Chapter 1
** This is a sequel to my book "Little Fries". So to understand what's going on, you probably need to read it first if you hadn't already. :)
Also THANKS again to ObsessedwithChance for the GREAT cover!!!
Tim and Jenika had just returned home from a very romantic honeymoon in Puerto Rico. They had called their parents and bandmates to let them know that they had arrived home safely.
The band was planning on taking a couple months off just to relax and rest up before starting to work on their new album.
They had successfully put the ordeal that happened in Alaska behind them. Tim and Jenika, of course, finally got married and Chance was now engaged to his longtime girlfriend Jasmina.
It was a beautiful winter day in Nashville. The sun shone brightly even though the temperature was a rather cold 35 degrees.
Tim and Jenika decided to take Satchmo and go for a nice relaxing drive to the countryside to enjoy the scenery.
As Tim drove, they talked about everything, from their honeymoon, to having a family, to songs that Tim had been working on for the album.
They fell into a comfortable silence. Tim begins to get a headache but didn't want to mention it, afraid of ruining their time together.
His headache became more painful by the minute, he was debating telling Jenika that they needed to cut their drive short and go home.
Jenika was talking about a beautiful log home that she had seen off in the woods. But her voice begins to drag as if in slow motion. Tim quickly looks from the road to his wife. Her mouth was moving very slowly.
His heart begins to beat faster. The sound of his beating heart drowning out Jenika's voice. Soon, the only thing he could hear was his rapid heartbeat getting louder and louder. Then it stopped.
"Maybe we can invite your mom up for a visit before it snows." Jenika says as she looks out her side window.
Suddenly the car runs off the side of the road then quickly veers to the left then back to the right.
"TIM!" Jenika screams as she grabs onto the dashboard after bumping her head on her window.
Satchmo yelps as he falls from one side of the back seat to the other.
The car was swerving all over the road. Luckily there was no other traffic.
"Tim! Stop!" She yells grabbing the steering wheel. "You're going to kill us!"
"NO! Me dwiving, mommy." Tim says. (driving)
"What??!" Jenika asks, her head snapping around to look at her husband.
"Top! Me dwiving." Tim says as he tries to get her hands off the steering wheel. (stop I'm driving)
"Oh sh*t" She whispers to herself.
She tries to keep the car on the right side of the road as she reaches down to push his leg so that his foot slips off the accelerator.
As the car begins to slow, she carefully pulls to the side of the road. She puts the car into park once it came to a stop.
Tim drops his hands into his lap as he begins to cry.
"Oh. My. God." Jenika says softly as she stares at her childlike husband.
"So did they have a good time?" Jasmina asks as she cuddles with her fiance on the couch.
"Oh, I'm sure they had a great time. That's what honeymoons are for." Chance chuckles.
"Where are we going on our honeymoon?" Jasmina asks with a smile.
"I haven't decided yet. Besides, we haven't even set a date yet." Chance says.
"Well, you guys are fixing to be in the studio recording then there will be a tour. Maybe after the tour?" Jasmina asks.
"Or, we usually have a break between the first half and second half of the tour. We can try and plan it then when we know more about the dates." Chance suggests.
"Really!!?" Jasmina says, her voice full of excitement.
"Sure, we usually take a month or two break. That'll give us plenty of time to get married and have a nice honeymoon somewhere." Chance smiles.
Jasmina squeals as she grabs her fiance' around the neck, kissing him on the cheek.
"I need to go start supper." She says getting up from the couch. Giving Chance a quick kiss before leaving the room.
Chance picks up the remote and starts to flip through the channels. He groans slightly and rubs his forehead as he begins to get a migraine.
Jasmina walks to the refrigerator opening the freezer.
"Pork chops or chicken." She mumbles to herself.
There was a moment of silence.
"CHANCE, HONEY, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT?" She calls out again.
"Avi Oli." (Ravioli)
"What?" Jasmina giggles as she walks back to the living room. She stops in the doorway and stares at Chance curled up on the couch.
"Chance?" She asks with a puzzled look.
"Wook. Woadwunna." He giggles pointing to the cartoon. (look, roadrunner)
She places her hand on her chest as she loses her breath. Slowly, she walks over and squats down by the couch.
"Honey?" She whispers softly.
"I want Avi Oli, Mommy. I don't wike chick chick." He pouts. (ravioli, like chicken)
"Oh No." She gasps, slapping her hand over her mouth. She had seen the videos from Alaska. But how could this be happening again? No way could this be happening again.
"Adam Chance. If this is a joke, it's not funny." She says, trying to keep from panicking.
"I hungy, mommy." Chance pouts. (hungry)
"Oh no." She says again placing her hand back over her mouth. It has happened. "What do I do?" She whispers to herself.
She quickly grabs her phone. "I don't know who to call." She cries as she thumbs through her contacts until her eyes see a certain contact. She presses the call button.
"Hello." A quiet female voice answer.
"Jenika! It's happened again." Jasmina cries.
"I know." Jenika sobs.
There you have it! The first chapter.
Please Vote and Comment to let me know what you think.
*~* TIMBO *~*
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