Chapter 45
"C'mon, just tell me!" Patton pestered.
"Pat, I'm not telling you anything." Virgil said, laughing. "You're smart...ish-"
"Hey!" Patton said indignantly. Virgil laughed.
"Okay but in all seriousness, you're smart." He said. Patton giggled.
"Damn right I am." Patton said. "Came top of the village school when I dropped out."
"Mhm, yeah, very smart." Virgil muttered. "Anyway, you know he's important to the castle. You work it out."
"Virge, him being important to the castle doesn't narrow it down!" Patton said. "Just tell me." He whined.
"No!" Virgil said. "You wanna know so bad, you work it out. Or ask your precious Logan, sure he'd know." Virgil teased, laughing at Patton's face. Patton gave him a shove.
"Low blow, Virge." He muttered. Virgil laughed.
"Well, come on. If he's so smart and knows everyone in the castle-"
"I can't even ask him because A, I don't know where he lives." Patton started. "B, I can't just waltz up to the castle and go 'hey, do you know where that tutor lives? The really hot, tall one?' because he'd lose his job and C, I can't fudging ask him if you don't fudging tell me what your fudging boyfriend looks like!"
Virgil snorted with laughter, blushing. "We're not exactly... I wouldn't really call him... that's not..." Patton grinned at Virgil cheekily. "Don't say a single-"
"So you're not dating yet, then?" Patton asked. He burst out laughing as Virgil shoved him. "I see I've hit a nerve." Patton said, giggling. "So, tell me Virgil, how long have you been pining away after mystery boy? How long, after you met him, have you imagined scenarios where you two are dating?"
"Shut up." Virgil sang quietly. "Shut up, shut up, shut up."
"This is what I will resort to if you don't tell me anything, Virgil!" Patton declared. "So tell me everything!"
Virgil crossed his arms sulkily. "Promise you won't laugh at me?" He asked. "Or tease me anymore?"
Patton shrugged. "We'll see. I can't promise I won't tease you but I won't laugh, swear it." He promised.
"Fine." Virgil mumbled and scuffed his shoe along the floor. Thankfully, in the daylight the gold-leaf Janus had woven through his shoes was harder to see.
"I met him in the woods." Virgil said slowly. "A couple days before the ball."
"When?" Patton asked excitedly.
"Day we heard the announcement about the dance." Virgil said, mumbling again. "And we met at the stupid well in the middle of the woods and then his brother ran up and they left."
"You're not giving me details here, Virgil." Patton said. "What did he look like? What did he say? Is he cute?!"
Virgil glared at Patton. "You've got your guy, let me at least keep mine." He said. "It's not fair that you're always stealing away boys I like."
"Oh, the curse of being the better looking friend!" Patton said dramatically. Virgil gave him another shove. Patton laughed. "You can't overbalance me Virge, face it. I'm too beautiful and too strong to be overbalanced."
Virgil rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. "Whatever." He muttered. "Anyway, yes, I would say he's cute. Happy now?"
Patton blinked at him. "No." He said. "Not at all. Give me the details!"
Don't make they/them Patton half way through the story, it won't make any sense. Don't make they/them Patton half way through the story, it won't make any sense!
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