Chapter 44
"Virge! Virge, Virge, Virge!" Patton yelled, running up to Virgil excitedly. Virgil stepped back to avoid Patton running into him.
"Hi to you too, Pat." He said. "What're you so excited about?"
Patton giggled, pale blush high on his cheekbones. "I met him again." He said. "I met Logan again and he was the cutest thing in the world and-" Patton cut himself off and giggled.
"And?" Virgil pressed. "What happened after the 'and', Pat?!"
Patton giggled again. "Guess." He said, laughing. Virgil looked Patton up and down very slowly. A small smile spread over his face.
"You kissed him, didn't you?" Virgil said.
"Mhm, mhm, mhm." Patton nodded his head. "How'd you guess it first go?"
Virgil shrugged. "When you live a house with a simpering and conventionally attractive step-sister, you get to know how people look after a first kiss."
"You compare me to Thalia?!" Patton asked, faking dramatic outrage. "My good sir, you wound me!" Virgil laughed.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He said. Patton rolled his eyes.
"Anyway, who did you meet?" Patton asked. Virgil choked on air.
"Sorry, what?" He asked.
"Who. Did. You. Meet?" Patton asked slower. "Last night. I know you Virgil, you wouldn't just hang out in the gardens for nothing."
Virgil shrugged. "I didn't want to go to the ball." He said. "Too many people."
"Virge, you're the most social quiet person I know." Patton said. "And you're the one who was dying to go to the ball when Rose announced it. So cut the bullshit, who were you seeing?"
"By-passing the fact that you just swore-" Virgil said. Patton laughed. "I don't have to tell you who I was seeing."
"You may be taller than me but I'm a blacksmith's son, Virge." Patton said. "I'm a lot stronger than you, I could tackle you if I wanted."
"If you could catch me." Virgil said, laughing and giving Patton a playful shove. Patton laughed.
"Oh, okay, Mr Lanky." Patton rolled his sleeves up. "It's on."
Virgil laughed and took off running, sprinting towards the woods.
"Ha ha!" Patton grabbed Virgil and tackled him to the ground, both of them laughing.
"You gonna tell me now?" Patton asked. Virgil laughed.
"Okay, okay, fine."
"Yay!" Patton grinned and got up. He held out a hand for Virgil, who grabbed it and hauled himself up.
"Fine, I did go meet someone in the gardens." Virgil said.
"Yeah, I know. Who?!" Patton asked. Virgil shrugged, dusting his shirt free of soil.
"Just someone." He said vaguely.
"If I have to tackle you again just to get some damn info, I will not hesitate." Patton said, trying to be threatening. Virgil laughed.
"Okay, okay, fine, fine." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Um, he's someone really special at the castle and he's so nice to me." Virgil rubbed the back of his neck. "Makes me feel wanted for once, you know?"
"That's all very sweet, Virge, but what's his damn name?!" Patton asked. "What makes him tick, makes him blush? What do you know about him?! Tell me everything!"
"Pat, chill, I've known him two nights." Virgil said.
"And you're smitten, don't even try and deny it." Patton said, poking Virgil's shoulder. "What's his name?!"
Virgil chuckled and shook his head. "If I tell you, you won't believe me."
"But what if I did believe you?" Patton tried. Virgil shrugged.
"I still wouldn't tell you." He said. "Because I know you too well and you won't believe me."
Yes, Patton swore, please don't yell at me in the comments because of it. He's, like, 16 or 17 in this story, 16 - 17 year olds swear.
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