Chapter 19
(Mosspetal above)
Spotted's pov
Featherwind and I talked together for awhile, watching as the new warriors -that should still be apprentices- talked to the to the other warriors as if they belonged with them when in all honesty, they belonged in the apprentice den and the new apprentices in the nursery. I watched Dovepaw and Dapplepaw battle trained in the middle of camp, dust flying every time they hit the ground, Fernpaw watched with sadness in her eyes. We all knew she only competed with Dapplepaw to become a medicine cat apprentice because Dapplepaw and Dovepaw teased her that she couldn't do it, but now she was sad and depressed as she watched her sisters play. "No Dapplepaw, crouch down like this then you fake pounce and upper cut" Tigerleap meowed, showing Dapplepaw what to do. "And Dovepaw, I expected better from you, your suppose to dodge, not attack back. Wait until the right moment" Mosspetal hissed, cuffing the kit on the ear, Dovepaw tried to doge the out-stretched claws but failed as Mosspetal had a counter attack, the tip of her ear got cut off and started bleeding. "That should teach you" she hissed, stalking off to make some patrols. "That's horrible, and the kits look up to her, how could they?" Featherwind asks. "I'm not sure, i'm surprised they act like it's nothing, Mosspetal is so thin, she looks like an apprentice herself!" i meow, watching as Dovepaw quickly ran out of the medicine cat's den only to run back to Mosspetal and Tigerleap to continue their training. The yowl of Splashleaf cut everyone from their work, quickly Breezefall and Fernpaw ran to the nursery, i looked at featherwind. "We need Jadestep". "What? He's a Smokeclan warrior!". "He's the kits and my brother is kin! HE at least needs to know this is happening" i meow. "He will figure it out at their first gathering" she meows calmly, he tail resting on my shoulder. "Jayshard isn't here to see this!"i meow jumping to my paws. "On, and i though getting Jadestep was mouse-brained, but getting Jayshard? A cat probably miles away is fox-brained". "I know i know, it's just sad to know he's missing half his kits' lives" i sit and talk with Featherwind until Fernpaw came out of the den, Breezefall following closely. "Come on! Your like their half sister or something" i meow as Featherwind hesitantly followed me. As we walk in Splashleaf moved her tail showing three tiny bodies, we crouched near them, carefully watching them. The oldest looking one was a gray tabby, i purred, thinking about Jayshard's spirit in the tiny body, next to it laid a white and brown kitten, it curled close to Splashleaf with tight eyes, finally their laid a tiny version of Jayshard. "Their all toms, this one is Archkit, the brown one is Oakkit, and the tiny one is Antkit" she meowed softly, obviously seeing Antkit's ears fold back when she talked to loud. "He's as small as Jayshard was!" we looked at the entrance to see a black she-cat. "N-Nightheart?" Splashleaf meowed. "Who's Nightheart?" Featherwind and I asked. "Nightheart is Slaightstar is mother, is anyone else here?" my mother asks. "Yes, i got a visit from Robinstar and figured you needed more cats, so i brought some". "Who?". "I brought Mudwhisker, Arrowclan's new medicine cat, Marigoldscale, Shineclan's new warrior, Flametwig, your new warrior, Lavapaw and Cedarpaw, new apprentices of Smokeclan, and Wolfpaw and Willowpaw, your new apprentices, and if you don't mind, i'd like to be an elder here, with you" she meows, showing the cats. this is what they look like.
Willowpaw: light gray she-cat
Wolfpaw: dark gray tom with black muzzle, paws, ear-tips, and underbelly
Lavapaw: orange tabby tom with red spots
Cedarpaw: gray tom
Mudwhisker: brown tabby with leafy green eyes
Marigoldscale: golden brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Flametwig: orange/yellow she-cat & blue eye
I smile as the two new apprentices walked in, at least their actually apprentice-training ready. "Well, i'll have Breezefall take them to the right clans, and i'll introduce you to your kin" i meow, leading Nightheart out to the middle of camp. "Lakestripe, Clovermist, Acornsky, Raintail, Marshpatch, come here!" i call to the new warriors. I noticed Nightheart tense when she was the young warriors, i quickly told her about Mosspetal before introducing the kits in front of us. "These are Slaightstar and Sparkeye's kits? i meow. "Spottedfern who's this? She smells funny" Lakestripe meows covering his nose. "You sound like a kit again, you you really want Mosspetal turning us into apprentices again?" Acornsky meows, hitting Lakestripe over the head with his tail. "I definitely can tell their Sparkeye's kits, that reminds me, Thundertail, Sparkeye's mother, is here to stay with me to". "That's perfectly fine" i meow getting them settled in the den.
Raintail's pov (Yeah!)
I followed Nightheart, she looked familiar but i shook away that though, i watched as my brothers and sister started pestering the elders for stories, honestly, we should still be in the nursery, it's not like Antkit, Oakkit, and Archkit are out here asking for stories, Lakestripe's eyes match our Father's excitement inside them, honestly i'm jealous that Sparkeye never really seemed to want to get to know me. Every time he looks at me it's with a pained look, it makes me tense at the though of him being afraid of me, because shouldn't a father's eyes hold love for every kit? Jayshard showed love to Spottedfern and Jadestep, Nightheart shows love to Splashleaf and their not even kin! "Raintail wake up! We're going hunting" i was going to answer but instead closed my eyes and hummed, opening them and following my brothers and sister.
(Thought this was cute)
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