Chapter 9
Tiger's pov
I watch as Spottedpaw and Jadepaw walked out of the camp, Casper, Howler, Shineclaw and Feathers heart following after them. I watch as the younger kits and apprentices walked around and played, it reminds me of Frostpaw and I when we where young. I watch as Cloud and Patch run my way, Cloud's bright purple eyes looked at me with curiosity, while Patch's yellow eyes held many emotions. "It's not fair you get training way earlier then we do!" Cloud complained, his eyes shining bright with ambition. "Trust me, after the third day of training you want to become a warrior already" i say. "I bet, Thicket and Adder are almost going to become full warriors! And Adder still acts like a stuck-up kit!" Bailey comes up behind her kits and swats Patch over the ears with her tail. "Don't you dare talk about a almost new warrior like that, i can't believe you Patch" Bailey hissed, Patch looks down. "Sorry". I turned around and spotted Blade, standing next to Storm and Inky who were talking. I watched as they ignored Blade completely because they couldn't see him, it made Blade sad. Feathers heart walked though the entrance with the others, food dangling from their mouths, not much though. I watched as Spottedpaw and Jadepaw glared at each others as they walked off. "That's up with them?" Jayshard asks, coming up behind me. "How am i suppose to know?" i said with a slight growl. "Well i'm sorry, just looking out for the young ones in our group". "True, won't be many after they grow up". "You never know" i look away from the apprentices and faced the older warrior. "Are you saying Splashleaf is gonna have more kits?". "No, i'm saying Slaightfur and Sparkeye probably will sometime". "What about you and Shineclaw?". "What about her?" i roll my eyes. "You two were best friends as apprentices, it's obvious she likes you" i say, he sighs. "You know, somethings aren't what they seem" and with that he walked off, leaving me alone to think about what he said.
Spotted's pov
I purr happily as i talked to Patch and Hazel, they didn't want us to go and nether did we. "Could everyone cat from our group gather around" i turn to see Slaightfur, Sparkeye and Frostwing by her sides. "We need to decide if we're going back, sense i don't think we are, we might as well make a leader and deputy. Bailey said it was fine with her to use their water pool to get my nine lives, as for deputy, it shall be Jayshard" everyone cheers as Jayshard and Slaightfur walked off to the water pool. Sense it wasn't far they returned not to long later, once back everyone cheered. "Slaightstar, Slaightstar, Slaightstar!" Slaightstar flicked her tail for silence. "It's about time for us to leave, but Bee and Bailey have decided to let us take some of their cats with us so they could get a view of the world" we cheered again as Bee spoke. "Feathers heart, Ivys tail, White-river and I are very proud of you both, we have decided to let you Feathers heart to go because she has proven herself skillful and ready to take the world head on, and Ivys tail is going because she thinks it would be good for Hazel and Moss". "Feathers heart, step forward" Feathers heart lifted her head high as she walked with confidence. "Sense you have not been trained in our ways, you must be an apprentice for a little while. Feathers heart, you have decided to join us and take on our ways, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Featherpaw. Your mentor will be Rusket. I hope Rusket will pass down all she knows on to you" Featherpaw nodded and ran over to Rusket, touching noses with her. "Ivys heart, you have also decided to join us and learn our ways, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ivypaw. Your mentor will be Smokepatch. I hope Smokepatch will pass down all he knows on to you" Ivypaw touched noses to Smokepatch."Smokepatch and Rusket, it is now your time for an apprentice. You will be mentors to Ivypaw and Featherpaw ." i watch as the new mentors dip their head to Slaighstar. "The whole Clan knows your both respectful and honest. Do your best to pass on these qualities on to Ivypaw and Featherpaw." everyone cheered the new apprentices names. "Littlepaw, step forward" Littlepaw looked surprised but stepped forward. "Leoparfang and Jayshard have told me you two are ready to become warriors, is this true?" Littlepaw and Tangledpaw nodded, not knowing what to say. "Then by the power of Starclan, i name you Littlepool and Tangledclaw" everyone cheered for the last time before breaking up to sleep before leaving in the morning, i watch as Stormkit played with Hazelkit and Mosskit, i smiled, happy we were taking them with us. "Hey Spottedpaw, want to play with us?" i shake my head. "Were leaving early in the morning Stormkit, why don't you come curl up with me?" he nods and followed me as we curl u; for warmth and slept.
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