Chapter 20
Tiger's pov
I woke up to Featherwind nudging me. "Dapplepaw and Willowpaw woke up the queens, please quiet them down" she meowed tiredly and calmly. "Of course". Recently, Featherwind and Flametwig have been expecting kits, were aren't sure of the father of Featherwind's kits but we do know Flametwig's kit's father is Casper and he's excited. I lifted myself to my paws and walked into the apprentices den once the she-cats saw me thy quieted down. "Nope, sense your up and active, were going on training" i meow. They walked out of the den, tails down and ears flattened, as much as i look at the two, Willowpaw looks way older then Dapplepaw, Wolfpaw just slept, as if he wasn't fazed by the talking kits, i nudged them forward. "Were doing four laps around the border" i meow. "What! That's not training! Not even Sparkeye could do that!" Willowpaw meowed. "I'm to small to survive that!" Dapplepaw squeaked. "Should have thought of that earlier. This is Mosspetal's new punishment way" i hiss and started off. At first they kept up but then started to fall behind, after running a little ahead i hid in the bushes and followed them. not even half way done with the first lap Dapplepaw dropped as if something killed her. "I cant do this!" she meowed, i walked out and nudged her to her paws. "Get u-" i was cut off by the smell of intruders. "Willowpaw, go to camp and warn them we have intruders, and it's a battle party, ask Mosspetal to send a warrior to get Dapplepaw" Willowpaw nods and runs off as i stayed with the apprentice, but my thoughts are cut off as claws dug into my side. "Great job Willowleaf, you caught a mouse-brained cat! Smokestar will be very displeased when he figures out you got us caught" a she-cat hissed, i opened my eyes slightly only to close them again to the stinging feeling of blood inside them. "Shut up Honeypetal, it was a mistake!" the she-cat hissed back. "What's what they all say" the first mumbled. "I agree, Rockkit does make a ,lot of mistakes" the she-cat on top of me said. "Leave Tangledclaw and I's son out of this" she hissed. I twisted, gripping onto the soft white and gray fur i saw, claws digging in. She jumped and scrambled off of me and to a cream she-cat with honey yellow eyes. "At least he's not dead" Willowleaf mumbled. "Willowleaf, Honeypetal, what's going on here?" we all turn to see Olivenose and Howler side by side and a small black she-cat beside them. "Whisperpaw hurry, get the others, it's time" the kit nodded and ran off. I looked beside me to see Frostwing and some other clan members, Mosspetal walked up to Smokestar. "Were is my sister" he asks. "She's gone for awhile and i took her place, what are you doing here?" Mosspetal growled. "You'r clanmates have been pressing the borders to far". "Nothing of the sort has happened near your borders!" with one yowl we attacked. I crashed into the body of a light brown tom, his green eyes gave away that it is Jadestep, he growled and scratched at my ears. "Jadestep what are you doing!" Spottedfern meowed in horror. "Following my father's footsteps" he growled, claws raking my muzzle. "Smokestar isn't our father, Jayshard is! You missed the birth of our brothers, Archkit, he's such a hansom gray tabby tom with green eyes, and Oakkit, white and brown tom with green eyes like yours, and finally little Antkit, he looks like a tiny version of Jayshard!" she meowed and Jadestep paused. "Then why wasn't Jayshard there for us and Smokestar was?". "Becasue Smokestar tried to take over the clans!" we turn to see Sparkeye. Then silence filled the clan as Smokestar and his clan fled, but what really kept the quietness was the fact, Dovepaw laid dead in the middle of the battle field and Mosspetal had followed the Smokeclan warriors. "D-Dovepaw?" we sadly watched as Leopardfang ran to her daughter. We walked back to camp and watched Fernpaw, Breezefall, Nightheart, and Thundertail bury the cats. I watched as our leader and her mate talked with their mothers and had a great time. "We're never going back are we?" i ask turning to Frostwing. "I'm not sure, but we've seen and been though a lot, i't would be great to go back, but i'm getting settled in quickly and having a great time" i nod as we share a mouse and talked.
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