Ranboo (origins 3)
Final origins until we get into the actual one shottssss yayyy (btw the one shots will be based around any time like some could be set before Ranboo comes or Tommy or other combos but I'll always say the time period before)
I'm so excited for this cause I have so many ideas after this one
The patter of gentle raindrops scattered around the families ears, while they longingly stared outside into the cold, rainy pastures. How the children longed to be outside. Wilbur, now ten, and techno, now seven, wanted nothing more than to travel into their favourite place in the forest and play fight, while Tommy, now four, wanted nothing more than to watch them, and rout for techno. He admired his brother with all his heart, and aspired to be just like him as he came of age. But for now, all of this was in hold, due to the mass amounts of rain, dampening the ground and everyone's spirits. Wilbur had suggested they go out into the forest, but techno had pointed out that despite it being fun, he didn't want his robe (which he refused to remove) to get dirtied by the muddy ground. And so the three lingered in a sullen boredom that laced the atmosphere of the fire lit home.
They didn't even have philza to keep them company, who was in l'manberg (I know this makes no sense because Wilbur and Tommy are children but just go along with it for the plot :p) to 'run some errands' which was about how specific they could edge him to be. Tommy made small cries as he pretended to spar a particularly annoying sofa cushion with a stick, presumably trying to impress techno, who was already renowned for his natural pvp and fighting skills, despite never having been taught. He merely practiced himself in a small arena Phil had made him once he discovered his passion for fighting- something which he had discovered when the boy was a very young age.
Phil struggled though the harsh conditions around l'manberg, pushing through the strong wind and rain which battered against him like many tiny pins pricking him from every angle. He felt his ears prick up as he heard a sound he was rather accustom to. The sound of an enderman being harmed presumably by the water. He sighed, feeling mildly sorry for the creature, despite the fact he had slain many. "Poor thing.." he tutted, now making his way to the portal, which was in distant eye line. The sound could be heard again. Closer. This time he looked around, why won't that thing get out of the rain?
The small buzzing continuously filled his ears, as he darted his head around, wondering if he could make a miniature shelter, when suddenly, it flickered in front of him- but this was no enderman- no, this was significantly smaller. He suddenly heard small ender bellows of pain, pushing him to get to work on a small dirt shelter, with the hopes that it would teleport underneath, whatever it was. Soon enough, a small dirt platform was creating a small area where no water could fall. And within seconds, a small figure appeared in front of him, with its hands covering its eyes, balling; its cries emitted small ender hums.
"Hey, hey it's ok, your out of the rain." He instinctively bent down to comfort the small hybrid looking creature. Half of its face appeared white, while the other black, with glinting red and green eyes. Heavy tufts of black and white hair sat upon the creatures head, which was an unheard of trait for an enderman. What could it be? "Can you understand me?" The blonde asked, presuming already it couldn't. And not to his surprise, the creature merely looked up confused, much as technoblade had when he first found him. "Here I'll take you someplace safe until we find your parents." He cooed gently, reaching for the child. It looked up, realising that his great arms were reaching out for him, and recoiled back, petrified, accidentally leaning off the edge of the shelter, causing rain to graze his elbow and arm. It hissed in pain, as it shot back towards philza, arms wide. He picked up the little hybrid, and stood back up.
"Hmm." The man hummed, figuring out his game plan. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and sketched a rough image of the child, before writing 'found' in bold letters, before repeating it below in ender, a language he could partially write in. He planned on using it to communicate with the boy once he had got him home safe. He outstretched his vast wings, this time not to fly, but to shield the child from the harsh rain that damaged his delicate skin. He engulfed the confused hybrid in his wings, before making a dash to the portal. Upon arrival, he pinned the paper to the portal, which was one of the places a lot of people would see it, and hopped through, soon arriving on the other side.
He sped through the nether, not stopping for anything with one mission that was to get home. He found himself soon by the portal he used to return home, and hopped through. "Here we are little one." He smiled, seeing his wooden house and his three beloved children through the window. He opened the rickety door and placed the child down, as he stretched out to shake off his soaking wet wings. "Kids, can you guys come here for a sec!" He called into the living room, shortly followed by the patter of small footsteps dashing to the kitchen. "We have another possibly temporary member to the family." He spoke with a pleased grin latched onto his face. "Oh my god..." techno spoke slowly in surprise. "Another one?! Again?!" Wilbur cried, hardly containing his excitement. "I guess I'm just lucky." Philza shrugged as Tom crawled over to inspect the child.
After everyone had been introduced, Phil took ranboo to the table, and sat him down. He grabbed paper and a pen and began to write in ender to him. He just hoped the child could write yet.
What's your name?
That's a nice name
How old are you, ranboo?
And do you know where your mummy and daddy are?
Do you mind telling me where that is?
I don't know they made loud noises and were gone I tried to wake them up but they were sleeping
Philza looked up at the innocent looking child gravely.
Would you like to stay here?
With you?
Yes please
That's great
Can you not let the blue stuff touch me mister?
The rain?
Of course I can I will keep you safe
Thank you mister
My name is philza
But you can call me dad if you would like to
Ok thank you dad
Do you know how to speak any English?
Is that what they were speaking like?
No I can't I don't understand
I'm sorry
It's ok I can show you how
Thank you
Would you like me to show you where you can sleep?
Yes please
The little boy fidgeted excitedly at this. Philza and the boys showed him around his new home- he had never felt more welcomed anywhere. This was very different to the houses they lived in before. And he loved it. Home.
Wooooo time for the actual one shots babyyyy (you can probably tell I got lazy at the end of this one lol)
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