A New Age of Wonder
As everyone returned to JSA HQ they were surprised to see the reporter Clark Kent standing in the main setting hall. Hawkman landed in the doorway looking at Clark begrudgingly.
"Why did you bring me here?" Clark asked Carter turning to face him.
"Doctor Fate says you're a big deal, I don't see it" Carter then held the mace in his two hands.
Doctor Fate himself the stepped out of the shadows, his glowing red eyes scanning the room, "Clark Kent is not like the others" the deep voice of Fate commented stepping into the light. "His path is righteous" he finished.
"If Doctor Fate says he's okay, that means he's okay right?" Stargirl asked with her mask back on stepping forward.
(Y/N) was also wearing his GL mask stepped towards the table, "Doctor Fate can see glimpses into someones future, he speaks the truth" he leaned his hands onto the covered table looking at Stargirl then to Clark.
"Why have you been watching us?" when Clark said 'us' he meant the team he was on. According to Fate, Clark was the mysterious hero known as the Blur.
"Sylvester wanted to bring together a new Justice Society" Stargirl answered walking over to Fate. "One with the surviving members and us new kids" when Stargirl finished with 'new kids' she nodded her head towards GL.
"Sylvester came to me and Courtney and told us everything about the JSA, while found some old photos and documents to do with her step-dad I had no idea. He taught me that this ring was more than a silly wedding ring that I thought it was. He taught us both how to be heroes" he held his ring up to his stomach while his eyes darted between Courtney, the painting and Clark as he spoke.
"It wouldn't have worked (Y/N)" Carter spoke harshly and everyones attention turned to him. "People never learn, this generation will make the same mistakes the last one did, like the one before that" he looked dead at Clark while he stepped closer to him. :Obvious by how you've skipped your homework. You don't even know who we are".
"You don't know who we are either. But none of us here are the bad guys" Clark retorted, before anyone could say anything else, the sound of broken glass and 'whip' could be heard. Everyone looked up at the painting to see an arrow where Hawkman is.
"You sure about that Clark?" everyone looked to see the unmasked Green Arrow, Oliver Queen suited up. "The winged warrior here threw me though a window".
"You deserved it me messing up our changes with taking down Icicle" (Y/N) chimed in stepping forward ready for a fight.
"Oh drop the jewellery, you drop the mace" he said that last part to Hawkman who cracked his neck in response.
"I will, on your head" this seemed to rile something up in Oliver who stepped forward.
"Oh bring it big bird, for the record you started it" Oliver neared Carter.
"I'll finish it" as Oliver came in for a blow, Carter easily ducked out of the way and grabbed Oliver by the throat and slammed him into the table.
"Carter stop" (Y/N) yelled, but Doctor Fate raised his hand indicating to let them continue.
As Carter raised his mace, Oliver brought out a crossbow and pointing it towards Carter's head. As things we're heating up, a new challenger stepped in.
A man wearing a green shirt, with a red X across his chest and a purple drench coat. "I hope its not too late to say, 'we come in peace'".
(Y/N) and Courtney looked at Doctor Fate in surprise that he didn't foretell of this man coming.
(Small Timeskip)
After everyone calmed down, turns out this man's name was Detective John Jones. He was apparently a martian, like an actual martian.
Currently Carter, Doctor Fate and the now unmasked Courtney and (Y/N) stood on one side of the JSA table while the three other heroes stood on the other side.
"This is our responsibility. The people being murdered were our teammates, our friends. Once we find the Icicle well fade back away" Carter said starring at Clark right in the eys.
"We're not asking you too" Clark reposed innocently.
"We just want Justice" (Y/N) said putting a hand on the table trying to keep everyone calm.
"Justice?" Oliver asked stepping forward slamming a hand on the table. "Well, everything we've heard about you guys is a little blurry when it comes to justice".
"You mean what you've read" Courtney chimed in.
"Do you even know who you're working with here?" Oliver cut across. "These old men have criminal records longer than that staff of yours".
"They were set up" (Y/N) slammed a fist onto the table startling the JSA members. "My father spent most of his life in prison, and I barley remember anything about him" Courtney placed a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.
"(Y/N) enough" Carter ordered. "It's none of their business".
"With all due respect" John spoke up. "We're making it out business. Even when I had the power to leave Earth I chose not to, for one reason hope. Hope for the future" he looked towards Fate. "Hope for the future. Humanity's capacity for violence is great but their capacity for hope is greater than any I've ever encountered" this seemed to spark something within the JSA members.
"There's a murderer on the loose" Clark spoke. "And as long as you know something about we're not going anywhere".
Carter decided to tell the story, the story of how the JSA was the original heroes. The ones who stood up against crime, but when the Government caught wind they wanted the JSA working for them. When the JSA said no, the Government caught the members one by one and locked them. How the JSA tried to fight back but to avail.
"I wasn't the leader they thought I was. I made mistakes" Carter finished.
"I've made mistakes but I haven't quit. You're making this too personal" Clark spoke back.
"That is our strength, not our weakness" Carter was being stubborn. Both Courtney and (Y/N) could see it, they weren't equipped.
"Carter please" Courtney got his attention. "There's over a dozen members of the Justice Society still out there, Jay, Ted, Rex. If we don't team up and stop the Icicle he'll go after them next".
"It's obvious you still care about this team" as Clark spoke he looked around at the current JSA members. "If you didn't, you wouldn't have kept watch over all of us".
Carter looked down for a second, taking in everything. "This is a temporary alliance" he said harshly stepping toward Clark.
"Do you have any idea where we can find Icicle?"
"I've got an idea or two" a feminine voice rang out, from the doorway came a woman with short blonde hair and red coat. "Unless this is costumes only" she looked around the room seeing everyone was suited up in some form of super-suit.
"How is it so easy for people to get into the JSA Headquarters?" (Y/N) asked as everyone looked at him for a moment. "Who are you anyway?".
"Our eyes and ears" John answered.
"I have a few possibilities where Icicle might show next. Security cameras caught him at the hospital visiting his father last night, target one. And if he's anything like his father he's gonna need to replenish his abilities with liquid nitrogen. Target Two" she said with a smile.
"Okay know we just gotta find where the nearest nitrogen despot is, any got ideas?" (Y/N) said leaning onto the table looking around for answers.
"No but I can find it. Just need to look at a computer" the woman answered the teen, she then looked at (Y/N). "Got one?" she asked.
(Y/N) walked towards the woman followed by Courtney.
"You're gonna be in for a surprise" the boy said through gritted teeth. He then walked through the corridor. "Didn't catch your name by the way?" he asked the woman.
"Oh it's Chloe. Didn't catch yours?" as the newly identified Chloe asked (Y/N) and Courtney.
"Oh I'm (Y/N), go by Green Lantern"
"And I'm Stargirl, but you can call me Courtney"
As the three entered a new room, (Y/N) took in a sharp breath as he prepared the take off the cover of the JSA's computer. Revealing the computer, he got the reaction he was expecting. A less than impressed one as the computer was a Commodore 64 with spider webs across it.
"I've said for years they needed an upgrade by no" (Y/N) then broad his shoulders. "You kids didn't understand. We did things the old fashioned" he said doing an impression of Carter in a deep voice, it did cause Courtney to giggle slightly.
"Well I can't use this thing, I'm gonna have to use Watchtower" Chloe said as she gently tapped the keyboard, which fell apart at the touch. "Before however I'm gonna see if I can transfer all you're data, onto my servers. That alright?"
"Yeah sure" Courtney answered to which (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. "Hey, you've never gotten this thing to work" again (Y/N) raised his eyebrows even higher. "Okay that one time".
Against this (Y/N) raised two fingers, "Two times Courtney, two times". As he looked at Chloe switching the computer on, he waked backwards out of the room. "I'm gonna go change" he called out going to find his backpack full of clothes.
(Small Skip)
(Y/N) had gotten changed into some of his more casual wear. Jeans, t-shirt the basics. As he re-entered the room where the computer was located, he noticed that Courtney had also changed into some casual clothing.
Chloe then stood up, causing the desk chair she was sitting on to roll back with a bit of force. "Okay after a lot of waiting time I managed to download all your data onto my servers", she then turned to Courtney. "Could you use that weird rod of yours to teleport us to Watchtower".
In response Courtney summoned the Cosmic Staff. "First off it's a staff. Second yeah, just grab hold of it, think of whatever this Watchtower is and I'll do the rest" she then stabbed the staff into the ground. Chloe grabbed hold, meanwhile both of them looked at (Y/N).
"Oh I'm coming" he then also grabbed hold of the Cosmic Staff. "Sorry didn't know if it was girl only thing or not".
In an instant the trio was teleported away.
When they arrived insideWatchtower, (Y/N) and Cortney couldn't believe their eyes. It had two floors, each had dozen of monitors hooked up to highly advanced computers. It was lit by downlight's hanging from the ceiling. With the furniture, but also the highly advanced tech it seemed Chloe had a very retro designer. It had massive window which was shattered, probably due to Carter throwing Green Arrow through it. Chloe was looking over a tablet, flittering through data. Judging by the view from the smashed window, this 'Watchtower' was actually located in a clocktower or something like that.
"Wow, so this is where you guys operate?" Courtney asked as her eyes glazed over the monitors.
"More or less" Chloe answered as the two teens looked at her. "Mostly less" she continued.
"Seems like everything superheroes could want to fight the good fight" (Y/N) said while looking around.
"I feel like it's missing something" Courtney chimed in. "Where are the pictures, or you know a a place to sit down and eat?". This seemed to strike with Courtney.
"Sylvester taught us that the JSA's Headquarters was like a second home for everyone. The environment, friends, spouses. It was like a family. How my mom met my dad, apparently anyway" his voice drifted off at the end,.
"How did you two get involved with the Justice Society?" Chloe asked as she sat down on a red velvet couch.
"Well, um my stepfather Pat....." Courtney then sat down a table while (Y/N) pulled up a chair. "....was Sylvester Pemperton's sidekick years ago. The Star Spangled Kid and Stripesy".
"Stripesy?" Chloe asked clearly not impressed with the name.
"You should've seen the costume" (Y/N) said with a smile remembering how ridiculous he looked in the photos.
"It was like the worst code name ever. I found Sylvester's old equipment and. Well first I put it on just to annoy Pat. But I don't know, the first time I ever saved someone" before Courtney could finish, Chloe did it first.
"You were hooked. What about you?" she asked (Y/N).
"Well after my dad was released from Prison, he found my mom and they had me. Don't remember a lot about my dad he died from cancer when I was young. My mom raised me best she could, working three jobs" the boy looked down remembering what his childhood used to be. "On my twelve birthday my mom gave me my dads ring" he raised his hand showing off his Green Lantern ring. "She told me, it would light my home. Later when I was fifteen after my mom died I started living by myself and these thugs tried to rob me, I freaked and pow knocked em back without knowing what I did. After that, separate from Courtney Sylvester found me and started training me in the way of my father".
"So when did you two meet?" Chloe asked as she leaned back into the couch, this question caused both to chuckle slightly.
"We're exactly in the same high school, even in the same Math class" Courtney held her hand p motioning to (Y/N).
"It was when we both we saw Sylvester waiting for us outside school where we both approached him, that's when first officially met" (Y/N) reminisced about the first meeting.
"We never actually talked before that" Courtney added.
"So you're blood related to JSA" Chloe lazily pointed to (Y/N), "And you're not" she pointed at Courtney.
"Well, family is not just about blood and...." Courtney motioned to the many monitors. "Watching people doesn't make them a part of your life" while Courtney looked up, (Y/N) then stood up with hands in his pockets.
"It's the bonds you share, the memories. I don't know" (Y/N) failed to find the words he meant. "Maybe if you're didn't assemble everything there was a big bad they'd operate better" he added.
"And maybe if you made it little home sweet, and little less nuclear war room?" Courtney finished, it seemed Chloe took this to heart as her eyes darted around.
Suddenly a robotic voice rang out;
"Incoming Communication; Green Arrow" must've been the computer system. The trio then walked towards the closet monitor, it displayed the Microsoft Windows standard blue background, then with swipe of Chloe from her tablet, a video of Green Arrow appeared.
"Hey Oliver you got anything?"
Green Arrow removed his glasses/goggles, "I'm here with my wing man. Did you put the call into Snow Miser?" the jaded vigilante asked.
"I rerouted the call through the hospital and left a message saying his father's condition had taken a turn for the worst. If Icicle has been checking in as often as he has been we should be able to catch him at Met Gen" Chloe answered flashing GR a smile.
"Thanks" was all Oliver had to say as the window showing him closed.
Both (Y/N) and Courtney looked at one another clearly impressed at the technology this team at it's disposal. This was clearly the modern day of heroics, staying connected through technology.
"Now we just sit tight and wait" Chloe turned around to the two, the teens shrugged not knowing what to do now.
"Alright!" (Y/N) exclaimed walking to the double doors he theorised was the exit. "If I know this city, which I'm pretty sure I do, there is a burger joint around the corner and I have not had food in over" he looked down to his watch. "Too long o'clock. Chloe you want anything?" said tech person smiled at the enthusiasm.
"No I'm all good".
"Okay Courtney don't tell me" the boy's eyes looked do the corner as he tried to remember her usual order. "Cheeseburger with two slices of cheese. Onions, lettuce with no tomatoes" he looked at the Stargirl to confirm if her got it right.
"Close" she smiled. "It's no onions, with tomatoes".
The boy smacked his forehead, "Of course, I'll be back in five".
As the teen walked down the endless stairs he came out on one of the front doors of the tower. The city of Metropolis always looked good at night, if you were in the good part of town that is. People were lively, stores and bars open, unaware of the frozen villain that lurked in their mists. The burger joint was a chain, known as 'Big Belly Burger'. There was one in every major city, Metropolis, Gotham, Keystone the list went on.
He strolled into the joint, it was your standard fast food joint, booths, the smell of grease filled the air, and a kid crying because he got the wrong toy with his meal.
"Next please" the underpaid though happy cashier called to (Y/N). He stepped forward prepared to place his order.
Back at the tower.
While Courtney was still amazed at all the tech, Chloe was skimming through the data she downloaded from the JSA's computer. Chloe broke the awkward silence, with an awkward question;
"So, you and (Y/N) together?"
If Courtney had been drinking something she would've spat it out in an instant. Looking quite shocked indeed. "What? Me and him?" embarrassment was clear as day in her voice. "What makes you say that?" she asked twirling a strand of her golden air.
"Well you two seem to get along, you butt heads but it seems to be playful. And I see the way you look at him" Chloe said that last part very teasingly. It was clear that Courtney had taken, almost offence to this notion.
"Yeah no, me him, not in a million years" she was waving her hands around moving her head from side to side. "First off, well-I, you see-" it was clear as day Courtney didn't have an answer why.
"I'm not pushing" Chloe's teasingly tone turned to more suggestive.
"What aren't we pushing?" the voice of (Y/N) called out to the two, in hone hand he held the white takeaway bag. While Chloe was surprised at first but smiled, Courtney however kept her back to (Y/N) as she was blushing.
There was an awkward moment of silence as (Y/N) just looked around the room.
"We aren't pushing Icicle out of hiding" Chloe interrupted as (Y/N) began unwrapping his triple stack burger.
(Y/N) threw the bag containing Courtney's burger to a nearby table where said teenage girl was. "Well what about that scan for the nearest Nitrogen depot?" he asked walking over to the monitor which was initiating the scan, as he finished the boy took a massive bite out of the burger.
"Well Watchtower has located one depot on the East side of the city" Chloe pulled up a keyboard from below a monitor. "I'm gonna contact Doctor Fate and J'onn to investigate" as this, with his mouthful nonetheless, (Y/N) perked up.
He let out sounds which sounded like words but the two women couldn't work them out.
Courtney put her hands on her hips looking unimpressed, "Chew first, talk after" she said sternly. It seemed (Y/N) was terrified of Courtney as he chew on the burger with what seemed like super speed.
(Y/N) then swallowed hard and breathed heavily and went back to what he was saying. "I'll meet them there and intercept Icicle. Been wanting to go another round with that creep" and made a fist as he hoped he'd get his shot. It seemed Chloe liked the teens enthusiasm.
"Go for it" the older woman exclaimed as she typed away. "Do not engage without backup though" with her blessing, (Y/N) grabbed the backpack his suit was in, and prepared to head out.
As he left for the door however Courtney grabbed his arm. "Be carful, please?" she asked. All the teen did was smile at her.
"Aren't I always" he repealed sunning through the double doors, still chewing on his delicious burger.
As Courtney turned around, she was met with a smug smile from Chloe.
"Not.........One.........Word" the Stargirl said with pauses in-between each word.
"Greetings Young Scott" Doctor Fate's deep asked acknowledged as he came around the corner greeting the Lord of Order. (Y/N) was no dressed in his GL outfit, ring glowing bright green.
"Same to you my good doctor. Where is this J'onn guy were supposed to be meeting anyway?" he asked looking around the nitrogen depot.
"Right behind you" the voice of the martian said.
"Surprised scream" this caused J'onn to rise an eyebrow.
"Did you just say the words surprised scream?" the cop asked clearly curious.
"Why yes, yes I did".
The Lord of Order, the Last Martian and the Green Lantern all carefully walked into the depot. J'onn up front, then GL then behind GL Doctor Fate.
All were on their top guard.
As they turned the corner, J'onn pulled out two silver pistols, branding one in each hand. "I appreciate the assist".
"I just want an extra swing at the snowman" GL said his ring brighting up a dark part of the room.
"I'm interested in you, J'onn J'onzz of Mars" Doctor Fat said looking at the martian. "You are not human, but you are forced to be".
The three passed several large canisters.
"I used to have abilities like Clark" J'onn said, it was clear he missed those powers.
"But you sacrificed them to save Clark Kent" as Doctor Fate said that he came to a stop, almost curious on why the martian did so. J'onn came to a stop and turned towards Doctor Fate, (Y/N) stepped to side so they two could look at one another. "You see what I see in Clark Kent but without the aid of the helmet of Nabu. Its magic....." Doctor fate then looked to (Y/N). ".....reveals the fates of people around me". Doctor Fate then began to walk ahead. "I look into the window of the future and witness what might be", Doctor Fate then turned to look at Martian Manhunter.
"But it drove Kent Nelson mad" GL finished. "He saw too many possible futures, he constantly tired to get the best future. While it benefited the JSA, it drove his family away".
"Before your people were destroyed did you have a wife J'onn?" Doctor Fate asked looking down, almost as if Kent Nelson was speaking instead of the helmet.
"And a daughter" J'onn finished.
It seemed Doctor Fate acknowledged this, "You miss your family. As do I, as does (Y/N) here" Doctor Fate nodded at GL in question. "Like you, he lost his family at a young age, but still came out a champion of Earth. You (Y/N) Scott, have a future beside Clark Kent, on the same table he shares with Oliver Queen, Arthur Curry and so many others will sit" suddenly (Y/N) noticed Doctor Fate's stance changed. "We are all in danger" the lights then flickered.
Grunting and a blade noise could be heard in the distance. J'onn raised one of his pistols, while GL followed the Martian with his ring glowing bright. Doctor Fate followed the two, looking at them curiously.
As they turned the corner, passed several other considers they came across the worst sight. A man on the floor, first covered his body, with blood leaking out of stab wound located in his chest.
Upon closer inspection they found another body, same frost, same wound.
"We're too late, he might still be here though" GL said looking around hoping to spot the freeze pop villain.
"It is not your fate to do this day, Martian" Doctor Fate's deep voice said to J'onn. The Lord of Order reeled back his right arm, channeling all his magic into it. He brought his arm forward and before his hand collided with J'onn, the symbol of Fate appeared and hit the Martian.
It seemed a small portal opened up, and magic flowed into J'onn as for a split second he reverted into his true Martian form.
It was a temporary moment however, as J'onn's back hit a nitrogen canister knocking him out with bright magic surrounding his body. GL looked at J'onn's body, then to Fate.
"Fate, Nelson, whatever is coming please will face it together" GL's pleas fell on deff ears as Fate charged up that move again.
"Neither is it your fate Green Lantern" Doctor Fate used the same move again, this time it had a different reaction. Instead of a portal, behind (Y/N) appeared the symbol of the Green Lanterns.
He saw images flash before his eyes, as if he could see lifetimes;
His father meeting his mother
His father's heroics
(Y/N) saw his own childhood, horrible high school memories of Courtney being there to comfort him
The first time he ever suited up, complaining of how tight it was
Himself and Courtney?
A darkness coming for Earth
A coming Crisis
Finally he saw a much looking older version of himself, his outfit looked as if a knight in jade armour. Flying through the skies of a city, saving people.
(Y/N) then flashed back to reality, he was back in his own body only he couldn't move what so ever. He could see from his eyes, only his body didn't obey his commands. He looked up to see Doctor Fate impaled from behind, an ice spear through his chest with blood on the tip.
"You'e been out of the game too long, doc" Icicle said into Fate's helmet. "You're waaaayyyy outta practice" Fate then knelt as life left his body. "Your heyday" Fate then fell to the ground, dead. "But I'm still in my prime".
(Y/N) wanted to scream, call Icicle every word under the sun and bash his body until it was nothing but red sludge. He couldn't however.
The Helmet of Nabu fell from Nelson's body, and the whispering began. The helmet glowed bright gold and it seemed Icicle was hypnotised by the whispers. Icicle picked up the helmet and starred into the eye holes. Icicle could only smile and looked up.
All the while, (Y/N) was still unable to move in his head swearing vengeance and justice.
(Y/N) and J'onn had been taken to a nearby hospital, while J'onn was in a comatose like state, (Y/N) could move his body again. He been discharged rather quickly thanks to a friend of Clark's known as Emil.
As the left the hospital room he was ambushed by Courtney who hugged him instantly. It was cut short however as they had more pressing matters to attend, such as J'onn who was currently being held in a special area of the hospital, again thanks to Clark's friend.
(Y/N) nodded to Clark s the three gazed into the martians room, he was contained in a glass like cocoon to keep him stable.
"Part of me hopes Hawkman finds Icicle first, he'd do what I can't" (Y/N) looked down in remorse at he said. He meant it, but it was one of the only ways retribution will be done. "I know it's wrong, and I shouldn't think that way, but I can't help it" he continued as Clark looked at him, understanding what the teen was going through.
"It is wrong (Y/N)" Clark said, though he knew the emotions. The rage, the fury, that can turn good men cruel, he had seen it before.
"Sylvester taught us that" Courtney added in. "The JSA has always done the right thing and in the end when everything got turned upside down, Hawkman began crossing the line so many times that the line disappeared altogether" Courtney knew what she meant. When you take one life, then another, and another, how can you stop yourself when you don't see it as wrong?
"Then it's up to people like you to make it right. You two are the next generation" Clark was trying to inspire the two teens, all it did was make them smile.
"Sylvester said that too" (Y/N) smiled as he turned to look at J'onn.
"You're a lot like him" Courtney continued.
"When this is over" Clark went on. "Don't let the torch that they kept burning. The one that their literally passed on to you, go out. That does for Sylvester and Alan Scott. Keep the legacy alive, and you keep them alive".
Both teens looked up at Clark, smiling and nodding.
Suddenly Clark held his right ear, nodding as if he someone was talking to him.
"Suit up" he told the two, who gave him a questioning look. "Time us for to rally".
As the three made their way into Watchtower, (Y/N) again dressed in his GL outfit took note of Clark's Blur outfit. It was mainly all black, with a long waist coat, with a t-shirt with a strangely shaped 'S' in bold white on his chest.
Finally stepping through the double doors they were met with Green Arrow and Hawkman standing on the second level.
"How's J'onn?" he asked in his deep vigilante voice.
"There's not much more they can do for him" Clark or should I say the Blur called up to Green Arrow.
Everyones attention then turned to Chloe who walked from behind a staircase, "Then I guess we'll have to wait".
"No more waiting" Hawkman cut off in his deep voice from above. "No more paring off. We should have stuck together from the beginning".
Suddenly the whole room's temperature dropped readily and ice covered the surface. In the centre of the room teleported Icicle. However he was wearing the Helmet of Fate, which was a shade of light blue, but still with red eyes. He immediately turned around and a blue tendril wrapped itself around Chloe's neck lifting her into the air, chocking her.
"Your fate is in my hands" Icicle said, his voice now deep like Doctor Fate. "Or I guess I should say, it's on my head" even in it's deep tone however you could still hear the arrogance.
Icicle let Chloe go, she fell to the floor hard and Courtney went over to check on her. The other heroes then sprang into action;
Clark activated his heat vision, which hit the helmet. The heat vision appeared to do nothing, Clark however kept up the barrage. Green Lantern used his ring to created a mini gun, several green bullets hit the Icicle's body causing him to stagger but stand his ground, GL also kept up the barrage. Hawkman dived down with his mace raised ready to bash Icicle. Green Arrow then fired a steel arrow at Icicle, aimed at the helmet. While all the attacks were going forward, Stargirl flipped forward using the same move she used on Icicle before. She fired a blast from the Cosmic Staff which hit the Helmet of Fate.
All attacks collided at once, Hawkman's mace being the thing that knocked Icicle to the ground, the helmet still on his head however. The ice themed villain let out a grunt, as he jumped up and swiped his hands. A massive shockwave that rocked the Watchtower, knocking all the heroes to the ground.
Stargirl was the first to get to her feet and Icicle noticed this. Both knew she didn't have the Cosmic Staff and due to this Icicle channeled blue power into his right hand. GL tried to make a shield around Stargirl he was however too late.
Bursting from the broken window however came J'onn, pushing Icicle away and standing tall. Icicle landed on his feet and look slightly confused, everyone else in the room looked at J'onn in shock.
"I should've killed you" Icicle said, using finger guns to point at J'onn.
"I'm Mars' sole survivor" J'onn said proudly starring. "There's a reason for that" when J'onn finished it sounded as if there was a sinister undertone to his voice.
Icicle then fired a blue blast at Martian Manhunter. To which Manhunter turned a transparent green and the blue blast phased through him. It seemed the phasing hurt J'onn slightly though he stood his ground. Even was shocked at this revelation, and in the shock Clark fired a quick blast of heat vision at Icicle which caused the villain to stagger backwards.
Stargirl then saw an opening, and made the Cosmic Staff glow brightly. She then whacked Icicle in the chest, again sending him backwards but still on his feet. Green Lantern then used his ring to create several small daggers which he stabbed into the back of Icicle, who then fell in his knees. GL stopped the daggers. Wouldn't be enough to kill him, but it would hurt like hell.
Hawkman then stepped in front of the downed Icicle, his mace at the ready. Icicle looked up at Hawkman his head tilted slightly to the left. Hawkman then bashed Icicle across the head, sending the Helmet of Fate high in the air. As the helmet was high in the air, the room's temperature and lighting turned back to normal. As it descended the helmet also changed from light blue to its standard gold. Hawkman then gladly caught the helmet with left hand starring into the eye holes. Hawkman then gently removed his own helmet and put it on the floor.
Everyone looked at one another, knowing that this Crisis is over.
"I'm sorry about your friend" Clark spoke out to Hawkman.
"So am I" Hawkman responded.
It was done, the Icicle had been dealt with. Hawkman and Clark were currently chatting in the meeting room. (Y/N) and Courtney returned the Helmet of Fate to the glass container.
"All I'm saying is, I did try and make a shield around this time" (Y/N) tried to argue that he had done better this time rather than their first round with the ice man.
"Yeah" she teasingly replied. "But you were still too slow" she said the last part with a bit high squeak to it.
(Y/N) jokingly took offence, "Well, well, maybe next time I'll let the ice villain shoot you ice bullets then, how about that?"
"Come on" she gently punched his shoulder. "I know I was joking besides, I'll always watch your back if you watch mine" to which he nodded at her.
The two turned into the meeting room, seeing Hawkman and Clark speaking.
"Chloe help Courtney locate the remaining members of the JSA" Carter said, it was clear in his voice that he had earned respect for Clark. "Their children, and their proteges, I think the coming generation could stand to learn a thing or two from those of us who have done it before"
"Some of us already have" (Y/N) spoke up walking over to Carter's side, as Courtney joined him. "The Justice Society will live again" the teen boy carried on, the flame of those before wouldn't burn out.
"What do you call your team anyway?" Courtney asked, the question clearly put Clark deep in thought.
"A work in progress" Clark said as he left the JSA Headquarters.
Hawkman then turned to he table and pulled up his seat;
"Now if you two can keep your hormones in check, let's get to work"
Authors Note
Hope you all enjoyed this little story I made, I actually wrote the first part to this last year during lockdown and I just never returned to it. I don't really plan to continue this story, but if you all want might write one or two chapters down the road, about (Y/N) encountering old Smallville enemies or something like that.
I actually watched and finished all of Smallville last year and this 2-parter/movie was one my favourite things to come out of it. Though you wouldn't believe how loud I scream when God Dam Icicle Jr killed Doctor Fate.
Hope You All Enjoyed
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