Sebastian looked tired, wearing a shirt that was a little big on him and messy blonde hair. He sat on the back steps of his house, a cigarette loosely held between his teeth. The morning chill and rain didn't both the slipper wearing teenager, his eyes staring off at the family graveyard nearby. He looked lost in thought, a quiet hum echoing around.
A lighter was resting on his leg, a pack of cigarettes hanging out of his pocket dangerously. Occasionally he'd grab the lighter and flick it on, as if it was a stress ball to him. Maybe it was, or maybe the teen was incredibly bored. Who knew what went on in his reckless, teenage brain...
He suddenly stood, the cigarette dropping ashes. He started walking around the yard aimlessly. He'd never really explored the backyard much. Always the front yard.
The only time he'd be in the back was to stargaze or to look at the graves of past Morans. He hated his family name and yet found comfort in the uncles, aunts, great grandparents, and grandparents he never knew.
Probably because he never knew them. He could make them be sweet people, when he was a kid.
Now they were silent ears to rant to, stoney shoulders to sob on.
It didn't take long for the teen to wander into the woods, cigarette now dropped and gone out. He started exploring, looking in amazement...
...and then he slipped on wet leaves, sliding down the hill with a yell. Bushes, fallen branches, and roots scraped at his body, a sharp branch causing a shallow cut on his forehead. He didn't stop sliding until a gorgeous lake came into view, sliding into that. Now a muddy and wet mess, Sebastian surfaced from the unknown lake, giving a small shout of excitement.
A new place to go when lonely, to see the stars...a safe zone.
Well, he floated along the lake until your muse rushed into the woods, having heard the yells and was concerned.
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