Chapter two
Harry pov:
Harry woke to a blinding light which made him immediately shut his eyes again. He slowly opened them this time expecting the light and slowly getting used to it. He slowly sat up and looked around realising where he was. The bright white walls of the hospital wing brought back the memories of the night before, he remembered the panic he had experienced and the sensation of falling before his memory went black. He had no clue how he got to the hospital wing or how he survived that fall. As he was worrying about this Madame Pomfrey came from around the corner, she saw that Harry was awake and greeted him asking him how he was feeling.
"I'm okay, nothing hurts, only my head." Harry answered, rubbing his temples as he said this.
"I'll grab some medicine for that after you answer a few questions. Firstly, what do you remember happening last night?" Madame Pomfrey said quietly, sitting in the chair next to Harry's bed. Harry wasn't sure whether to tell the truth or lie, so he decided to tell a half truth.
"Umm I don't remember much, I couldn't sleep so I went out and flew on my broom to clear my head. I think I just blacked out after a while or something, I'm not sure."
"Thank you for telling me that, now I know eighth years are allowed out of bed at any hour but I would prefer that you brought someone with you if you choose to go out again that late. You are very lucky that someone found you and brought you here."
Madame Pomfrey said then muttered to herself "I must remember to recommend that as a new rule to Minnie."
"Okay I'll remember to do that. May I know who found me last night?"
"The person who found you asked to remain anonymous."
"Oh, okay, can I have that medicine now?"
"Of course, Harry." As Madame Pomfrey left the room Harry was left to think about who found him. He didn't have to think hard to realise what happened, that person who had been stalking him had saved him. That would also explain why they asked to remain anonymous, although Harry was still confused as to who they were. He didn't recognise them, he knew almost everyone at Hogwarts, he felt bad for assuming they were out to get him, but what else was he supposed to think? He was used to random people trying to kill him, why wouldn't this person?
"Here you are Harry, now you may go back to your dorm if you like, make sure to rest up for classes tomorrow." Harry downed the pill with some water, screwing up his face at the unpleasant combination of saltiness and bitterness that the tablet seemed to carry.
"Thank you." Harry walked from the hospital wing to the year eight common room. As he entered he saw his two best friends staring him down, Hermione had a worried look on her face while Ron seemed more mad then worried.
"Where have you been?" Hermione said with an icy cold voice that tried to hide the worry unsuccessfully.
"Chill 'Mione, I went for a walk last night and lost track of time, I fell asleep and only woke up about ten minutes ago." Harry lied, he didn't want to worry his friends further, he thought it was better that they didn't know what actually happened.
"Okay, whatever you say bro. Don't go out alone again though, both of us were so worried and we wouldn't want to miss any adventures you get to have." Ron said, relaxing and having a more playful voice by the end. He still held a slightly worried and mad look on his face, Harry knew that there would be consequences if it happened again.
"How about we head down to the hall, it's almost lunchtime, you really slept in Harry." Hermione sounded slightly suspicious as if she didn't believe Harry's story, Harry knew it would be a lot harder to convince Hermione than Ron.
"Um I'm not actually that hungry so..." Harry began to say before getting a harsh glare from Hermione. "Never mind, I'll come"
Draco pov:
Draco hadn't slept. He was exhausted and could barely focus on what his friends were saying. He had spent most of the morning following them around, adding little to their conversations and being in his own small world, being bombarded with his own unwelcome thoughts. A lot of these thoughts involved what had happened last night. The Golden Gryffindor invaded his head, making him worry for no reason. He grew more worried when Potter didn't appear at breakfast, his friends looking around, worried looks on their faces. He tried to focus more on his friends conversation, failing miserably.
When it got to lunch Draco and his friends headed back to the great hall. Draco sat down and grabbed a salad sandwich, looking around he saw Potter back with his friends, laughing and smiling. He also noticed the lack of food on Potter's plate, reminding him of the surprising lightness of the boy. Worry that he had just thought he had chased away crept back in. Not wanting to deal with the thoughts anymore Draco quickly finished his sandwich. "Hey guys, I'm going to go read for a bit in my room."
"All good Dray, see you soon" Pansy replied, smiling and waving as he stood up. Draco headed to his room.
Draco closed his door and sighed. He was planning on going to sleep but he knew it was no use, he hardly ever fell asleep and when he did his sleep was riddled with nightmares that drew him insane. So instead of sleeping or reading Draco took his sketch book and pencils from under the bed. He knew he didn't have to keep them there, he just didn't want his friends to find out he drew. He wasn't sure why he was so afraid, his friends barely ever came into his room, even if they did find out why would they judge him? He didn't know why he hid it, he just did, maybe he wanted a small part of him to stay a secret from his friends.
He mostly drew realism. He especially liked drawing apples, they were very relaxing to draw, the light reflected off them perfectly making them shine, the shininess was fun to translate into a drawing, a nice challenge. He didn't feel much inspiration from apples today though. Instead he was drawn to the small box of incense he kept on his bedside table, he quickly shut his curtains with a flick of his wand, the darkness always helped him with inspiration. He turned on his bedside light and got comfortable, his sketch book lying neatly on his thighs, he lit a stick of incense with his wand, using a spell to making it float in the air. The smoke slowly started to drift up toward him, curling and becoming visible in the light of the lamp. He became hypnotised by the spirals as well as the small dust particles floating in the light of the lamp. He drew what he saw, letting the wisps go around his fingers as he drew with his other hand.
He had been drawing for a while when he heard loud footsteps in the hallway. Out of impulse he slammed shut his book just as he heard his doorknob turn. He felt his heart rate increase two fold as the door was thrown open and slammed shut.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Did anyone notice another ship including Draco that I included in there? Let me know if you did! Hope to get another chapter out soon, no promises though.
Love y'all!
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