Chapter 43
"Hey, Ro! Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro!" Remus yelled, capering up to his brother. Roman tilted his head.
Remus pulled the book out of Roman's hands. "Hey!" Roman protested. "No fair!"
Remus laughed and put the book on Roman's head. "Improve your posture, dear brother!" He commanded. Roman shook his head at Remus and nodded his head forward, the book sliding off his head and into his hands.
"Fine, you've got my attention." He said begrudgingly. "What do you want?"
"Did you see them again? The forest sprite?" Remus asked excitedly. Roman turned his head to Remus slowly.
"No, Re. I didn't see them again." Roman said. "But yes, I met him." Remus rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, sorry, bad choice of words, whatever." He waved his hand. "So it's a boy, then? Ro's fallen for a prince rather than the princess. You're the damsel in distress rather than the dashing knight. The-"
"Are you done?" Roman asked. "Or are we just going to sit here all day and listen to you deplete my masculinity?" Remus laughed.
"Big words from the guy with a small co-" Roman hit him in the chest with a book. "Ow! You hit me in the chest!" Remus protested.
"I was aiming for your face, just be glad I can't see." Roman grumbled. "And yeah, it's a boy. At least, he prefers to be referred to as a boy."
"Does the cutie have a name?" Remus asked and narrowly missed another book to the chest. "Hey! Stop trying to kill me, I'm your only connection to the outside world!"
"Wrong." Roman said. He grinned and tried not to laugh. "I've got the forest sprite now, who's much more tolerable and much more well-versed in the outside world."
Remus rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine, fine. But does he have a name?" He pressed.
"Well, he has a way for me to refer to him." Roman said. "But I'm not telling you."
"What, why?" Remus asked. "Ro, tell me." He whined.
"No." Roman said. "If I tell you, you'll go straight into the town and go knocking on every door, looking for him!"
"I wouldn't." Remus protested. "Not right away, anyway."
"No, see, you would." Roman said. "Look, I know you and I know what you'd do and that's exactly what you'd do. And I don't think he'd want that sort of attention."
"But what if he did?" Remus asked.
"He wouldn't!" Roman insisted.
"How d'you know?" Remus asked. "You've known him for two nights."
Roman hugged his elbows. "I don't know how I know, okay Re?" He muttered. "But if not for the forest sprite's sake, for mine? Please? I don't want attention drawn to him. He hasn't even gone into the ballroom yet, he's got to be nervous around company."
"Okay, okay, fine." Remus said. He repositioned himself on the sofa. "How about this? I pinkie promise not to go looking for this forest sprite if you tell me his name." Remus grinned and held out his pinkie finger.
"Re, we're not six again." Roman said, holding back a laugh. Remus groaned.
"Ro, please!" He whined. "I wanna know what this forest sprite did to make you blush so much and I wanna know who he is!"
Roman shook his head. "Fine."
"Yay!" Remus interlocked his and Roman's little fingers before Roman could change his mind. "Now, who is he?"
Roman picked Remus' hand off his. "Promise not to tell?"
"Ro, I don't pinkie promise for nothing." Remus said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Roman tried not to smile. "He's called Vee." He said. "He asked me to call him Vee. And you can't tell anyone, okay Re?"
Remus put his hands in the air. "The power of the pinkie swear binds me to silence."
Remus acting like a little kid is my favourite thing in the world.
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