Trouble duo (marko)
Requested by: ValerieWinks777
Summary: you and Marko had decided to prank David for shits and giggles, but what started out as a game of laughter- turned into a game of chase.
No one's POV
Within the night of Santa Carla, Y/N and Marko had decided go and prank their known leader. David. This prank did seem extreme, and risky. But when your a vampire with immortality, well- risks are just challenges!
The two entered a store to get their supplies, invisible ink, a fake broken glass sticker, balloons, and some nails. Y'all thought this was one prank? Nah. Y'all decided to do three. The first being the invisible ink.
Marko's POV
As we walk into the store, we look around go try and find some special little gadgets to use for our pranks. I walk through the isles, noticing some invisible ink! "Y/N! I think I might have just found our first prank!-" I exclaim followed by a giggle, I grab the ink and rush over to Y/N. "We could use this on his white shirt! That'll piss him off." I laugh at the thought, seeing Y/N holding a fake broken glass sticker and some balloons
"Brilliant! Now we just need some nails..I found these and thought we could put the glass sticker on his motorcycle, and the balloons can go under his wheelchair!" Y/N exclaims with an evil giggle.
"You read my mind. Cmon! We need to go pay!" I reply, grabbing Y/N's arm
"Wait!- we need to think of a perfect plan of escape as well!- here, I'll go get some oil and marbles, you go get a flashlight."
"Got it!"
No one's POV
The evil duo split up to get their supplies. Y/N was clever, the oil would slow him down on the stairs out of the cave, and the marbles would mess up his path on the motor cycle! Just in case the marbles didn't work the flashlight could be used to blind them! Smart cookie you are. Marko grabs the flashlight before returning to Y/N at the cash register. "Ya find it?" Y/N asked, Marko nodded and held it up.
"Brightest one I could find." Marko replied, Y/N smiled in approval as they checked out their items and rushed out to Marko's bike.
"Hurry! We only have so much time!"
"I'm drivin as fast as I can WITHOUT the risk of hurting you!-" Marko exclaims before they speed back to the cave. A few officers tried to pull them over but Marko was smart enough to dodge them and get them off his tail. Once at the cave, the preparation began..they placed the balloons under the wheelchair with the nails attached to the floor beneath. The sticker was placed, and now all that was left to do was get David..
Once David arrived
After what seemed like forever, David finally came back with the food. Paul leaped from his seat at the smell of the Chinese food "FINALLY- You took forever!"
"Oh shut it. I was out for 30 minutes."
David rolled his eyes and tossed Paul his food, walking over to the others and handing it to them. Now was their chance.
"Hey David! Check out this drawin I-"
Mark squeezed the pen, causing the ink to go all over David's shirt. Oh shit-
David gave a low growl before walking over to the sleeping spot in their cave. Grabbing a new shirt.
"You are LUCKY. That I have another shirt." David warned, grabbing his noodles before plopping down on the wheel chair, the balloons popping one by one. David shrieked and jumped up, the others dying of laugher. Dwayne just sat in his corner enjoying his food as Y/N and Marko laughed their asses off.
"WHY YOU-" David cut himself off my pouncing at Marko, of which Marko flew out of the way and grabbed your arm, rushing out the door
"RUN-" marko exclaimed, you poured the oil on the steps as you ran, watching David fail to even get a foot on the step without falling. This only caused you to laugh more. Once outside, you threw the marbles to the ground in front of the bike, grabbing the flashlight as you two ran into the woods to hide. A roaring David following behind. You could hear David screaming of anger as he saw the cracked sticker, attempting to start the bike only for the bike to fall
"JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU ASSHOLES. YER GONNA REGRET IT." David went to his full vampire form in order to sniff you and Marko out from your hiding spot, Marko used perfume from Paul's room to throw him off as you two ran deeper into the woods. David heard Marko's bells on his jacket ring, causing him to rush towards you
"CMERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" David exclaimed as he went to reach for you, only for Marko to take you into his arms and quickly fly away, laughing as he saw you latch yourself too him
"Relax, he ain't gonna catch u- AHHHHS!-" *Marko was cut off my David grabbing him by the scruff and pulling him down to the ground. Marko panicked as you tried to free him, only for you to become captured as well.
"I swear one day you two will be dead meat." David replied with his yellow eyes digging into the both of you. Marko and Y/N squirmed, trying to free yourselves from David's grasp. Let's just say you two won't be allowed out of the cage room for a loooooooong time.. (this is just a room I created- it's a time out room for Paul, you, and Marko- closed off my a prison cell-)
Both Marko and Y/N sat in the cell, hearing David approach with a pissed Paul being dragged by the scruff, thrown into the cell with the door locked behind him. Paul charged for the door only for Y/N to begin snickering as Marko spoke
"Why are you in here?"
"I ate David's noodles while he was chasing you guys-"
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