Everone is Blushing!? (Dare and Truth)
~~ Whith the God in there Den ~~
"Ok! I dare you all to huge you favorite person who is not related to you!" Lucas said happyly getting them back for making him huge Brandon which made him blush a little thanking about it.
"Well sh-" Lo'pho started to say before they shake that back of his head.
"Ok OK who's first?" Lo'pho asked
"I said Monte!" Lucas said happy.
"Ok~ so this won't tack to long Michael teleport us to the Dragon den!" Monte said. Without a complaint Michael did so.
In a within a blink of an eye they stood within the dragon Den. Before anyone could react Monte hugged Mori before running back to Michael. Michael shadow travels to Blake hugged her, then went back to the others. Michael thin took thim to the Protectors guild.
"I don't really have a favorite person so I just like everyone in my guild!" Lo'pho said before doing so.
Michael then took them back to the God's Den.
~~ In the Dragon Den ~~
"Well that was interesting" Bri said
"Ooo! I have a dare for everyone!" Colin said everyone looked at him curiously.
"We have to hug are favorite person who's not related to us!" Colin said then he hugged Seek.
"Ummm Ok..." The others responded.
Seek hugged Colin wall he wasn't paying attention. Bri hugged Silver who was at the Dragon Den dropping of food for them. Alamos took the others outside of the den so they could huge there favorite person.
Bryan hugged Jakey since the we're at the protectors Guild. Which is were Vapor hugged Kit.
Allamos hugged Kit, and Marche who we're at the Spirit/Phoenix Den. Which is where wandering Queens used to be.
He then took them to Le Carnival were Davis hugged Cecol.
Ones they were at the Demon Den, Mario hugged David.
Lastly they are now are the Gods Den. Blake hugged Michael, and Mori hugged Monte.
Mania con't decide who her favorite person was.
And with that the whint back to there Den. Blushing like crazy.
~~ Spirit/Phoenix Den ~~
Because there weren't that many they decided to share a Den.
"Ooo~ I dare you 3 to hug your favorite person! And can't be related!" Marsha said.
"Umm Oks!" Kit said hugging her, then going to find Allomos and huge him to.
Eliore went to the protectors Guild and hugged Allix.
Polly want to Demon Den. Ones there they hugged Miss P who hugged thim back. Polly responded to the questioning looks with. "I was dared to hug my favorite person, who were are not related to."
"Ooo~ we should do that!" Inmo said before going and hugged Boss's statue.
"Ok..." Brandon responded.
Richie stormed blinked into the Guild Hall, then he walked up to Devin and hugged him.
Miss P hugged Polly more in response.
David whint and hugged Plant but muttered under his breath. "I should also huge Mario but I don't think he like that." At that detailed Plan tighter.
Nixilis just set there look at everyone else. "I have no idea if I have a favorite person..."
Brandon got up and laft, he whint to the God's Den and hugged Lucas before leaving.
Ones he return to the Demon Den overone was there but, David.
~~ Whith David ~~
".... I...." David didn't respond just hand Plant closer. "I don't see why it matters he is with Mania..." He muttered before going back to the Den with Plant still in his arms.
"Hey Monte!" Lo'pho called said Monte appeared out of nowhere in front of him. To his credit Lo'pho didn't flinch.
"You called?" Monte asked in his usual way.
"Yeah I have a dare for you!" Lo'pho said
"Oooo~ what is it!" Monte asked
"I dare you to annoy your least favorite person! Until they give up trying to get rid of you!" Lo'pho said Monte eagerly knotted.
"That sounds like fun!!" He said before disappearing.
Biblico was sitting near the Gods Den. He was apart of the Gods clan thing since he was the light god slayer though the others didn't like him to much. Out of no were Monte appeared.
"Do you need something Monte?" Biblico asked instead of responded Monte started to annoy him.
~~ About 10 hours later ~~
"I said leave me alone!!" Biblico hissed. "You now what I'm done just done!" Biblico said as he threw his hands in the air. He thin started to hit his head full of one of the stone pillars nearby.
Monte are we backed away from him. Before running off do who knows where.
(I just remembered Biblico was the light god slayer, or what ever he was the god slayer of...[I don't remember] so~ yeah he is now add in to the thing so you can ask and dare him... I'm just to lazy to have him do the huge you favorite person thing, and I don't even now who he would huge...)
~~ At the Dragon Den ~~
"So Bri gave me what you like to eat besides you element so I'm going to call it out and you come and get it!" Silver said before he started calling out food items.
"Gummy bears!"
Bri walk up and took the gummy bears before she took of with them.
"Ok... umm Kay's cookies..."
Vapor locked up before taking them and leaving.
"Chicken ramen and Beef Ramen!"
Seek took the Chicken well Colin took the beef.
Mario snatch them before running off to who-knows-where.
"Umm ook then... strawberries!!"
Mania took with whith a small think you.
"At lest someone is polite... Jakey's special pie!"
Bryan run up the his life depended on it took the pie and took off again.
"Umm oks.. some old lady's stake."
Davis practically skipped over took it whith a think you, and whint to his seat.
"Alrighty then... peanut butter jelly sandwich... made by Monte...."
Mori pairing as ff they were always there taking the sandwich, and disappearing as if they were never there.
"Ummm... I'm not even going to question... and Lastly coupled baked eggs..."
Allomos practically flew over took it and went somewhere else.
"Well.... that was interesting..."
(I did really now who would ask the question so~ they are just aging it!)
All the dragon slayers - Allomos "Out of us it Allomos."
"Well I don't think so but... I think it probably Mania because of her anti dragon slayer Magic." Allomos said look at the others.
They whisper among themselves before where Bri spoke.
"So for Demon slayers... Miss P! She is the how old is so therefore she would be more powerful. And you never really know with her!" The other Dragon Slayers nodded in agreement.
"As for God Slayers ummm Monte because it took both Lucas, and Michael so yeah..." again the others nod in agreement.
"Polly for Phoenix Slayer because kit hasn't finished her training. And lastly Eliore because there's no one to compare him to..." Bri find as the others continue to nod in agreement.
~~ In the Demon Den ~~
"Miss P!" All but Miss P said.
"I'll go with Brandon or Jupiter... or just both!" Miss. P responded.
They talked to Mom themselves for a bit.
"Dragon Slayers is Allomos, God Slayer Monte, Phoenix Slayers Polly, and lastly just Eliore..." was Richie responded as the others nodded.
~~ In the Gods Den ~~
"Monte!" They all but Monte responded.
"It between Lucas, and Michael.... I'm not sure which is stronger..." Monte said started to talk among themselves.
"Well Damon slayer Miss P, Dragon Slayers Allomos, Phoenix Slayers Polly, and then there is just Eliore." Lucas responded.
~~ In the Spirit/Phoenix Den ~~
"Polly!" Kit responded.
"Kit" Polly said
"Umm I have no one else but myself!" Eliore said with a shrug. The three of them talked amongst themselves.
"So~ Gods Slayers Monte, Demon Slayers Miss P, Dragon Slayers, Allomos, and.... that it!" Kit, and Eliore responded in unison shrugging their shoulders.
I hope you guys like this!!
Don't forget to leave me truths and dares!!
Have a good day or night my pups and bye-bye!!!
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