>Setting: Final Destination<
A small device carries me down, seemingly from the heavens, and let's me off at a large floating platform. The platform was colorful, but it had a sinister aura to it, dark, and cold. I take a step forward and look around. The world around me is nothing but darkness, the only light illuminating from the platform itself. The whole place reeks of an unsettling scent. I grip my father's Falchion tightly at my side. Something is off. I feel a slow tingling filter through my body; a tingling that has a cold touch, an unnerving touch.
The place is dead silent. Not a single flap of a bird's wings, not a single whistle of a soft breeze; just dead silence, nothing more nothing less. My unsteady breath is the only sound that reaches my flinching ears.
What on the gods' green earth is this place?
Suddenly, a soft noise echoes throughout. It sounds mechanical, like an clockwork almost. I cautiously take a few steps forward, looking all around. Nothing. What is going on? The clockwork keeps echoing to the point where I'm about to go insane. I can't stand it. I unsheathe my Falchion and scream, "Come at me!" Both of my hands clasp my weapon tightly. The clockwork gets louder, closer. I finally realize it's coming from upwards. I look to the air above.
A small pedestal is slowly being lowered from the darkness above. I squint my eyes to grab a better look. On top is a woman with a long dark green hair and an elegant pearl white dress. In her right hand, I notice, she has a long golden staff with a blue orb on top. Strapped to her left forearm is a blue shield edged with a golden molding.
The pedestal finally stops at the floating platform I stand on. The woman steps off and the pedestal rises back up, vanishing in the darkness.
The woman catches my eyes and I finally get a better look at her. Her eyes are a quiet green, faded but still bold enough to give an intimidating feeling. She has an extravagant civic crown, seemingly made from pure gold, around her head. Around her neck is a large golden necklace that reminds me of the sun. The sun, I really miss it right now. The woman also has gauntlets on both her arms rising to her shoulders, and branching outwards, resembling feathers. She has a leather belt wrapped around her waist with numerous plant-like objects molded from golden stone.
I scoff quietly. This woman possesses more gold on her person than the entire Ylisse treasury!
The woman stares me down, analyzing me like I did her. Her green eyes look me up and down as she holds her golden staff.
But then, something happens. A thought pops into my head. I suddenly get the urge to attack. I suddenly want to attack her. I can tell by the look on her face she wants to do the same. I hold my sword steady and still. I pull it back straight and set my feet. With all the force I have, I lunge myself forward. She places her feet firm and holds up her shield, waiting for my impending attack.
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