Hiding in secrets (Truth)
~~ Whith the God's in the God's Den ~~
"Ello! Michael I have a question why is Blake your favorite person?" Monte asked looking at Micheal. The others looked at him as well.
"Well... I don't now why but a part of me recognizes her in some way... I just can't figure out what..." Michael explains looking at Monte, they for he missed a sigh coming from Lucas.
~~ In a Dragon's Den ~~
"Hey Blake why is the Shadow God Slayer your favorite person?" Miro asked Blake looked confused for a second before realization hit her.
"Ah you don't now! Know you can't tell anyone not even Michael, the people the only ones here noses are us aka the Dragon Clan and Lucas." Blake said which Mori nodded to.
"I was apart of Grimshade... I was going by my middle name during that time... I was happy... I got kidnapped, Lucas saved me from them. After that I whant into hiding. Lucas needed help with getting Brandon back so I agreed..." Blake explained
"... but that doesn't explain why you don't want to Michael." Miro said still a little confused.
"I was married... my middle name is lilac, I have 2 daughters they're in hiding where they are safe... Michael is my husband... I don't once I heard him I love him so much. But it's safer for him this way..." Blake said before she turns away tears started to starting to go down her face she turns away, and walks deeper into the Dragon Den, wanting to be alone.
"She really does love him it hurts or not to be with him." Allomos said "No matter how many times I tell her she should just tell him. She's too scared to do so. She also fears that he would hate her which is stupid. He loves her just as much as she loves him. But there's only so much we can do... in do time she will tell him... hopefully..." Allomo explained Mori nodded
" Lats hope so I can tell it's eating at her soul..." Mori said they look in the direction Blakw went.
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