wrong argument
tw: mentions of abuse, panic attack
sweaering: yes
requested by: unpocolocoo <<<-------- OH YEAH ULTIMATE POGCHAMP RIGHT THERE
like stated before this entire book is and will forever remain platonic. also please leave a request either in the comments or dm's, i appreciate all of you and i love yall sm!! enjoy the story.
not proofread- 1385 words
the day was going relatively well for techno, that was until tommy decided to start drama. "tommy give me my crown back-" techno demanded, but tommy refused. holding the golden item in his hands he backed up against the wall as techno demanded his possession back.
"tommy just give me my damn crown back!" he demanded once again, his monotone voice slipping into anger. "no! you didnt let me watch that movie with you last night!" the younger boy said. "you were trying to hover over my shoulder and watch the movie on my laptop, in my room, too!" he defended.
"well maybe you'd have your crown if you had let me watch the movie!" the gremlin held the crown above his head, trying to stop techno from getting it. "maybe you could just leave me alone and stop causing so much fucking trouble!!" the pink haired boy said, getting very angry.
techno tried to grab his crown from tommy's hands, but tommy jerked his arm the other direction, causing the precious golden item to slip from his hands, they both gasped and techno tried to catch it, but failed. techno's crown crashed into the wall, making gems fall off and part of the medal to shatter. techno's blood boiled. "TOMMYINNTI TO DO YOU SEE WHAT YOUVE FUCKING DONE!?" he scolded. tommy again tried to defend himself. "MAYBE IF YOU WOULD JUST LET ME DO THINGS WITH YOU THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!" tommy also raised his voice.
"YOU CAN JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND STAY OUT OF MY FUCKING PERSONAL LIFE!!" he shouted, grabby tommy by the wrists. tommy wailed and got very flustered and tried to escape techno's grip, "MAYBE IF PHIL NEVER SAVED YOU FROM YOUR ABUSIVE HOUSEHOLD YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO CAUSE FIGHTS WITH ME!!" tommy had just realized what he said, his eyes went wide as he saw techno's expression change, too. "techno i-" the younger started before the older cut him off by forcefully throwing him into the wall, leaving a large dent in the drywall.
techno was at a loss for words, he left his crown where it fell on the floor and bolted for the back door. memories, terrible, horrible memories were flooding the poor boy's mind. spontaneous flashbacks and images were streaming through his mind. he ran through the back yard, his breathing quick, his lungs squeezing inside his chest. he ran until he met the forest off the backyard, he collapsed onto the ground on his hands and knees. he was sweating and his eyes were wide, going into a full blown panic attack.
tommy felt horrible for what he said. he had the wind knocked out of him from how hard techno threw him. tommy found tears in his eyes as he collected himself off the floor, grabbing all the pieces to the crown and bringing them into his room and setting them on his desk. he closed his door behind him and turned the light off, throwing his sorry self onto his bed and crying into the pillow.
both phil and wilbur had heard what was going on from the living room, but they didnt know it was going to be this bad, usually techno and tommy's fights didnt resolve like this. wilbur looked at phil, concern in his expression. phil knew techno was going to have a panic attack, but tommy isnt as easily triggered. phil immediately stood up after he saw techno rush out the back door. "go see tommy, im going to find techno." phil said, wilbur nodded and headed up the stairs to his little brothers room, whilst phil headed out the back door.
phil quickly went down the back yard, finding techno leaned up against the old oak tree that had been there forever. techno had his knees tucked to his chest, slowly rocking himself back in forth as his breaths were fast and unnatural. phil knelt in front of his boy, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. "hey techno... its me, its dad." he said, trying to calm him down a bit. "i want you to do something for me real quick," phil continued, taking techno's hand in his own and rubbing his thumb in circles. "i want you to focus and tell me four things you can see." he finished.
tears were streaming down techno's face, emotion wasn't something he usually showed, but when he showed emotion like this something was wrong. "uh- i see- you, i see trees, uhm.. two more," he whispered the last two words to himself. "i see the blue sky, and a squirrel." he finished through the tears. "good, now tell me three things you can feel."
"i can feel your hand in mine, i feel the soft grass, and the hard bark of the tree." he said, being able to focus a bit more. "very goo! now just one more thing, can you take a deep breath with me and tell me what you can smell?" he asked, still holding onto techno's hand and kept eye contact. "ready?" phil asked, techno nodded stiffly. phil took a deep breath in, to which techno did the same until the final breath out. "i can smell the daffodils." he said. "thats very good techno, thank you." he said, techcno had come out of his panic attack, but he was still crying hard.
phil scooped techno up in his arms, sitting in the soft grass and hugging his boy as he sobbed into his shoulder. "tommy- he-" techno sobbed out, phil softly hushed him, stroking his long pink hair. "i know what happened, techno. you dont have to talk about it if you dont want to." he said. techno dug his head deeper into phil's shoulder, holding onto him for deer life.
"im scared- i dont want to go back there-" techno said, he was still crying, sniffling every once in a while. "you'll never end up back there, i promise. you're safe here with me, techno. i wont ever let anything happen to you." he said. he gingerly rocked them back and forth as they sat in the grass, phil still stroking techno's long, pink hair and whispering reassuring things to him.
when wilbur got to tommy's room, tommy started yelling about what he did wrong and how he needed to fix it. wilbur went and embraced tommy in a tight hug, making him feel secure as he rested in his older brother's arms, soft sobs escaping his lips. "tommy i want you to apologize when techno gets back inside the house." tommy only nodded, resting his head against wilburs chest.
techno and philza eventually came back inside, both their eyes red and puffy. phil feels for all his kids, he would laugh and cry with each of them whenever, and help them through everything he could. tommy and wilbur came down stairs and tommy hesitantly went to techno, wrapping him in a big hug. "techno im so so sorry, it was wrong of me to say and do the things. im so sorry..." he kept repeating those three words, and he hoped that those words were heard.
techno was hesitant but hugged his younger brother back tightly, suddenly needing the comfort from him, too. "thank you for apologizing, tommy- i know you didnt mean it, but please dont ever say anything like that again..." he said. "i wont- ever again. it was so wrong of me-" he said, still crying a but not too much anymore.
the boys made up, and tommy managed to fix techno's crown as best he could, and that night the whole family watched a movie on the couch together. techno was snuggled into phil's side, and tommy was sitting next to wilbur, hugging his arm despite the movie not being scary. a few blankets covered the boys as they all sat on the couch, techno had fallen asleep due to being exhausted from all the crying and panicking.
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