First Meeting
Jason Voorhees: You were about six when it happened. You went to Crystal camp to make friends as your parents said. You had gotten lost on the way before sitting on the ground sobbing scared and confused. A couple minutes later a small boy found you and ran to get his mother. Both of them came back to find you still there. Mrs. Voorhees picked you up cradling you as you sobbed into her shoulder. It took a bit for you to calm down but once you did you were fast asleep. All three of three of you walked back to camp Jason looking up at your sleeping face with a smile happy to have helped someone.
Freddy Krueger: You were walking around your dream land unknown to you Freddy was watching you. He has done this many times festinated by your body and personality. He could never bring himself to show himself to you seeing as you would be scared. So he settled for watching your every move in both the dream world and the real world.
Michael Myers: It was the day you first meet him. You were six wandering around the asylum, unknown to the guards trying to find the way out. You had bumped into him before looked up seeing a young boy looking down on you. You looked up with a child like innocents that made his heart melt. He noticed the men in the prison looking at you with lustful eyes before picking you up and walking to his table and sitting you down. Patting your head as you blink before playing with his hand not questioning his mask.
Hannibal Lector: You have always been a woman of refined tastes. You were walking to your new office when you spotted him. Not wanting to seem rude you waved hello before walking into your office. It was your lunch break when you too talked. Being polite and well mannered in this age was very rare. When your break ended you left him interested and wanting you for himself.
Leatherface: You had just moved into your new farm Aphrodite running around at your feet making you laugh. You grunted as you tried to move the entertainment center but it was much to heavy for you. Just when you were going to give up it was lifted up by a big man in a strange mask. You smiled as you helped him thanking him as Aphrodite whimpered wanting his attention. He smiled slightly as you didn't freak out and your puppy was adorable. After talking for a bit you found out he was your next door neighbor along with his family. You happily said he could come over if he wanted to talk or visit before waving goodbye leaving him to walk home a lovestruck smile on his face.
Norman Bates: It had been years sense you last spoke to Norman who was worried about you. It was a late night when you walked in spotting Norman but didn't run over to hug him like you normally did. It was a bit before he saw the bruises and ran to get a first aid kit and treated your wounds the best he could. He noticed how you flinched when he touched you looking up at him with scared eyes like he would hurt you. After getting you to talk he found out what happened and let you stay in the hotel leaving him and Norma both worried about what else happened other you getting abused.
Ghostface (I love him!): You won the game no one knowing it could be you. This got Ghosties attention and meet up with you saying you two could be partners and fake your death. You would be stupid not to agree so you did. It was a week later before both of you found an abandoned house and lived there. You were perfect in his eyes and if you didn't love him he would make you love him.
Pinhead (BAE!): You were cutting yourself again moaning at the pain before finally stopping cleaning the blood up before spotting the box your friend gave you (Horrible friend... Just saying). You figured it was some type of rubix cube and tried to solve it. Unknown to you Pinhead was watching your every move smirking at the fact you were loving pain and quite intelligent. (Adorkable stalker)
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