Slow Dance
♡ Chapter Four ♡
Ace's P.O.V.
"Come on, Ace, you're such a slow coach!" Shannon giggles as she runs ahead of me.
"Where are we going?" I call after her, not bothering to catch up with her.
"You'll find out," she turns to me as she runs, but then as she doesn't see where she's going she bumps into a lamppost. I burst out with laughter and she rubs her head. "Not funny!" She pouts.
"Oh, but it is," I say, still laughing. "I wish I could've caught that on camera!"
"I'm glad you didn't," she mumbles.
"So, are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask.
"Fine, we're going to the beach."
"We could just ride on my motorbike," I suggest, "Instead of doing exercise."
"But then we get to spend more time together this way," she replies.
"Exactly!" I exclaim.
"Rude," she frowns, her whole face scrunches up. Ew, definitely not banging that. It's only hot when Oria does it. I mean, it looks worse when Oria does it. God, that girl! I bet she was just jealous. Still, it was hot when she got mad.
I start walking back down the path. My bike is parked in the car park by the mall, which is only a few minutes away. I'm not sure if Shannon is following, but do I really give a shit?
She basically has no personality, she's just a human being. Nothing special.
I walk into the car park and I pull my black hoodie over my head. I spot a girl wearing blue jeans and a salmon tank top. I recognise that outfit, but I wonder where from. There's a guy who looks to be at least 40 walking up to her from behind. His whole face is a wrinkle and he's wearing really baggy trousers and a brown sweater.
I stop and watch. He approaches her and then snatches his hand over her mouth.
Then he walks her over to a car and pushes her in. At this point, I'm running over to them. But he's already reversing, so I run over to my bike and get on. I start the engine and look back to the car which is already accelerating out of the car park. So I accelerate my bike to catch up.
He turns onto the motorway and speeds ahead of me, he probably realised I was following him. Since I'm using my dad's bike, it's pretty old and doesn't go over 90, so I accelerate to the maximum. "C'mon, c'mon," I murmur to myself.
I should just give up since he's going too fast, but I'm not a quitter. I could save that girl's life which is exactly what I'm going to do.
After about 5 minutes of following him on the motorway, he finally turns left and we exit onto another road. I get that I've ditched Shannon, but she's got a phone. She can call her mom to pick her up.
We drive a little more, and soon turn to a neighbourhood. I don't recognise anything here, so I mentally note which turns I took so that I know my way back home.
I'm not paying attention, so I almost crash into his car when it suddenly stops.
I park my bike behind his car and he gets out. I so want to punch that ugly face right now. I get off my bike and we meet up on the path, his face is as red as a tomato.
"What you following me here for?" He scowls.
"Don't play dumb," I warn. "Give. Me. Her."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he shrugs. Then I punch him.
"Give me the girl," I say again, in a more threatening voice. One that I rarely ever use.
"No," he narrows his eyes. "Just leave, I can't afford to waste my time on such an idiotic fool like you. Fuck off, will you."
"I'm the idiot?" Let's see who the idiot is now...
Sierra's P.O.V.
The tears are falling from my eyes like they are ever-lasting waterfalls. I'm trapped. I don't know who this man is and why would he kidnap me like this?
Suddenly, I hear knocking on the window. What was that? My wrists and ankles are tied together and my mouth is duct taped shut, so I have to wiggle to move over to the window. Luckily my hands are tied in front of me so I can somewhat try to open the door using the handle.
Crap, he used child lock.
My only chance of escaping. What if there's another way?
Abruptly, the door swings open. I squint my eyes as they adjust to the bright light. Is that him?
"S-Sierra?" It's a voice that I recognise. My jaw somewhat drops (not really because of the duct tape) as I realise... Ace?!?!
He glances behind him and then leans over to me. I watch him as he peels off the tape which burns as it had ripped off the hairs around my mouth. I breathe in his scent; it doesn't smell like McDonalds and cigarette smoke like it does in the car. I just can't put my foot on it.
"You'll be okay," he whispers. I realise that my cheeks are dripping with tears.
He unites my ankles and wrists and then he slides a pale arm underneath my knees and the other underneath my back. Then he lifts me up and out of the stinky car.
I wrap my arm around his neck and rest my head against his shoulder. Soon, his sweater is soaking wet with my tears.
"Are you alright with bikes?" Then, he asks once I've stopped crying. I'm still sniffing, but I nod and he sets me down. "Sure?"
"H-how else am I going to get home?"
"Using your legs?"
I crack a smile which he returns. He sits down on the motorbike and I follow, sitting very close behind him with my arms wrapped around his waist. I'm not scared...not at all.
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Author's Note...
Next chapter! Was it good... or nah? It's different to what I usually write, but it was an idea in my head and I decided to go along with it. It's a little dark, I know. I mean, this is teen fiction and ofc there will be drama.
Bye bishes ♡♡
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