Slow Dance
♡ Chapter Three ♡
Orianna's P.O.V.
What. The. Heck.
Okay, this is really happening right now. I will NOT allow this to happen right now. That's like, cheating on Sierra! I get that they're not really 'together', but way to crush a girl, Ace. I didn't think he'd be bored of her that fast.
"Oh, hey, Oria," he smirks.
"It's Ori," I correct him with a threatening tone of voice.
"Whatever." The smirk instantly disappears from his face.
"Seriously? You're really ditching Sierra just to hook up with some other girl," I say, disgusted.
"I'm not just some other girl," Shannon says but we both ignore her.
"I'm not hooking up with her," he says slowly.
"Sure," I scoff, "That's real nice, isn't it? If you never wanted to go out with her in the first place, why did you offer?"
"I never said that."
"But it's written all over your face. You're such a jerk, Ace. But go ahead, destroy another girls heart, what should I care? Talk to you never, bastard."
With that, I walk away, not giving a damn about his shocked face. Why is he even shocked? Someone had to put him in his place. And I'm not even finished with him. I've still got a tiny bit more anger in me.
Breathe in... 1, 2, 3. Breathe out... 1, 2, 3.
And hit. Again. Again.
"ORIANNA TRINITY FERN WHAT ARE YOU DOING," my mom screams at me. Nice to see you too, mom.
"STOP IT RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY." And she just had to use that term. Like, I get it, I'm younger than you but you don't have to call me that! Does a lady punch a wall 150 times?
I stop and then the pain comes flooding to my knuckles. I analyse the blood pouring out of the cuts in the skin. Then I look over at the cream wall, where there are dents and a few red marks.
"Come here," mom demands. Hesitantly, I walk over to her. "Sit down." So I sit down on my cream-coloured covers of my bed. "Wait here," she says before leaving my bedroom. She leaves the door open, which means Bunny can come in.
And soon, my dog comes running in and pounces at me. Yeah, my dog is called Bunny. What can I say, it's individual. She bounces all over me, and then sniffs my knuckles, sensing the blood. I snatch away my hands and use my knee to move her off of me.
Mom comes back in with a first-aid kit and sits down next to me. She starts wiping an anti-septic wipe over the cuts and I cringe as it stings.
"Now, Ori, would you like to tell me what happened?"
Sierra's P.O.V.
As soon as the bell went, I walked to my locker and emptied it out. I'm putting my kit in the wash tonight so that it's ready for tomorrow which is PE. I prefer not to wear dirty clothes. Anyway, once I had got it out I shut the locker and then turned to walk down the hallway when I bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, my PE kit has fallen on the floor.
"Watch where you're going, brat," she spits at me. It's that Shannon girl. She just called me a brat?! How am I a brat? Why would she say that?
"I-I'm sorry," I stutter. I go to pick up my kit, when she beats me to it.
"What's in here?" She asks, but instead of waiting for my obvious answer, she tips it out onto the floor. I gasp, watching the contents of my pink adidas bag fall to the white floor of the hallway. "Oops," she giggles, then she turns serious and says with warning, "don't go anywhere near Ace. He's mine."
My throat has tightened up and a tear escapes my eye by the time she's gone. Why would she do that? I have done nothing to her.
And then I realise, she loves Ace. She loves him. I mean, who wouldn't? But going out to that extent, that's just crazy. Thinking back to what Hannah told me, why would she love a player? He would only break her heart. Does she really want that?
I'm now the only one in the hallway, so it's empty and lonely. I pick up my gym clothes and stuff them back into my bag and then I swung it over my shoulder and continued walking down the hall.
Since Ace said he wasn't going to town with me, I don't stop by the big tree. Ori, on the other hand, has already left and I forgot to ask for her number so I'm guessing she's out of the question. I guess I'm just going to town by myself, which I hate doing so because I suddenly became well aware of my surroundings. You never know what could happen when you're on your own. You've heard the stories.
After about a 20 minute walk, I'm approaching the mall. I get out my phone to call my mom and tell her that I'm at the mall. As I dial her number, I see out of the corner of my eye a figure in black. My first thoughts were if it was Ace because he's wearing a black hoodie, but I shake that thought away as he said he wasn't coming to the mall.
I put the phone to my ear and my mom picks up, I'm about to talk to her when the guy puts his sweaty palm over my mouth.
"Don't scream."
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Author's Note...
That ending though! This chapter is shorter than I would've liked, but when I had an idea in my head that was just as I was about to go to bed, so the next morning I completely forgot it! So it's a different ending to what I would've like, nevertheless, who doesn't like a cliffhanger?
Bye bishes ♡♡
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