The Old Age of Wonder
(I will only be covering the TV movie Absolute Justice)
It was official, Sylvester Pemberton was dead. The Star Spangled Kid, a major player and guiding force behind the JSA was dead. Killed by an unknown enemy that (Y/N) didn't know of just yet. He and Courtney were pulled out of class and informed by the Principal that a tragedy had befallen a neutral family friend and to take the day off and head to the hospital to be informed further.
While (Y/N) wanted to go back to his apartment and do so, Courtney had other ideas. The two were currently at Metropolis General Hospital. Both were decimated when they heard the cause of death, something stabbed into his body, something and made his body plumed to below zero degrees celsius.
"No" Courtney cried as a doctor confirmed the dreadful information they already knew. Saying that someone close to you is dead is one thing, but actually having it confirmed is another. "What do you mean? He can't be dead!" she continued looking up at a Police officer who beside the doctor.
Both had tears welling up as (Y/N) looked at the doctor and officer to give the two sometime. Pemberton wasn't only a great man, he was a leader, a mentor, the uniting force that would one day being the JSA back together.
Courtney rubbed her eyes trying to try her tears, meanwhile (Y/N) did his best to hold back the tide, he was failing. The two continued to walk down the corridor of the hospital, passing a rather tall, muscular black haired man in a suit and tie.
"Are you two alright?" the man asked, he was clearly concerned about the two teens despite not knowing them.
"Does it look like we're alright?" (Y/N) asked as he wasn't in the right place to talk about his feelings to strangers, Courtney however pulled at the boys arm and the two then faced the mystery man.
"Our friend was murdered" was all Courtney could mutter as the strange man seemed to understand.
"I'm sorry" the man replied.
Courtney's eyes welled up even more as she brushed some of her hair from her eyes. "I don't know what to do, I don't know what we're supposed to do" she looked her right at (Y/N) as both felt lost without Pemberton.
"Maybe you two should sit down" the man asked, however both teens noticed the same thing. A name badge on the left side of the mans suit.
'Daily Planet, Clark Kent' this Kent guy was with the press. This Clark guy seemed to notice the gaze the two teens had, as he looked at the badge and back to the teens.
"Knew it" (Y/N) said as anger flared up within. "You people are all alike" he looked towards Courtney who nodded in understanding, both then began to walk away.
"Us people?" Clark asked confused as he followed the two teens.
"The press" Courtney seemed to spit out.
"The press" (Y/N) repeated clearly more angry than she was. "You vultures have done enough to Sylvester over the years, now even when his body isn't even cold you want last blow at him".
"I wasn't looking for a quote I-" Clark didn't even time to finish as Courtney turned around and cut him off.
"Don't, just stay away from us" she demanded as both teens marched out of the hospital exit.
A few minutes later both teens were sitting on a nearby bench, still taking in the info. Courtney was crying into (Y/N)s shoulder while he did the best to comfort her. She was the closet to Sylvester out of the two, he was the one inspired her make her own superhero costume and name. 'Stargirl' was her top pick, though neither he nor she had done actual field work.
"What do we do now?" he asked, his voice blank and trembling, sounded as if he was struggling to get the words out.
"I don't know" was she got out.
It then stayed like that for minutes, her crying into his arm while (Y/N) just questioned what to do. The one thing he did know though, he wasn't gonna let Sylvester's legacy go out like a flame in darkness.
"The staff" Courtney muttered through tears as she pulled back. "We gonna get the staff back" it seems she read his mind.
"I know, but I'll get you some coffee first okay?" he stood up, and held both her shoulders causing her to look at him, her tears dried up slightly "I'm gonna get us some coffee, then we're gonna get the staff back okay. We can't what they did to the others, do to us" she nodded at this and seemed to calm down slightly.
(Y/N) picked himself up and walked to a nearby coffee stand. They needed to get the staff back, the Cosmic Staff was the source of the Star Spangled Kid's power. It would grant the user increased strength and speed, if the user concentrated they could teleport themselves and others, and fire blasts of light from it. It was an extremely powerful Staff, and if the Government realised what they had in their possession, they would desecrate it.
(Y/N) then returned with the coffees and handed one to Courtney who had calmed down completely. While (Y/N) was still angry about that reporter, he had to push those thoughts aside and focus on here and now.
"We need a plan" she spoke looking up at the sky.
"Yeah, I mean we can't just walk into the Police department and steal the Cosmic Staff can we?" he asked as he too looked up at the sky. Whenever the two looked up at the sky, there was just a feeling of hope. That something would fly by and let them know everything would be okay.
Both walked into the Police Department with a plan in mind, wasn't a good plan but it was the best they had. (Y/N) strolled up to the front desk, and brought out those emotions of sadness and anger he felt earlier as Courtney did her best to stay un-noticed, Sylvester taught them a few things.
"I-I-I'd like to file a c-c-case of harassment" he stuttered his way through, the cop behind the desk looked up pulled his glasses off.
"Take a form" he motioned to a stack of papers to the left. "Fill it out, and we'll let you know" he lazily said as he went back to the newspaper he was reading.
'No wonder crime in this city is on the rise' the teen thought to himself. "Listen!" he slammed his hands on the desk, startling the cop making him jump. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Courtney edging into a room gently shutting the door behind. "I have just lost a man, close to me and this reporter won't leave me alone. He followed me around, knock on my apartment I want you cops to do something" this seemed to have little effect on the cop as he seemed more on guard than sympathetic.
The cop shifted in his seat, and (Y/N) could see his hand reach towards a button that probably called in more. "You better rephrase what you just boy, or you'll spend time in these cells" he warned in a tick southern accent.
It didn't matter however as (Y/N) saw out of the corner of his, Courtney had found the Staff and was making her towards him.
"Pig" was (Y/N) remarked as he walked out of the station in a storm, with Courtney following him.
As the two walked the street, Courtney couldn't help but giggle to herself, that giggle turned into a small laugh as (Y/N) looked quite puzzled. "We literally walked into the Police station and stole the Cosmic Staff" she laughed again, to which (Y/N) also smiled seeing Courtney happy.
"We really did, didn't we" he couldn't help but continue to chuckle.
However as the two walked the streets of Metropolis, a man from the side of the street approached them. He was clearly quite concerned, just like Mr Kent was back at the hospital.
"Excuse me, Mr Scott, Miss Whitmore" his voice was that of a demanding and showing of strength.
"Do we know you" Courtney spat out as that more serious mood creeped onto her face once again.
"If I had to take a guess, I'd say that golden rod doesn't belong to either of you" the man was persistent, however the teens continued on their way, through the broken streets.
Courtney chuckled, "Well it belongs to me now"
"Really don't want to get the police involved in this, do you? I mean, it't be a shame to miss your junior prom breaking and entering into police lockup get you more than a slap on the wrist" ah yes jokes about their age, didn't hear enough of those from other members of the JSA. Courtney however had enough, and turned around pointing the Cosmic Staff at this new mystery man. "Whoa, He-hey" he uttered as he held his hands in the air.
"If I were you, don't come any closer or you'll get her version of a slap on the wrist" (Y/N) said as a green ring he had on his left hand slowly glowed.
"Let me just cut to the chase, night lights. Two people were murdered, I'm guessing they were friends of yours" this shocked the teens slightly, their eyes widening.
"Two?" was all one of them could say. As second member of the JSA was killed, they needed to act now.
"I'm trying to figure out who's behind all this, but I need you two, to be straight with me" as the man continued that's when (Y/N) realised who the man was, he was Oliver Queen. One of the richest men in the world.
Before (Y/N) and Courtney could think about talking, a man who seemed to be homeless came in-between Mr Queen and the teens and grabbed hold of the Cosmic Staff. (Y/N) also knew who this man was, the deranged Kent Nelson.
"We help ourselves" Nelson whispered as he took control of the Cosmic Staff and teleported the three of them elsewhere.
It seemed Nelson teleported the two teens into the JSA's headquarters as before them was Carter Hall AKA Hawkman. And he looked less than impressed that both (Y/N) and Courtney were currently here as he stormed into the room they were teleported into.
"You shouldn't have involved Sylvester's sidekick and Alan's pretender into this Nelson" Carter was always a harsh man. The tough guy of the JSA, the one you would always want in a brawl.
"I'm not his sidekick, I'm his protege" Courtney said as she held onto the Cosmic Staff.
"And I'm not a pretender, I'm his son" (Y/N) said as he made a fist showing off the GL ring.
"You're just a little girl and a little boy" Carter then snatched the Staff from Courtney in an angry manner. "Your stepfather must be worried sick" he told Courtney "Go home, both of you" he then began to walk out of the room still holding the Cosmic Staff.
"Hey listen we read Sylvester's coroner report" (Y/N0 eagerly said as he and she chased after Carter. "His cause of death wasn't bullets but bullets wounds and what appeared to be frostbite" Carter stopped in his tracks. "I know who it is"
"Jack Frosts nippiln at our toes" Nelson called out as everyone in the room knew what that meant.
"Oliver Queen said, that there are two dead" Courtney asked, as both wondered who the other was.
"Wesley Dodds, The Sandman" Carter struggled to get the words out.
"We can't just sit around we have to do something" (Y/N) pleaded, he never met Dodds himself but he knew of his heroics.
"Wesley Dodds, we have to do something" Kent whispered in the background. "What do we do? We have to do something" he repeated to himself.
Carter then turned round to look at the two teens, "Both of you loo at Kent Nelson" both did so, the former doctor was whispered to himself, even if you tried you wouldn't understand him. "He spends most of his days wandering the streets, searching for the secrets of the universe at the bottom of trash cans".
"So, Doctor Fate is incapacitated" Courtney spoke up. "The Sandman and the Star-Spangled Kid, you were their leader, what's your excuse?" both looked up at Carter wanting an answer.
"Excuses, excuses" Kent whispered.
"Please don't make us do this by ourselves, we can't. Or we'll leave it to that other team out there" (Y/N) said, he knew they weren't experienced enough to even start thinking about taking on a real villain. The 'other team' was this small ragtag group of heroes we weren't experienced enough.
This 'team' consisted of this mythical person called The Blur, Green Arrow, speedster, a Cyborg, an 'Aquaman' as the tabloids dubbed him, and they must've had an ally in the Police Department as their images were never really available to the public.
"Oh the kids out there playing hero are hardly a team" Carter scoffed. "Not sure they know how to lace up their own boots"
"Well maybe if you had laced up your boots when Sylvester had asked you to, he might still be alive!" Courtney spitefully spat out at Carter shocking (Y/N) how furious she was.
"Don't waste your breath" Carter then turned his back to them again. "I have enough guilt to last 20 lifetimes" he then began to walk away.
(Y/N) then spoke up, "What would Shiera have done?" he asked pulling out his courage to speak. Even though it was years ago that wound is still fresh for Carter. He looked back at the two, knowing what her answer would be, the same thing everyone in that room wanted;
The four then stepped into the room, the room where the Society would often meet and convene. Tarps covered many of the items in the room, including the round table with the JSA logo on it. Even though he had never seen it in person, his mother would often tell him bed time stories of the JSA. Battles against Eclips, fighting ancient enemies of years past.
Carter looked up at covered painting then turned to the muttering Nelson. "We're gonna need him Nelson"
This spooked Nelson slightly as pulled a bag he was holding to his chest. "No, no" then stepped forward and placed the bag on the table stepping back in a panicked state. "No, no I'm not good enough".
"My morality might have wavered......" Carter spoke like the leader he used to be. "......But yours never did".
This inspired Nelson who then stepped towards the bag, he was slightly twitching as he reached into the leather bag. (Y/N) followed the doctor and looked at him slightly worried.
"You don't realise" Kent's voice seemed to be saner than before, as if he grasped what last bit of sanity he had. "How bradly I wish I could remember, Carter, (Y/N)" he then looked at Carter and then to (Y/N). "I wish I could remember what my life was like before Dr Fate. I think I had a wife" he smiled as he remembered. "Her name was Inza. And I had a family, but I don't know where they are anymore. I scared them away" as her voice drifted off into sadness to which Carter put a hand on Kent's shoulder.
"Not all of them my friend"
"We'll be here to pull you from Fate's grasp" (Y/N) added as he stepped back.
This seemed to instil courage into Kent as he unzipped the bag. As the bag opened the light of Fate shined brightly. Mist began to emit from the bag as Kent pulled out the Helmet of Fate. He held the helmet in both his hands as he stepped away.
"Please, Nabu don't whisper too loudly. Don't show me what could be or not be" Kent then turned the helmet round. "Fate is a fickle thing" Kent then screamed out loudly as the Helmet of Fate wrapped itself around his head. A blinding light then engulfed Kent Nelson as slowly, his clothes were replaced. A golden cape wrapped itself around his body, a blue suit then appeared, as finally Kents eyes were now a faint red glow. He was no longer Kent Nelson, he was now Doctor Fate.
"Greetings Hawkman" the deep voice Fate let out.
"Doctor Fate" Courtney let out as her breath left her.
Carter stepped forward toward a wall, as he did the brown panelled wall slowly folded in on itself. Soon it was separated enough revealing Carter's old Hawkman outfit, helmet, mace, armour and wings.
"It's been a long while since I made someone bleed" he then reached out a grabbed the mace with both hands. He then turned back to the three, while looking down at the mace. "Time to go hunting".
The first part of the plan was simple yet terrifying, learn thy enemy. (Y/N) and Courtney were bait to lure out the villain they suspected of causing the murders. To do this, they were currently suited up and walking down what was known as Suicide Slums. Both suited up as Stargirl and Green Lantern respectively.
While Stargirl looked around, searching for the villain, GL was looking around for a different reason.
"What's wrong, you seem distracted?" Stargirl asked as the two stood underneath a lap-post.
"Nothing you know" his voice drifted off as he could really look at Stargirl without feeling embarrassed.
"I can tell when you're lying, his voice goes higher for a split second" she harshly told him, the two were unaware however that they were being watched, not only by the villain, but by someone else.
"Well, Court-I mean Stargirl I'm not really one to criticise but does your" he then groaned out loud not sure on how to word this.
"Well does my what?"
"Does your costume have to show off so much skin" he finally said which caused him to back away slightly fearing retaliation. This seemed to take Stargirl back slightly as she blushed at his comment.
"Just keep your hormones in check" she told spitefully told Green Lantern as they carried on their merry walk.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" a deep voice called out to the pair, as they both looked up it was one of those new heroes, Green Arrow.
"Us?" Stargirl asked. "What are you doing? Get outta here!" Stargirl held his arms out. At this statement Green Arrow flipped down onto the street.
"Red, white and blue, loud proud to be an American nice" he then looked at GL and scoffed. "Green is more my colour".
"Well at least we're proud to to be something other than ourself" Stargirl shot back at GR.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"We know what kind of her you are Green Arrow, someone who uses their alter ego to get out their darkness. Feeling as if you can get your frustrations out thanks to your other side" Green Lantern got out, he assumption of Green Arrow was made of the many new articles he had looked into about the vigilante. The brutality, the ego, the leadership it was all there and GL could see it.
"Is the masked cheerleader and the walking wardrobe really talking down to me? Where's my friend? Where's Clark?" but before anyone could answer Green Arrows question he was blasted from behind by a blue blast of frost. Green Arrow was knocked to the ground as the area was completely covered in snow.
From from the darkness walked out the villain Stargirl and Green Lantern had been searching for, the one behind the murder. Icicle. "Anyone up for some ice cream?" he arrogantly asked popping a smile.
In réponse Stargirl summoned the Cosmic Staff to her side, while Green Lantern created a medieval spear construct.
"Who are you supposed sweetie the new Star-Spangled Kid?" Icicle asked as he swiftly got behind Stargirl and held a dagger made of ice to her throat.
"It's Stargirl" she answered as she ducked her head downward out of his grasp. "Say Cheese" seeing the opening GL blasted Icicle with a willpower blast knocking him back.
As Icicle dug his feet into the ground, he created an extremely long ice spear which he held in the middle like Darth Maul from that old space movie.
He then charged at the two teens, twirling the ice shard around. GL barley blocked the attack coming his way as Stargirl stood her ground pushing back against the ice themed villain. As they were locked by their weapons, Icicle's free hand moved to GL's face and frost quickly spread across it causing the hero to falter back as he regained himself.
Icicle then went in for a stab at GL but the Cosmic Staff came out of nowhere forcing the ice weapon to the ground. Stargirl then punched Icicle across the face sending him back slightly.
As GL regained his composure he fired a blast of willpower at Icicle which was countered by a blast of ice which caused a small shock wave.
Stargirl then charged in again, flipping over Icicle and hoping to hit him from behind however the villain was faster and blocked the attack. GL then tried to attack the villain while his back was turned. Again however Icicle was faster and swung his ice spear around and whopping GL in the face seeing him to the ground.
Stargirl then engaged the villain again in combat again, both weapons clashing as the other tried to slash the other. As the two weapons met once again, Stargirl was thrown off balance and knocked off balance sent tumbling into a sheet of metal on her butt.
As Icicle charged in trying to stab Stargirl , was met with a green construct shield block his way. The shield was attached to GL's forearm who smirked as his plan working. He then stepped back and reformed the spear and started clashing with Icicle again.
As the two clashed GL used the centre of the construct spear to block an incoming attack. As Icicle tried to push through the green spear, GL smirked again. He zoomed out the way to make way for Stargirl who flipped high in the air channeling energy into the Cosmic Staff and bringing down onto Icicle. The frost themed villain struggled against the unique attack and barley brushed aside.
GL then joined Stargirl's side as Icicle went in for one final stab forward. Green Lantern and Stargirl both stabbed their own weapons forward, the two heroes weapon tips clashed with the tip of the ice spear. Power flowed off the clash in waves as everyone stood their ground as blue, clashed with green which clashed with bright gold. All three combatants were flown backwards, the weapons being knocked from Stargirl's and Icicle's hands meanwhile the construct weapon was smashed.
As everyone rushed to their feet, Stargirl rushed for the Cosmic Staff while Icicle was still recovering. However the villain was faster as he launched several bullets made of ice towards Stargirl. As they did almost hit Stargirl GL brought himself in their path readied to make the sacrifice. Stargirl's face was one of shock was she barley had time register what was about to happen.
However the eventual ice bullets didn't come, as a steel arrow came from nowhere smashing them to bits.
As both teens soaked in what just happened the atmosphere changed, the temperature had returned to normal, Icicle had escaped. Stargirl and Green Lantern looked towards Green Arrow with hatred at what he had done.
"You hooded jerk you just ruined everything" GL said rather angry as he was still slightly shocked at what he almost did.
"We were supposed to get the first Sylvester's killer" Stargirl said with tears forming in her eyes. "He promised us" she added which caused Green Arrow to raise en eyebrow at who she was talking about.
"He who?" he asked in confusion to which GL smirked and looked upwards towards the shadow of a rather large bird flying towards Green Arrow.
"He him" as Green Lantern said that, Hawkman descended on Green Arrow picking up and dragging up across the city. (Y/N) pulled the mask of his face shacking his face. "What do you think Hawkman will do to that jaded jerk?" he did realise that he himself was also dressed in slightly jade but it worked.
"Teach him a lesson hopefully" Courtney whispered as she too pulled off her mask looking at her surroundings. "But it won't be enough, that ice creep got away".
"He did, but now we know what we're dealing with, and now we hit back harder" he said as he ring glowed.
As he turned to face Courtney, he was gonna ask her to teleport both of them back to JSA HQ. What he was met with however was Courtney leaning in and kissing the right side of his check gently. As she leaned back (Y/N) couldn't help but smile.
"That's for for trying to save my life" she said, what (Y/N) was not ready for was her punching him across the left side of his face causing him to groan in pain and look at Courtney shocked.
"And what was that for?" he held his jaw open as it felt like a truck had just rammed into his face.
"That was for using yourself as a shield and not creating one idiot" she retorted as she stabbed the Cosmic Staff into the ground. "Well we teleporting or what?"
He really did hate her sometimes.
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