Episode 2: "Bet"
(Decided that I'm gonna put a picture of an original page!)
At the Castle inside SMG4's room
SMG4: "..."
Mario and Toad: behind SMG4's chair
Mario and Toad: "HELLO!!!"
SMG4: "AHHHHH!!!!"
SMG4: "Toad! Mario! Don't scare me like that!"
Toad: "Why not??"
Mario: "Yeah why not?!"
SMG4: "I'm planning many scripts for the Bloopers!"
Mario: "If you wanted to work at somewhere quiet this is the wrong place."
SMG4: "It wasn't my fault I got stuck here!"
Toad: "Whats your backstory then??"
SMG4: "Wouldn't you like to know."
SMG4: "I'll tell you what. If you can stay quiet so I can script my videos, then Mario can get spaghetti with my coins and Toad can have me steal Bowser's Justin Beiber magazines."
Mario: "Lets-a-motherfucking GO!!"
SMG4: "Are we clear?? I've been up for like four days straight no breaks to make these scripts perfect so I'm just gonna take a qui-" *THUD*
Mario: whispers "Fuck this being quiet thing! What I need to do is get SMG4's wallet!"
Toad: "Must...sneak... into... Bowser's... LAIR!!"
Mario: "Aw yeah! Spaghetti time!" reaches and grabs SMG4's wallet from his pocket
Mario: "Yes! Toad! Watch the castle! I'm going to get some splendiforous SPAGHETTI!!" runs out the castle
Toad: "Hell no! I'm going to get those magazines!"
Toad sneaks into SMG3 and Bowser's lair
SMG3 and Bowser: talking about their next evil plan
Toad: "This was a terrible plan..."
Toad: thinking "Okay, Toad... you sexy beast. All you need are those Justin Beiber magazines!"
Toad: sees the JB magazines "Oh shit!"
Toad: reaches for the magazines "Oh yes! Come to sexy!"
Toad: "YEAH!"
Toad: whispers "...oh shit"
SMG3: "What was that?!"
Bowser: "I don't know."
SMG3: "Whatever. I'm just going to continue..."
Toad: starts to shuffle around
SMG3: "...wAIT!"
Toad: "Eep!"
Bowser: "Sounds like that annoying bitch, Toad!"
SMG3: "Hey! He's stealing your Justin Beiber magazines!"
Bowser: "OH HELL NO!!"
Toad: "No no no, its not like that at all!"
Bowser: "Bitch I hope the fuck you do you'll be a dead son of a bitch I tell you that!!"
Toad runs out of their lair to the spaghetti store, where Mario is
Mario: "What!? I can't buy it!?"
Clerk: "Sir, I looked up the number you gave me, you look nothing like the man in the photo..."
Mario: "Do you even know WHO you're talking to right now?"
Clerk: "Okay! Fine! Its on the house just don't hurt me!!"
Mario: "Thats what I thought. Nice doing business with you." Mario walks out the spaghetti store to the plaza
Mario: "I wonder if Toad's still at the castle..."
Mario hears screeching the distance
Toad bumps into Mario knocking them over
Mario: "Toad! You're supposed to be at the castle!"
Toad: "No way!"
Mario: "Did you go to get the JB magazines?!"
Toad: "What!? No! Wha- Why would I??"
Mario: "Okay, if you didn't go and take them, then why is there a magazine in your pocket!?!"
Toad: "Uhm....."
Mario: "...Hold the fuck up."
Toad: "What?"
Mario: "If there is nobody at the castle to keep it quiet..."
Toad: "Then SMG4 may wake up! That can't happen if we want our reward!"
[Caption: They quickly run to the castle to see...]
X: *Banging on SMG4's door* "Yo! SMG4! Are you in there?! You said you wanted me to help you with your script??"
FM: "Me too! Don't forget me!"
Peach and the others walk into the room
Peach: "Can't I go one day without a dumbass in my castle?!"
Toadsworth: "That isn't the issue here, Princess."
Luigi: "Yeah! The real issue here is where the hell my brother and Toad are, and why is SMG4's door hella locked??"
Mario and Toad finally intervene
Toad: "Because he's asleep??"
Mario: "Yeah, does everything need a detailed explanation??"
Princess Peach: "Yes."
Mario: "Fine!"
Toad: "SMG4 said if we kept the castle quiet while he takes a break from tirelessly making his scripts, he'd do things for us as a thank you."
FM: "Assholes!" *punches Mario and Toad across the room*
Princess Peach: "If you knew he was tired and making scripts why did you ask him for a favor when you know he was so busy??"
Toad and Mario: "We're naturally born terrible people."
X: "Oh yeah."
Toad and Mario: "How do you keep on forgetting that."
X: "Well, if his door is locked, how are FM and I able to check his scripts?"
FM: "Easy! We find a way to get into his room, and wake him up so these assholes *points at Mario and Toad* don't get what they think they deserve."
Luigi: "How?"
FM: "We break this door down, that's how!"
*FM attempts to punch the hell out of the door but it fails (in the older videos, he could punch and cause massive damage)*
Luigi: "I-is it done?"
Toadsworth: "I don't think so."
FM: "How did I not- It's still there?!"
*FM goes into the emo corner*
FM: "I'm hella strong... yup! I'm FM! FightingMario54321! Its in my name for fucks sake!"
X: "Chill out, FM."
Mario: "You okay?"
FM: "Yeah. Just. Fucking. Fine."
X: "Maybe instead of punching the door repeatedly, you punch it once, with as much force as you can!"
FM: "Thats a good idea."
X: "Gotta be the contrast to your idiocy."
FM backs up to get a running start, and then punches through the door at full force, actively breaking it in half.
FM: "Yes! I proved to myself that I'm strong!"
X: "I mean I always knew you were strong, I just thought you were an idiot."
FM: "Awww! Thanks, best friend!"
Luigi: "Alright, time to wake up SMG4. It's been a few hours right?"
X: "Surely."
Mario: "Damn."
Toadsworth: "You shut the fuck up."
Mario: "Hey!"
Toadsworth: "Master Mario you do not have the privilege to boss me around today."
Toad: "Then why are you still calling him master, idiot?"
Toadsworth: "Talk to your me like that one more time and I'll lock you in a trunk."
Peach: "Hello?? SMG4's dead asleep over here. Time to wake him up."
FM: "Ohhh boy. SMG4 has a bad mood whenever he wakes up."
SMG4: "....ugh....noooo. Five more minutes...."
SMG4: "What the hell... just one day I wanted peace and quiet in this castle."
X: "I think at this point we all know that just isn't possible."
SMG4: "Damn it." *turns to Mario and Toad*
SMG4: "You had one job. One fucking job, and you couldn't even do it."
Mario and Toad: "Uh. Sorry?"
SMG4: "I need a coffee..."
Luigi: "SMG4, don't look now but-"
SMG4: "Wait."
Mario: "I can explain-"
FM: *Falcon punches him out of the building*
Mario: "Shiiiiii-"
Everyone else: *looks at Toad with an evil ass smirk*
Toad: "Oh fuuuuuuu-"
Toad: "Oh God. Oh FU-"
End of Episode Comments:
SMG4: The moral of the story is don't fucking steal my wallet."
FM: "Or make promises you can't keep, I guess."
Mario: "Look dude the spaghetti was irresistible I'm sorry-"
X: "So is my urge to punch you square in your nose but I'm abstaining pretty well."
Peach: "Can we stop it with the forced morals already?"
Toadsworth: "Don't worry Princess I think this is the last episode with one."
Toad: "You a damn lie"
Luigi: "Guess we'll have to see. What does episode 6 have in store for us?"
SMG4: "Let me see... oh god damn it."
Mario: "What happened?"
SMG4: "Its some bootleg War of the Fat Italians shit that just dates this entire series. It was made around the time Leafy, Pyrocynical, Keemstar, GradeAUnderA, and others were at the top of the youtube foodchain."
Peach: "Sooo, 2016?"
SMG4: "Yup."
Toadsworth: "So what your saying is that these comics were in development for two years? AND THEY'RE STILL NOT DONE?!"
SMG4: "Well episode 17 is supposed to be the last one but episodes 15 and 16 haven't been finished yet! These types of comics have infinite ideas!"
FS (Me): "I need to work on my actual comics that the original characters of this story are now a part of."
Everyone else: "..."
Everyone else again: "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?"
Episode two has been completed, but yeah, episode 3 has some major date issues. It was made back in 2016 when the massive LeafyisHere stuff was happening, and disstracks were the big thing. That's why the next episode may not have aged well.
¡~>See You Next Time<~!
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