FM: "We can't keep you here longer than your sentence. You kind of have to leave."
Enzo: "What's the point? Why should I up and leave when I always end up back in this same cell every time?"
FM: "Are you afraid to leave?"
Enzo rolls his eyes: "Wooow, where did you get THAT conclusion from, genius?"
Enzo, dejected: "Every single year, my birthday always goes wrong!"
FM: "Only because you always end up having revenge at the top of your wish list."
Enzo: "What?"
FM: "Think about it. Every year on your birthday, you always came back to try and kill SMG4 and the rest of the gang, remember when you even hired SMG3 to help you?"
Enzo: "I guess I do have some anger issues to work out when it comes to my birthday..."
FM: "'Some' doesn't even begin to describe it, dude. You literally go kill crazy. But it doesn't have to be that way this year."
FM puts his hand out for Enzo to take it, and he helps Enzo off the floor
FM: "Tell you what. How about we throw you an honest to goodness birthday party this year?"
Enzo: "We? What do you mean 'we'?"
FM: "You and I of course. And maybe we could even invite the rest of the gang: SMG4, XboxFan, MCG, MarioMario54321... You remember them, of course."
Enzo in a happier mood: "How could I forget."
Enzo looks down, dejected again: "But there's no way they'd actually come. I mean, I completely betrayed SMG4 and by extension all my other friends when I decided I wanted him dead."
FM laughs: "Please. With how soft SMG4 has gotten with some of his newer friends? You'll be accepted right back in."
Enzo: "Hmm... I'll do it. On one condition of course."
FM: "Lemme guess. No Mario?"
Enzo: "Absolutely no Mario. He's a fun guy, but at parties he can suck my—"
FM: "Profanities in the corridors gives you ten hours of community service, remember?"
Enzo and FM walk together, and when they get outside. FM looks to Enzo with a large grin
FM takes off Enzo's handcuffs
FM: "Welcome back to your days as a free man, buddy."
Enzo: "Thanks, old friend."
FM: "Hey. We're still friends. But I don't wanna see you back in here with the likes of them, now. Got it?"
Enzo: "Got it, got it."
Enzo starts to walk away, unsure of where he's going, but still going ahead. He looks back at FM, who's giving a thumbs up.
Enzo smiles, thinking: "Maybe my birthday won't be such a bust this year after all."
Enzo goes back and brings FM into a, who looks surprised at first. Enzo hadn't done anything that remotely nice and affectionate in years. Maybe he was going back to his old self. Just more off the wall.
"Thanks for believing I could make it right, or whatever.", Enzo says while looking away, blushing slightly. "I hope the others can be as open as you."
FM chuckles in response. "As I said, with how soft he's gotten lately, I'm sure he'll accept you with open arms."
AND THAT WAS IT— I tried my best um ,_, .... As I said I'm not too good with shipping and I tried making it as unique and on brand for me as possible. Hope y'all enjoyed this little rare-pair, and remember to have a great day and stay safe. How do y'all like this format?
Also here's a list of references!
1. The villains named in the Prelude are all classic SMG4 villains from 2011-12!
2. Birthday Freakout wasn't Enzo's first appearance! He actually appeared in previous videos with SMG4 and the gang as a good friend who acted pretty normal and upbeat!
3. Any reference to his previous exploits is part of Birthday Freakout, The Visitor (2014), and Christmas Crazies.
4. Saying SMG4 has gone soft for friends is a reference to how friendship oriented the newer videos are, which wasn't the original SMG4 brand/style. I mean, as soon as SMG4 decided to reaccept Saiko (she tried killing them and Boopkins just for not noticing her) into his modern gang, all bets were off that he wouldn't reaccept Enzo if it was possible.
5. Mario wasn't allowed at Enzo's party because well, look, he ruined it and that caused Enzo to go insane. So it would make sense that Mario should not be there as to not trigger Enzo's murderous urges. Though he'll probably have to work that out if he ever wants to be a friend of the gang again.
Love y'all,
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