Braid my hair
First proper story pogggg 😎
So in this, Wilbur is eleven, techno is eight, Tommy is 5 and Ranboo is 5 :)
Wilbur sat in a content manner- one little leg crossed over the other, on an emerald green grassy hill. The hot sun beamed down on him as he smiled to himself while he braided a small plat into the very small child's hair that sat in front of him, who happened to be ranboo, giggling in delight as his relatively short hair was gently brushed into a tiny plat. His midnight black and shimmering white hair dazzled perfectly as it hung into a loose plat, both colours perfectly entwined together like a yin-yang.
Meanwhile, techno watched on from the distance, a look of longing and sadness laced his little red eyes, that began to glint with tears. He wished Wilbur would plat his hair. He desperately clawed at the huge masses of bubblegum pink hair that hung loosely behind his head, trying urgently to copy Wilbur graceful movements, and tie his own hair into the beautiful pattern now displayed on Ranboo's head. Frustration bubbled up inside, almost reaching to the point of spilling over. Why couldn't he do it? Why couldn't he be like Wilbur?
He huffed as he finally gave up, pulling his hands back from his long bushy mass of hair, that was now in a tangled and misshapen plat. He pulled his knees close to his chest and sniffled, it's so unfair. He didn't want to ask Wilbur to do it, that would be embarrassing- yet no matter how hard he tried he couldn't seem to do it himself. He looked down, sighing in defeat, as his now knotted hair flopped down beside his face.
"There." Wilbur confirmed, pulling away from Ranboo. The hybrid giggled merrily as he inspected his new hairstyle. "You like it?" The curly haired brunette asked, the ecstatic child. "I Love it!" The small enderman boy cried as he pulled his older brother into a hug, which hardly surpassed his legs as they both now stood, evidently showing the vast height difference. His tiny black and white tail wagged rapidly side to side as he began hopping around, overjoyed. Wilbur placed his hands on his hips, proud of his doing, and turned away/ that was when he noticed.
The small figure of his younger brother techno, sat in the shade under a large oak tree, with his head hung low, seemingly crying. A look of concern crossed his face- techno never cried? He cautiously approached his sibling, with a hand out, and smiled sympathetically at him as he eventually found himself beside the boy. He sunk down and sat next to him, shocking techno who instantly recoiled away, wiping his eyes and looking down. "What's wrong tech?" Wilbur gently asked, his voice delicately filled with genuine concern and kindness. "N- nothing..." techno huffed, desperately looking anywhere but at wil. He looked up after a few seconds of unexpected silence, to see Wilbur cocking his eyebrow on disbelief at the boys statement. "I- nothing... it's stupid..." he explained, embarrassed, wanting nothing more than for this encounter to be over.
"It's ok techno, you don't have to tell me- but I hope you know that I'm not going to judge you- and it's ok to be upset." He sadly smiled, as techno peaked up from his arms, which was where he had buried his tear stricken face. The pair sat in a solemn, yet bearable silence for a second, until technoblade spoke up. "I- I was just frustrated..." he quietly choked out, causing wils head to peak in intrigue. "What about?" He offered, not explicating an answer. "W- well I- uh..." Dave began, stumbling over his words as he awkwardly rubbed his neck. He took a deep breath before he began, "W- when I saw you doing Ranboo's hair- I- I really wanted it too- s- so I was trying really, really, hard b-but I just couldn't do it, and- and..." he trailed off as tears threatened to fall again, as he buried his face back into his arms, ears drooping in sadness. This is so pathetic. What am I doing?
He was pulled out of his thoughts when Wilbur simply said blankly; "I can do your hair." In a light, airy tone. Technos pig-like ears peaked up in excitement and intrigue as he peered out from his arms, still covering his now red face. "R- really? Y- you will?" He confirmed, in disbelief. "Of course I will techno! I'd love to." He told happily, as techno felt a sense of overjoy. "Here, sit there." His brother indicated to a space in the sun in front of him, which presumably gave him better access to his masses of hair. He stood up, his long robe dragging along the earth behind him as he plopped down in front of the boy.
"Now sit back." He commanded softly, while his pink haired brother obliged without question or hesitation. Wilbur gently pulled out the hair band that already resided in his many locks of hair, as techno shivered from the sudden contact- no one had touched his hair in years. His shoulder relaxed as his brother ran his fingers through his glossy locks, which hung in low curls down his back. "Your hair is so pretty techno." Wilbur squealed, happy that he finally had some long hair to braid. "T- thanks..." he shyly replied, a blush spreading across his face.
As he sat back, Wilbur began working his magic into his hair, delicately replacing strands for strands until finally his long hair hung in a loose plat. The intricate style suited his candy floss hair so well, as small strands hung down the sides. "It suits you so much!" The brunette cried in excitement, while techno held the plat awkwardly. "R- really?" He asked, his true excitement just about seeping into his tone. "Yes!" Wil told, with a huge smile. He was caught off guard, when he felt small hands being wrapped around his waist- and he looked down to see techno holding him in a tight embrace. "Thank you.." he whispered gently into Wilbur's happy yellow jumper. "No problem, I could do it any time, just ask- I could even teach you!" He expressed, technos tail swinging in hyper anticipation for the day he learns to do it himself.
"Do you wanna play warriors with us?" A small voice rung out from behind the pair. Ranboo and Tommy stood readying themselves for a game. "Yeah, why not." Wilbur nodded, as techno shortly followed. The four ran around the grassy hills, not a care in the world; Technos hair flying gracefully behind him as he dashed around, sparring the children with a stick. Philza watched on from the distance, chuckling as he folded his arms. He loved his kids.
Years later
Rain pored. It whipped and lashed at technos war riddled features as he battled through the harsh conditions. He held onto his crown as his cape bellowed behind him, dusting the icy ground. He soon came to an eerily silent landmark, which was surrounded by a menacing black metal fence, with piercing spikes looming on top. He opened the rusting gate, the oranged and rusted hinges squeaked loudly as he pressed it open, granting himself access to the area. "Hey Wilbur." He unintentionally whispered, his voice hoarse. He shuffled over towards a rock. A large rock, with rounded edges and golden words engraved into the front.
Here lies,
Wilbur soot
Loved by friends and family, and never forgotten.
"Please braid my hair." The man croaked out, his voice breaking halfway through, as he dissolved into tears, sitting down in front of Wilbur's grave, as thought waiting for him to braid his hair. He buried his face into his hands. There was no Wilbur this time to sit next to him, to comfort him when all seemed lost and unfair. He was alone. Truly alone...
Why do I do this to myself :,)
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