Chapter 21
Spotted's pov
I watched as Fernpaw and Dapplepaw ran out of camp to look around and exploring, I followed close behind to them, spotting Featherwind lying in a patch of grass, her belly full with kits. I watched as the apprentices talked and played with her giving her flowers. "Dapplepaw, Fernpaw, come on, lets go patrol the Twoleg's place" they said by to Featherwind and we headed off. The sound of meowing and whimpering got our attention, following it i spotted a ginger kit with white paws and hazel eyes, beside him is a ginger tom and a white she-cat. The white she-cat has tears in her eyes as the tom hissed and scratched at the kit for no reason, but whenever the she-cat tried to help, what i'm guessing is her kit, the tom hissed and scared her away. Without thinking we jumped in front of the kit and hissed at the tom, Fernpaw picked up the kit while Dapplepaw and i scratched at the cat's ears and eyes, scaring him away. The she-cat let out a whimper as we got close to her. "We're not gonna hurt you, we're here to help you" Dapplepaw meows as we watch Fernpaw treat the tom-kit. "I-I'm Aziella" she meowed. "I'm Spottedfern, this is Dapplepaw and that's Fernpaw" i say. "I-i'v heard about t-the clan's t-that moved h-here b-before" she says, stuttering. "You should come with us! Slaightstar will love you and your kit to come" Fernpaw meows, looking away from the tom. "His name is Twig" Aziella meows. "Twigkit? That's a beautiful name" Fernpaw meows. I pick up Twigkit and carry him to camp, Dapplepaw and Fernpaw led Aziella around and made her a nest in the nursery with Flametwig and Featherwind.
Slaightstar's pov
I sat at the entrance of my den, watching my clan talk to get work done and playing around, Oakkit, Archkit and Antkit ran around, chasing each other and their father in a playful game. Sparkeye it talking with Lakestripe and Stormgaze about what happened with Mosspetal, no one knows but i'm not going to force Lakestripe and his littermates to become apprentices again, we still have Dapplepaw, Willowpaw, and Wolfpaw running around, I watch as Breezefall comes out of his den, Fernpaw scampering by his side, they sit next to me. "We're heading to Moonledge, Fernpaw i think is ready to become a full medicine cat" he says. "That's great! Then you can go back to being a warrior" i meow. "Yeah, thank Starclan for helping me with her" he says before walking off with Fernpaw to Moonledge. Raintail walks over to me, Carrying a mouse for us to share, we lay down and talked. "What what the trip you took about" he asks. "There was just some badger trouble in Shineclan". "I came to report a gray and white she-cat by the border the other day, she asks for you but before i could talk sense to her, Clovermist and Marshpatch just had to chase her off" he meows, tail flicking his brother and sister on the head, i purr. You should lead another patrol and look for her again, Cloverpatch take a hunrting patrol out near Rabbitholes by Arrowclan's border, and Marshpatch, you take a hunting party out towards the battle hollow, go hunt in the Lowdust grass lands near Shineclan". "We're on it" they say running off to get their patrols up. "They have your jumpiness" i hear Sparkeye say, sitting beside me. "Lakestripe definitely is a weird one, he has your orange fur though, so does Acornsky, but a different shade" i meow, watching the brothers rough play right outside the nursery. "The clan's really coming together, Featherwind just had her kits, i was just seeing them, and guess who's they are". "Who's?". "We don't know!" i roll my eyes. "I'm going to see them later, there is plenty of time for them to grow and become strong warriors.
Oakkit's pov (Last one i promise though a kit view would be cute! sense we never really had one)
Antkit and I rolled around in the nursery, I pawed at him, making him jump back, from the side Archkit jumped and landed perfectly on Antkit's shoulders. "Quiet down kit's, come here, and be careful, don't roll over the new kits" Splashleaf meows, her fluffy tail curling us in, i jumped over it. "What new kits?" i ask. "Featherwind's kits" i tried to get close to see the new kits but Splashleaf kept pushing us away. you three can say hi later, their to young, their only a day old" Splashleaf scolds. I roll my eyes and follow behind Archkit. "Can we go outside?" we ask. "If it keeps you away from the kits then yes, stay together" she meows as we run out. "I wonder were Jayshard is!" Antkit meows. "Just because you look like him doesn't meed you always need him beside you" i meow. "I know, now let's explore!".
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