Chapter Three
Draco pov:
Harry burst into Draco's room not looking up.
"Huh? Oh. Sorry. I thought this was my room. I'll go." Potter said in a rush, still processing the situation just as Draco was. Looking closer Draco noticed that Potter's eyes were red and irritated and his face was pale. He looked almost as if he were close to tears and had a frustrated and distressed look on his face.
"Are you okay?" Draco wasn't sure why he asked and clearly the Golden Boy was too if the look of confusion he sent Draco's way was any indication.
"Um, yeah, I'm fine." Potter said nodding before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. That was weird Draco thought as he sat watching his incense reach the end of its life. He stared at the small pile of ash that was left, imagining a Phoenix emerge from the ash. He was about to get his book back out to draw it but then he heard a knock at his door.
"Come in!" Draco yelled looking toward the door. Potter peaked his head around with an embarrassed look across his face.
"H-hi again, I was wondering what scent your incense was? I really like it..." The boy has a slight blush on his face as he asked this.
"It makes sense that you like it, it's scent is made of Flutterby Bush extract so it adapts to whatever smell you need at any given moment."
"O-okay, thanks, where did you get them?"
"I was gifted them, I'm not sure where to get them." It felt weird to Draco to be having a conversation with Potter without wanting to kill him. He felt differently towards the Boy Who Lived Twice after the night that he saved him, he was glad Potter didn't know it was him that night, it would be even more awkward if he did.
"Um, thanks for the help, I'll go now." And with that he was gone. Draco didn't feel any inspiration to draw anymore and decided to at least try to get some sleep.
Harry pov:
Harry walked down the hallway to the next door, away from the room he had just barged into and to the room he had been looking for, his own. He closed the door and collapsed onto the bed, he was wondering to himself why he went back to Malfoy's room to ask about the incense. He hated Malfoy, or at least he thought he did, but lately he hadn't been feeling the immense hatred he used to feel when he saw the smirk on Malfoy's face. Instead he felt something else, if he were a touch more naive he might have called it pity but he knew that pity did nothing for anyone and avoided pitying others. So what was this feeling? Sadness maybe, it was similar but a bit different. Maybe he would ask Hermione. As if on cue Harry heard the voice of his bright friend calling his name.
"Harry! Where are you?" She called, sounding impatient and slightly worried.
"I'm just in my room! I'm coming to the common room now!" Harry answered as he opened his door and peered down the hall at his frustrated friend. He rolled his eyes a bit at Hermione's worry but smiled as he walked to the common room. Hermione gave him a hug and he returned it, though slightly hesitant.
"You're getting skinnier Harry, you have to eat more!"
"I do 'Mione you're worrying over nothing. Now, did you need something?"
"I was just wondering if you would want to finish that potions essay with Ron and I?"
"Uh, yeah, sure, of course."
"Great! Let's head to the library then!" Harry followed Hermione to the library where Ron was sitting with a sullen look on his face.
"What's up Ron? You look upset." Hermione sat next to Ron and looked at Harry.
"Harry, this is an intervention. We have both noticed that you have not been eating nor sleeping. When you do sleep you wake up soon after screaming. You need to go to the psychologist, it will do you good!"
"I can't believe you two! I am fine, you are worrying over nothing!"
"Listen, Harry, mate, you need help. We are all suffering from the aftermath of the war but we are doing stuff about it, you need to to."
"What are you saying? Look, I don't want your pity! I'm sorry I'm not messed up like the rest of you, but I handled my emotions with the war already, alone, because I don't need to talk about everything with you two." With that Harry left the library, storming down the nearest hallway. He found his way back to the dorm through mere luck and slammed his door, earning a yell from the person in the room.
"Not again!" Harry yelled as he stared at Malfoy's surprised face. "I swear I don't do this on purpose, it must be magic or something." Harry left and slammed the door to his own room throwing himself onto his bed and screaming into his pillow.
Draco pov:
Draco, once again taken aback by Potter bursting into his room for the second time that day, was slightly concerned when he heard a soft scream coming from the room next door. He knew that room belonged to the same person that kept entering his own room, hence he could understand the mistake that Potter made, the first one at least. The scream didn't sound like one of pain, at least not the physical sort. Draco thought about investigating but decided against it, thinking it none of his business how Potter acts in his spare time. That was until the screams turned to sobs. Although ashamed to admit it, Draco felt bad for Potter. He heard screaming and crying from the room next door often and knew that the war must have taken a toll on the Golden Boy, perhaps on him more than anyone. He also knew that Potter was refusing to see the school psychologist, a decision that Draco would not have minded if not for the fact that it impacted his life as well, since he had been kept awake by screams too many times. So all of this lead to what he decided to do next...
Happy holidays! Hope you all had a great Christmas or any other celebrations, I also hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Love y'all!
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