Mindless (brahms)
(I did add a bit to this story due to not wanting it to just be bland- also as an apology for how long this took- anyway, hope you enjoy!)
Requested by: PopsiFlower
Summary: your car broke down, and you find an abandoned home near by, little do you know, that home held free therapy.
My knee up to my chest, and a foot on the gas pedal, I drove away from the world. The suffering and endless tears. I didn't want it anymore. My whole life, all I've ever known. It's time to let go..I drive and drive, music blasting, I hear the thumps of the rain hitting my window. My nerves calmed by the sound of the water..my music having a symphony with it. I loved it..the feeling of final freedom..I sigh of relief, although, this didn't last long. I look down at the blinking light on my dashboard.. 'shit..' I thought as I tried to find a near by gas station. It's not only that. But my oil as well. Crap! My nerves tense up once more before my car completely shuts down. "nonononon NO!! DAMNIT!!" I smack the wheel before sinking into my seat..now how am I suppose to get out of here!? I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose before I look up, deciding it would be best to try and walk. I sigh and get out of the car, closing the door after gathering my belongings. Once I'm done, I notice something in the distance..a shadow..in what seemed to be..the shape of a house..? Wait..a house!! There's a house here!! I quickly grab my things and rush over.
After about 10 minutes of running, I finally reach the home. Damn this thing is huge..I slowly make my way up the stairs. I was already so tired..I needed to get some rest. Sighing, I make it up the stairs.
"Hello?" I ask. No answer. "Is there anyone in here?" I slowly enter the what appears to be abandoned yet well kept home. Walking into the living room, I notice a doll. Strange..and creepy. God I hope I didn't just walk into a haunted house. I quickly walk away and go to find some supplies for the night, mind as well try and get some sleep before trying to fix my car. I enter a spare room, a huge bed with dust all over the sheets. Wonderful..I sigh and grab a broom near by. I'm not sleeping in a dusty room- so mind as well get cleaning!
After about 3 hours of cleaning a few rooms-
"I got carried away with the cleaning..oops." I told myself before I shrug, taking the garbage out before making the bed. I could hear creeks in the walls, and what sounded like walking. But I brushed it off. While cleaning, I had found this check list..for a child. How strange..I Shrug once more and put it down on the counter before grabbing a few snacks from my bag, making a small dinner. 'Better then nothing.' I thought to myself before taking a bite into my (F/S). Once dinner was done, I go to change into my comfortable clothes, wearing (F/C) sweat pants and a (D/C) T-shirt. I then grab my (F/C) hoodie. It had a little (F/A) poking out of the front pocket. And I loved it. I sigh of relief as I slowly lay down on the bed. It's only been a couple of hours..but I kinda like it here! It's not to big, not to small, away from the city..and no taxes. I can fix this place up! Make it my own..I wonder what that would be like.
Brahms POV:
I saw someone enter the home..who is this..? What are they here. What do they want. I have so many questions..yet I see their face..they seem nice..but they cannot be trusted. Not after what the previous one did..I can't let them get to me..I must find out who they are. I walk within the walls, watching their every move. Then they found my doll..but, they didn't run..strange. People normally scream and run away in terror after finding him..this one is different..they seem soaked. It is pouring outside. I watch them walk into my room. They looked around a bit, and after what seemed like forever. They grabbed a broom. Oh dear..I tried to leave as quickly as possible but I couldn't. The damn wood would creak. Once they begin sweeping, I hold back coughs as I slowly made my way to my home. This one is strange..strange indeed. But maybe they won't leave like them..like her. Maybe they are different.
7 months later
My clothes keep going missing. "Damnit! Where did it go!? That was my favorite shirt!" I look around for it before groaning "man! That's the 3rd one this week! Where do they keep going!?" I question myself as I start to get ready for work. I had gotten the house cleaned up, and now working getting some money to repaint and get some new furniture. The noises in the walls have been getting louder..but I don't mind it. Never have, I mean it's probably haunted. But at least I'm not the only one. I exit the house and go to my car, getting it ready before starting it.
Brahms POV:
I make my bed after hearing Y/N wake up. They've been here for a while, and honestly, it's not that bad. They keep the house clean. And even fixed up mini me! The only sad part is that they don't know I'm here..I haven't met them in person. But they seem nice, a lot nicer then the other one. But the problem is..they cry..they cry a lot....I understand it's normal, but I worry for them..I have been leaving small treats and notes, not wanting them to feel alone, they freaked out a bit the first time. But they are now pretty used too it, and now write replies! I feel like a therapist- I mean- am I? All I've been doing is telling them how they aren't worthless..like how I read in their diary. They aren't at the best health..but they've seemed to been better after I started this whole note thing..the only issue, is gonna he introducing myself to them..just gotta hope for the best I guess.
The end
(IM SO SORRY IF THIS SEEMS RUSHED- but I hate making people wait for their request- this is also my very first Brahms oneshot! Please tell me if there are any issues with this- anyway, hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day/night!)
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