Double trouble (paul)
Summary: Valerie and Paul decide to prank the head vampire, Max. What starts out as a simple prank, turns into a lecture-
Requested by: ValerieWinks777
No one's POV
As the golden glow of the sun began to fade, the night shine of the moon began to show. Stars filling the black sky of night, music from the boardwalk filling the windy air. Two beings of Santa Carla may now fill the night with mischief and screams as they venture through the streets on the motor bike. These two were named Valerie, and Paul. Two out of the three trouble makers of Santa Carla. The third, Marko, was being punished (grounded) for crashing their leaders bike and basically destroying it. Valerie and Paul did take part in that but they never got caught. The two venture off into the boardwalk, Paul driving with a manic laugh as Valerie did the same. Looks and stares we're all they received, but they didn't care! They were vampires! If they wanted too, they could just begin their night with lust for blood, but the duo had better plans. After about 30 minutes, Paul parks his bike in the parking lot of what appeared to be a radio store! Who's store you might ask? Well. This store belongs to the head vampire. Max. These two vampires had an evil plan to fill the sprinklers with pigs blood! Then set them off and enjoy the disgusted screams of the humans roaming within.
"hurry!" Paul exclaimed, carrying the three gallons of blood.
"Give me a minute!- this thing is screwed on here tight!-" The young female replied, using her strength as a vampire to unscrew the pipe that held the water for the sprinklers. Paul chuckler mischievously as they poured the pigs blood into the pipe. Once done, Valerie quickly screwed the top back on and snatched the matches from Pauls pocket
"hey!-" Paul exclaimed with a whisper of protest.
"Oh hush..last time you lit a match your hair caught fire!-" Valerie exclaimed before chuckling a bit at the memory. She climbed into Paul's shoulders before lighting the match. Paul looked up with a mischievous grin as he watched the woman set the alarms off. Screaming and crying came from the people inside as Valerie and Paul ran for their escape.
"Hurry!- before he catches us!!" Valerie exclaimed as she ran to the door. Paul reached for the door handle, about to shove it open before a pair of claws snatched him up by the back of his collar, grabbing Valerie by her leg. Max had caught them. And they were in BIIIIIIG trouble.
"And where do you think your going..?" Max asked with a yellow tint in his eye. Paul chuckled nervously before trying to break free, only for Max to carry the two over his shoulders back to his office where he yelled at them for what seemed to be hours! "Do you have any idea the amount of damage you caused!? HOW MUCH MONEY THIS WILL TAKE TO FIX!?" Max exclaimed with his vampire form. This made max appear much taller and intimidating than his human form, and he knew it. Paul was laid back as Valerie rolled her eyes
"We were bored! Plus yer hardly ever doin anything." Paul replied, he did seem a bit on edge since he knew they would probably get punished much worse with David. Max sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he used telekinesis to call David. They knew he was here when they heard the door being kicked down, and storming through the halls. The door swung open with a strong breeze before the platinum blonde revealed himself, marching his way over to Paul and Valerie
"Keys, wallets, and devices. Now." David demanded.
"Wha- oh come o!-" Paul began his protest.
"NOW." David cut paul off, the two younger vampires handing over their stuff before Valerie grumbled under her breath. "I heard that. Call me as much of an asshole as you want. But that just got you two more months of no bike riding or money."
"VALERIE" Paul exclaimed.
"ENOUGH." David exclaimed before looking at the two vampires before him. "You two will be in the cage with Marko for the rest of the summer. You will only come out when needing to feed or toilet. Am I clear." David replied with a glare that could kill. Paul groaned and fell back into his seat as Valerie grumbled under her breath and kicked the dirt. Max nodded in approval
"Now. I believe it's time for you two to get home. Good night." Max replied before going to clean up. "Actually..David. I believe these two should clean up their mess."
"Go." David demanded as Max shoved a mop and rag into their hands, sending them off. For the rest of the night the two vampires had to clean every single crack in the store and repair every electronic that broke. Max and David believed this would be the end of the double trouble! But oh were they wrong..
Marko and Laddie were playing Uno in the cave, Marko still in the cage. "Uno!" Laddie exclaimed
"WHAT THE HELL- THATS THE THIRD TIME IN A ROW! This is rigged!" Marko protested
"Or you just suck." Dwayne replied, watching the game
(I hope you enjoyed!)
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