Confronting the Fears
Warning instances of cursing ahead
Bina looked behind herself to make sure Cato wasn't making any attempts to stop her actions. She knew if Night wasn't there he would have scooped her right up. She silently told herself to thank Night when she meets him once more.
Slipping under the door she ran out into the hall making sure to look all around. No one was around. From the sound of it, all the boys should be in their rooms because of the fight. Logically since no staff were running up and down the stairs she had to assume the ruckus had to have happened downstairs, plus from past experiences, she knew the first floor was the most popular fighting place for the boys. No stairs to avoid and no rooms for the person being jumped to hide in.
The voice in the back of her head told her to stay away from all of this. She keeps screaming at herself to just stay out of it and let the human staff take care of the situation, but...but another side of her Conscience was saying she needed to be there. Friends were always there for friends. If he was shipped off to detention for this she would regret her decision of hiding away like the mouse they all thought she was.
All she could do now was shove the doubts into the back of her mind as she slipped into the wall.
She could hear the commotion from within the wall. Feet spamming down on the ground, things being shoved and tossed around...and worst of all she could hear screaming. Ace's screaming to be exact. What were those staff doing to him?!
Quickly peering out into the dining room she froze at the sight in front of her. Flashbacks from that night with Ace, Casper, and Dolion passed before her eyes. The only difference was there was staff involved this time.
The dining room table was flipped over on its side and there were chairs thrown all over the place. Peering around she could see holes in the wall probably from a metal chair being thrown against it. Looking up a window was shattered to pieces either from one of the boys punching it out or a chair hitting it too. There didn't seem to be any blood present so she prayed it was a chair. Her chest began to tighten from the sight. She knew from her observations the boys were destructive, but with all the time she spent with Ace, she kind of forgot how far he could go.
Two male staff were struggling to hold Ace back as he screamed and tried kicking at them. She was astounded by both the staff's resilience towards him and Ace's strength overall. Both staff were standing on opposite sides of the boy. They had one arm each interlocked with one of his arms while the other arm was used to pin the arms to his side. Both staff had one leg planted firmly behind them while the other was forced in front of his body to prevent Ace from moving. This technique was called a restraint and only used in more drastic situations. Even with the boy's adrenaline running crazy neither staff moved from their position in fear of him going after Casper once more.
"Let go! Let go of me now you bastards!" he screamed towards the staff Bina assumed.
One staff was standing in the room but trying to get two boys upstairs so they didn't interfere. Dolion and Casper.
Bina could tell Casper had a bruise already developing on the side of this face and Dolion had a bloody nose. He obviously didn't care about the injury. He was glaring down the sixteen-year-old with a death stare that said everything, but he still shouted at the top of his lungs back towards Ace. "Come on! I dare you to go after Casper while I'm here!"
Neither of the parties looked like they were going to move an inch and were at a complete standstill, Bina had no idea what to do. If she came running out there the staff would notice her, but if she didn't do anything...
The borrower clung to the wall as she peered out at the sight. All three feelings of adrenaline, courage, and fear rushed through her veins causing her to freeze. What could she do?!
As she peered around the room trying to take in the whole situation, the one thing she prayed wouldn't happen and yet was thankful happened. Ace for a second stopped glaring towards Casper and found his eyes wandering over to the small borrower in the corner of the room. As their eyes meet blood coursed through her body. Images of all this destruction flashed through her mind, but the opposite must have happened to Ace.
As soon as his eyes laid upon her small and frail body she could see regret. He seems to feel bad for scaring her. Probably seeing her body shake and be hesitant all because of him made him snap out of his rage. Ace's body became limp in the two staff's arms. His breathing seemed to slowly regulate back to normal. He stopped yelling and struggling, even his demeanor changed. Instead of fighting the staff, he allowed them to hold him like a limp doll in their grasps.
As his heightened emotions seemed to calm down, Dolion's seemed to replicate the actions. Once Ace stopped yelling and struggling he stopped yelling back. Eventually, a few minutes passed and he even took a few steps back from Casper seeing as the threat was diminished.
The staff member looked towards both Casper and Dolion with a calmer voice. She pointed upstairs and instructed them to walk up. Bina could tell both were reluctant to follow the simple instruction, but they stormed upstairs towards their rooms. Dolion even added to the effect by stomping his feet against every step he touched until he reached his floor.
"I'll bring first aid to your rooms and check you two out in a second!" the staff member said up the stairs as she started to clean up the room.
Once both doors were slammed shut Ace was released from the staff's grasp.
One staff stood in front of him trying to get him to focus. "Do you need any water? Or first aid?"
"No!" he shoved the staff aside, but it wasn't hard enough to knock them down. Most likely an intimidation tactic. Before heading upstairs he gave Bina one last look filled with anger yet concern. She watched as he stormed upstairs towards his room, most likely to take some time as well. When he went out of sight Bina took a deep breath and slumped against the wall not even caring if the staff saw her. She had to take in all of this before she confronted him.
Bina made her way through the walls up to the third floor. She knew the path to Ace's room by heart at this point and didn't even have to think once about the trip, so what she was instead concentrating on the whole time was what she would say. If she was brave she would march right up to Ace and yell at him for his stupidity. That she didn't want him sent away any time soon and this was the perfect way to have that happen. She wanted to say that he was acting like a child and needed to just tell her and the other two what was going on in his head.
The problem with that was she lost her nerve a few hundred feet back. The closer she got to his room the more scared and unsure she became about the actions she was about to take. What if he had a reasonable reason to beat up Casper? Would he was upset with her? What would she even do if he was mad at her? It's not like she could yell back or knock some sense into him.
Every step drew her closer to uncertainty. She started to feel like she did on the very first day she meet Ace. If Ace wanted to do anything to her in his rage she couldn't do anything.
Flashes of the dining room entered her mind swarming with what-ifs. If he had that much anger who says he won't direct it at her...and she was an easier target than Dolion or even Casper. If he could give a bruise to his best friend...what would he do to her?
She couldn't think that way. This was Ace...this was Ace, the same person who about drowned her on their first meeting.
She approached the hole that leads directly into his room. As soon as her feet meet the opening it was like they froze or meet a barrier. Her body wouldn't allow her to walk any further into his room. The images of his fight with Dolion and then the one with Casper seared into her brain and she couldn't stop it. He had enough power and rage to breach a window and make holes in a wall. Where did that power come from? She then thought back to what Night said.
"He mentioned some Bina girl..."
Oh God, he was upset with her.
Peeking inside the room she noticed Ace was sitting on his bed. He had a washcloth over his eye. Maybe Dolion got a good punch in downstairs? He was slumped over barely holding it in place. He was on the edge with his legs almost hitting the floor. He seemed upset. She watched as he smeared the cloth across his eye then, in irritation, threw it against the wall. It wasn't anywhere near her, but the action in itself was nerve-racking. She jumped back a bit and squeaked, before immediately covering her mouth to make sure he didn't hear her.
His head shifted directly up looking towards the walls with a bit of hopefulness and sorrow. "Bina?"
She ducked back into the wall still covering her mouth. Maybe if she was super quiet he would never notice her.
"Bina? Come on. I heard you. There is no point in hiding."
Peeking back out her eyes locked onto his. Her pulse skyrocketed. He saw her. He was looking directly at her. Where would this lead?
"Bina." she heard one more call from him before he laid his back against the mattress. The loudest sigh came from him as his body came crashing down in irritation. She could tell he was filled with confusion and irritation more than anger at this moment.
Taking in one last deep breath she slowly approached the large teen with very hesitant steps. She didn't want to disturb him, but no matter what she was still his friend. She had to know what was going on. Standing on the floor she looked straight up to see the teen unmoving. In this position seeing his figure just laying there, motionless she felt smaller than she really was. Everything felt like it was looming over her and she was nothing. It felt like just his shadow and mear presence could cause her to sink through the floor and disappear forever. Never to be seen again.
She could feel her body shaking. She tried her best to keep calm and stop by telling herself she was ok. None of the boys here would do anything towards her, not even Dolion. At this point, she had to force her voice to say something. Anything. Even if it was just his name. "A-Ace?"
His body shot up like someone spilled freezing water onto his face. He made sure to move his feet up on the bed so he didn't accidentally do something in his startled state. Peering down he could notice the minuscule looking girl shaking like crazy, but not moving an inch from his side. Her eyes dug into his very soul trying to persuade him to watch his actions.
"Um...H-hi Ace." he watched as her eyes went from looking at him straight down to the floor as if she was looking at someone below her. With those three words, she couldn't look directly at him any longer. He couldn't take it any longer. The silence. The cowering. It was like she was a little mouse and he was a cat...and he wasn't trying to be.
"Bina." Reaching down he could feel her body straighten up even more when his fingers grazed her body. It was like she was expecting him to roughly grab her or punish her. It reminded him of a puppy who knew they did something wrong and was waiting for its master to punish them. "Bina. You need to calm down just a bit. You feel like a stick in my hand." Ace scooped her up in his hand then easily adjusted himself so his back was sitting against the head bored but his feet were crossed. Not the most comfortable position, but the best for now.
"Bina? What's wrong?" he brushed her hair as if she was a delicate doll who was about to be broken.
"Yeah ok. I know that's a blatant lie. What is going on?" his finger went from her hair, traced down her face, down to her chin. He could feel her freeze as he forced her head to look up at him. "What's going on?"
"A-are you mad at me? I didn't...ididntmeantomakeyouangryIpromise."
Ace took his finger away from her chin and moved it to her back trying to calm her down. He's never seen her like this. "Hey. Hey. Slow down. Did you just ask if I was mad at you?"
The thirteen-year-old in his hand started to shake her head. A few tears were starting to form at the edges of her eyes and one streaked down her cheek making its way to his hand. He couldn't believe what he was looking at and honestly wasn't sure what exactly to say. He was never one to console another. The most he usually did was make a horrible joke and have people focus on that to get over the sadness. He knew that wouldn't help this situation. Even worse was he could feel her shaking like a leaf. He couldn't bear to see her like this.
"No, I swear I was never angry at you. I was honestly more angry at Dolion and Casper than I was ever at you."
"Why?" she used the back of her hand to wipe away the water on her cheek and clear her eyes.
"They were the ones who went AWOL to come looking for me. I probably would have made it out of here permanently if it wasn't for those dragged you along."
Bina stood up suddenly, she about toppled over from propelling her own body straight up. "No! I was the one who begged both of them to take me out and find you! I even revealed myself once more to Dolion and trusted my life with him just to track your sorry ass down."
Ace gave a slight laugh that vibrated through her body, which caused her to lose her balance and topple over into his hand. Watching her flail down onto her back he felt a bit bad. He extended his finger out to her, so she had something to help her back up. He watched as she looked at his finger with hesitation, but still grabbed onto it for dear life to stand back on both feet.
"Well I hate to say this, but I expected you to try and find me, but those two idiots should have known better than to drag a child out in the world. Anything could have happened to you."
"I am not a child!" she stomped her foot down looking up at him. He could tell she was slowly losing her fear.
"Says the person throwing a tantrum?!" he said with a raised eyebrow.
"I am thirteen. Not a child and-"
"Not the point! Anything could happen to you! I know I act like I don't care but...but I don't know what I would do if you were hurt especially searching for me."
"Well, why did you leave!?"
"I was scared alright!" Ace looked directly at her for a few seconds before looking down at the sheets. "I was told about my discharge date. I'm leaving here pretty soon Bina and I'm scared."
Bina watched as his shoulders slumped and he now began to shake. She could feel the vibrations go through her own body. He was serious.
"I've only known this place," he said pushing his hair back. "They found me a foster home to live at until my real parents get their shit together. I leave in a week."
It all started to click with Bina now. He ran away thinking he wouldn't have to leave. When Dolion and Casper showed up with Bina in their pocket it ruined everything. He was then dragged back here with more restrictions so he couldn't run again. He was frustrated about leaving the one place he hated but was familiar with. Then one of his closest friends shows up to "Help" putting Bina's life in danger. Ace was just acting like a typical child.
"Your... you're leaving me? Again?"
"I have to I'm sorry." Ace said as he pulled Bina close to him. All the truth was crashing down on the two of them. He brought Bina to his chest as he slid down to the mattress. He was holding her...well more pinning her, against his chest with both hands while lying down on his mattress.
Bina could feel the heat radiating from his hands and body. If it wasn't for the both of them having a moment she would have yelled at the teen to release her, because she was becoming extremely overheated, but she didn't want to break him anymore. "Did you know that I'm not the only one moving?"He asked looking down at her and tilting his hands so she could look up. All Bina could see was the bottom of his chin with a sad smile, but that was enough for her right now. She cuddled up against his hand trying to engulf her own body and be lost. "Yeah. I knew for awhile Night and Caro were leaving too. Cato is turning eighteen so it was bound to happen. I just didn't think I would lose the two of you at the same time."
Wow, a lot happened in this chapter between these two, and I ran a lot! We see aside of Ace we don't ever see. We find out even though he's an ornery little shit he is still a scared teenager who can be a bit overprotective. So what do you think will happen with these two? Bina seems to be losing everyone! Ace, Night, even Cato. The only ones left for her are Casper and...Dolion. Frown. Now back to Gabe. Well, two more chapters to go. Oh no! Maybe three.
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