How you met
Reader's age when meeting different killers
Freddy: 1 year old
Jason: 7 months
Michael: 11 months
Leatherface: 6 months
Jack: 4 months
Hannibal: 2 years old
Norman: 3 years old
Ghostface: 1 month
Freddy: You had been moved into the fifth foster home that month. Your parents died in their sleep when you were a lot younger so you moved from foster home to foster home.
Each one yielded a new hell for you. "HEY BIT*H GO WASH MY F**KING CLOTHES THEN CLEAN THE HOUSE!" Your foster father yelled in a drunken slurr. You were only a year old but they still had you do a lot for them.
After doing your chores you took your little dinner to your room and ate in silence. You had to wait until about eleven at night before your foster father fell asleep. You didn't want to take a risk so you kept your door locked at night and waited for your foster family to finally go to sleep.
That was when you finally fell asleep.
Dream world
You walked around a boiler room nervously. You had no idea why you were there, but something was wrong. You felt like if you stayed in the boiler room something would attack you.
You heard a dark chuckle "Interesting..." A dark voice said from directly behind you. You jumped as you turned around only to be met with a burnt man. He wore a fedora, red and green stripped sweater, and he had a clawed glove.
He studied you "You and I... Have some in common... Here, I'll kill them for you." He said. You gulped while backing away from him "It's okay kid, just grab my hand and wake up." He instructed.
You did as the burned man asked then when you awoke you looked around. Hoping to see the man, only to see nothing. He stood up from the foot of your bed before walking up to your door. "Stay here kid. You don't need to see this." He said.
After a short time you heard screams so you covered yourself with your blankets. The screams died down then stopped completely after about twenty minutes. The burned man returned to your room only there was a red substance on his clawed glove.
"I've had it with seeing you being tormented. You could be like me... I'll take care of you, kid." The burned man said while packing some of your stuff and carrying you away.
Jason: You were playing with the water at Camp Crystal Lake while your parents, who were counselors, were off doing other things. You heard a loud scream which scared you so you started crying.
Your cries caught the attention of a large man in a bloodied hockey mask. He walked towards you then noticed you were sitting in the water. He thought that the reason you were crying was the water, which he understood since he drowned.
The large man walked over to you and picked you up gently. You looked at him curiously, he also studied you curiously. It wasn't every day Jason met a little kid at Camp Crystal Lake.
He looked around, not seeing your parents anywhere. He thought they had abandoned you which he hated the idea of abandoning a little child like yourself. So he carried you to his cabin after deciding to take you in as his own.
Michael: It was Halloween and you were being yelled at and tormented by your parents. They said it was your fault that everything had started to decline for them in every way when, in reality, your parents spent almost every penny they had on your sibling.
You were only a couple months old but they still had you fend for yourself. So Laurie Strode took you in and raised you as her own. Your parents were more than happy to get rid of you but every time they saw you they would torment you.
You crawled away from them while they pursued you. You then bumped into someone's leg so you looked up to see a man in a navy jumpsuit and white mask. He looked down at you with his head tilted to the side.
Your parents eventually caught up with you and kicked you around. You cried out in pain and fear which sparked fury in the stranger in the white mask. He pulled out a shiny object and stabbed your parents repeatedly.
You watched as they fell to the ground, a red liquid pouring out of them at a quick pace. They gave you looks of agony and hatred "Y- you f**king bit*h!" Your father said before finally ceasing to move or breathe.
You looked at the masked man carrying the shiny object, which now had a deep shade of crimson on it. You whimpered but he put the object away and picked you up. Despite just watching him murder your parents, you weren't afraid of the masked man.
He protected you from them, so he couldn't be all that bad. Right?
Leatherface: You were being taunted by the other children at the orphanage. You were only a few months old and barely understood what they said but they made scary faces at you which scared you. You would whimper and cry every time someone made a scary face at you which annoyed the adults.
"SHUT THE HELL UP (Y/N)!" One man snapped, obviously annoyed. You whimpered. You had been dropped off in that little slice of hell when you were two months old, you were now six months old. You hated being at the orphanage seeing as no one ever wanted to adopt you.
One day a strong looking young man came in and looked around before spotting you. He smiled down at you but his smile wasn't friendly at all... It was dark and cruel...
"I'll adopt this one." He said. After a bit of paperwork he took you home with him. "Sorry kid but none of us want any trouble with the Hewitts..." He trailed off. After a couple days of living in another hellhole someone else came and took you from your new father.
Luck wasn't on your side as the stranger smirked down at you. He started kicking and beating you which made you yell out in pain and cry. You heard a strange buzzing sound which caught the attention of the stranger as well.
He looked around but a man in bloodied apron and strange looking mask shoved a big metal object through the stranger's back. He revved it up which scared you then he pulled the man upwards as the metal object easily cut through the stranger.
The stranger fell from the metal object in two separate parts. You cried in fear of what this scary masked man would do to you with the scary metal item. He slowly walked towards you with his head tilted to the side.
You whimpered but couldn't do much as he picked you up gently. You kept reaching for your blanket to which the masked man quickly figured it out and gave you the blanket. You smiled at him and touched his face.
He seemed excited to have found you so he put you into your carrier and took you home.
(To clear up any confusion you were kidnapped by a thief and Leatherface killed them)
Jack: You were travelling through Colorado with your parents. You were starting to get sleepy so you fell asleep in your car seat as it started to get dark out. When you woke up your mother took you out of your car seat.
The trio of you walked through a maze when your mother saw a man frozen solid in the snow. "Let's bring him inside, maybe he's the caretaker or something." Your father said as he dragged the frozen man into the hotel.
He noticed the axe in the man's grip but was unable to remove the axe as it was stuck in the man's strong grip. You were with your mother while she tried to thaw the frozen man a bit quicker.
Soon enough it was lunch time for you so your dad was making you some lunch when you heard your mother scream. Your father rushed into the room only to find the corpse of your mother.
You heard your father scream as well so whatever it was that was in that room, it was scary! You managed to get your way out of your high chair and crawled into a cabinet (like the cabinet Danny crawled into in the movie) and stayed there.
It was dark which scared you but you were more afraid of the monster that scared your parents. "Danny boy! You can't get away! I'll find you!" You whimpered which gave away your location.
The cabinet was forcibly opened and you were pulled out by the frozen man, only he wasn't frozen anymore. He grinned at you in a scary way then raised the axe over you. He paused "Wait... You aren't Danny..." He bent down to your level, studying you.
You, being curious, reached out and touched the man's hand. "Brave kid... Interesting..." Then it hit him. "Then I didn't kill Wendy and some guy who tried to stop me... I killed this kid's parents..."
You didn't understand what he said but you still weren't sure what to make of this guy. He was scary but he hadn't done anything to hurt you yet. Despite being only 10 months old you could say a couple words.
"Dada!" You said while grinning at the man. "Dada huh? Well... I suppose it can't hurt to keep you around. Alright kid, what's your name?" He asked while looking for anything with your name on it.
He kept you away from the corpses of your parents but he found your favorite blanket and stuffed animal. The blanket had the words '(Y/N) (L/N) baby's first blanket made with love -Mom'
Despite being a cold hearted killer, Jack felt bad for killing your parents. "Well, I'll make it up to you by being the best father I can be. I'll make sure you have a good time here little (Y/N)." Jack said with a, still insane but happy, smile.
Hannibal: You sat on the curb of the side of the road. After your parents deaths you wandered around, staying wherever you could. Granted it wasn't fun but you learned to survive.
You had been taught 'stranger danger' so you stayed far away from most people so you would be safe. That was when you noticed a car parked nearby. You knew it was wrong but you were starving so you managed to sneak into the car.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" A voice asked from directly behind you. You gulped nervously as you turned around only to be met with a man in his late thirties. Maybe forties.
"I- I was hungry... S- so I went to check if there was food..." You said timidly while backing away from the man. He bent down to your level "It's okay, I won't hurt you. What's your name?" He asked kindly. "(Y- Y/N)..." You said nervously. "Nice to meet you ms. (Y/N). My name is Hannibal. Hannibal Lecter."
Norman: It was raining pretty badly so you were making a run towards a motel in the hope that you could stay. You ran away from home because you couldn't take the torment anymore. Even though you were 3 you were pretty intelligent.
You knew to stay away from cars and all that other stuff about 'stranger danger' and other common sense related things. You rang the bell when a young man came to the front desk.
"H- hello, how m- may I help you?" He asked. You were shivering from the cold as your clothes were drenched, the man noticed as he asked "W- would you like w- warm clothes a- and something to eat and drink?" You nodded.
The man led you to another room where he got you a small t shirt and small sweatpants. The t shirt was a bit big on you but it worked well. You thanked the man as he went to get you some food and drink.
He returned shortly with a sandwich and cocoa, he had made sure he wouldn't give you anything that could trigger an allergy attack though. "D- do you have anywhere t- to go?" He asked. You shook your head no.
"W- would you like to stay here with me...?" He asked. You thought it over before nodding shyly. "W- what's your name?" He asked "(Y/N)." You replied. He smiled kindly at you "Nice to meet you (Y/N). My name is Norman, Norman Bates."
Ghostface: Ghostface had just gotten back from killing when the doorbell rang. He groaned as he was tired from fighting against one of his victims who decided they were going to be difficult.
He opened the door, looked around then, he noticed something. He noticed a baby sleeping in a carrier with a note attached. 'Please take care of my dear (Y/N). I would do it myself but I just can't. She's such a sweetheart, just please take good care of her. She is allergic to (items you're allergic to). (Y/N), I love you so much. Love, (m/n) (l/n) aka Mommy'
Ghostface looked down at you after reading the note. The note was heartfelt, yes, but he was more excited about the fact that he could teach you how to kill so you could carry on his legacy as the Ghostface killer.
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