Chapter 3
12-year-old Virgil stuck up another picture on the wall of his tower bedroom. He'd moved up here two years ago, after being tormented even in his sleep by his step-siblings. He'd wake up soaking wet and freezing cold or try to go to sleep only to find his mattress and covers folded up so he couldn't lie comfortably. It was safer up here, Edin and Thalia never dared the climb.
It was a lot safer up here.
Virgil tried not to look out the window as he buttoned up his coat. He only looked out and up of his window, never down. If he looked down, maybe he'd want to jump down. Or maybe he'd be so scared he'd freeze and fall anyway.
"Virgil!" Darla called up. "It's breakfast time!"
"Coming Miss Darla!" Virgil called, grabbing his shoes and running down the spiral staircase in his socks.
Darla smiled at him as he reached the bottom of the stairs. "You could just call me mum." She said.
"No I couldn't." Virgil thought. "Edin and Thalia would murder me." Instead, he said "I don't mind, really. Miss Darla just sorta fits more comfortably."
Darla laughed and ruffled his hair. "You're an odd boy." She said fondly. "But whatever suits you. Now run along, before your breakfast gets cold."
"I'm going out on another trip." Jason said suddenly. Virgil looked up quickly from his book and Thalia stopped her piano practice.
"Papa, you can't!" Virgil protested. "You're sick."
"Nonsense, Virgil." Jason said. "I'm fine."
"Papa, you're not." Virgil said. His dad might not admit it, but he was getting older and having more trouble doing things he was able to do years ago. He wasn't fit enough to go on another business trip.
Edin tumbled into the room. He never walked like a normal person, Virgil noticed, he always moved with a chaotic energy that scared Virgil. That made him more dangerous.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"I'm going on a business trip." Jason said, standing up as if this would make it final.
"Papa, you're ill." Virgil insisted.
"I've decided to get each of you a gift as this trip will be big money." Jason said, carrying on as if Virgil hadn't spoken. "Edin, what would you like?"
"A tiny little dagger!" Edin said excitedly. A wave of sickness washed over Virgil as he thought of what Edin could and would do with a little dagger.
"Very well. Thalia, what would like, princess?" Jason asked. Thalia looked up at Virgil's dad with the big doe eyes she always put on for adults.
"Can I have a new dress please, father?" She asked.
"Well, of course. Any particular colour?"
Thalia looked at Virgil with a small, poisonous smirk before looking back at Jason. "Purple please, father."
"Of course. And Virgil? Anything in particular you'd like?"
Virgil looked down, playing with his hands. All he wanted was for his dad to come home safe. "Just a water lily, Papa." He said quietly. "You know, like mama used to have?"
Jason seemed to freeze slightly at the mention of Virgil's mother. "Of course, Virgil. I'll depart tomorrow morning."
"A water lily?" Thalia sneered to Edin once Jason had left the room. "What a baby."
"A wimpy flower for a wimpy little demon." Edin laughed. Virgil cringed slightly but kept his eyes trained on his calculations. They knew they were getting to him, no need to give them a reaction.
"Hey, what're you going to do with your dagger when you get it?" Thalia asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Edin said. "Give the little Devil horns to match."
Virgil lept up in fear. "You're not carving horns onto me." He protested. Edin turned his head to look at Virgil.
"Did we talk to you, little Devil?" He asked.
"N-No." Virgil said, breathing heavily. "But you were talking about me and you knew I'd hear. And you're not going to-"
"Don't tell me what I'm going to do!" Edin yelled. Virgil winced. Sometimes the words were more painful than the bruises raised under his clothes. "I'll do what I like, little Devil. And what I'd like is to prove to the world that you're nothing but a twisted little-"
"What's going on here?" Darla asked. Virgil bumped into her legs and jumped away.
"I'm so sorry, Miss Darla!" He said quickly. Darla crouched down next to him.
"Hey, hey, there's nothing wrong. Calm down, Virgil, you're breathing far too fast." Virgil nodded and tried to slow down his breathing. Darla stood up and faced her two children. "Have either of you been mean to Virgil?" She asked.
"No, mother." Thalia said as Edin shook his head. Darla looked at Virgil.
"Virgil?" She asked. Virgil flinched. "Has either Thalia or Edin been mean to you?"
Virgil looked up at Darla. He wanted to tell her the truth. He wanted to tell her about all the torture he'd gone through at the hands of Thalia and Edin. But that would just make it worse for him.
"No, Miss Darla." He lied. "I think someone just dropped something and that made a loud noise. That's all."
WE'LL GET TO THE PLOT SOON, OKAY? Don't rush me, Brain!
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