Chapter 14
(Kits above, missing one)
Sparkeye's pov
To say i was annoyed with Slaightstar letting Smokepatch stay is an understatement, i am furious, I get he's her brother but honestly, she let Sparroweye and Mistpelt run right out, why cant Smokepatch follow? Right now i'm waiting outside the apprentices den, Slaightstar is in the nursery with Littlepool and Leopardfang, Leopardfang claimed she's expecting someone from the group cat's kit's, she seemed so exited and it worried me about what Goldstripe would have though. "Calm down Sparkeye, you'll be fine" Frostwing said coming to my side. "What?" You've been walking around worriedly ever sense you heard Shineclaw and Hazelkit went into the nursery to help Slaightstar when she complained about hurting" he said. I looked down and sure enough, there was a small trail were i was walking in the dirt. "If you both were paying attention, Shineclaw and Hazelkit just left" Smokepatch said, waiting outside the nursery. "Why didn't you go in first then?" i asked. "Because she wants the father to see his kits first" he growled. I sighed and walked into the nursery, Slaightstar was laying on her side, five tiny bodies lying by her belly, two of them were orange tabbys, that was the first thing i noticed out of the squirming balls of fur. "Sparkeye, their so tiny!" Slaightstar meowed, i knew she always loved kits. "Smaller then you were" i teased making her stick her tongue out at me. "Don't pretend you never stumbled over your paws because you were to small" she teased back. "Anyways, what should we name them?" i looked at one of the tabby toms, he was pushing the other orange tom that i now noticed had a small shade difference on his tail, they were both stripped but one was darker then the other, does that make sense? "I want to name the darker tabby Acornkit" she said. "His fur is dark like an acorn" i nod. "How about the other one Lakekit?" i asked, she looked confused. "I have a feeling his eyes will be blue like a lake" i say sitting down. "Perfect, now what about him" she licked the black and white tom on the head. He purred into the touch and meowed when she pulled away. "How about Marshkit? The black kinda looks like dark brown like a marsh" she nods. "And i wanted to name the calico she-kit Cloverkit, because i have a feeling her eyes will be green, and she'll be kind and soft like a clover!" Slaightstar meowed happily. Acornkit pushed Lakekit out of the way, so hard he fell onto Marshkit who let out an annoyed and surprised meow. "Those two are gonna be troublemakers" i meow, Slaightstar nodded. "I wanted to name the black tom Rainkit". "What tom?" she moved her tail. There, in the covering of her tail, laid a small, the smallest, black tomkit with darker black rings around his tail. "He looks so much like Rainpelt" i said sniffing the kit who did nothing to stop me. "I know, thats why his name's gonna be Rainkit" i nodded and licked Rainkit, who didn't seem to care or mind. "He seems dead" i said plainer then i intended to, Shineclaw dropped the herbs she was holding in shock and Leopardfang let out a loud laugh. "Is he dead?" Leopardfang took forever trying to stop herself from laughing, and Shineclaw just stood there. "Good luck with him Slaightstar" she finally said, picking up the herbs and walking off, Hazelkit, -who wasn't to much bigger then the kits besides Rainkit who was really small- followed after her. "He's nod dead Sparkeye, just tired, leave the poor thing alone" Slaightstar said, flicking my face away from the kit with her tail, i smiled and walked out of the den.
-------2 moons------
Spotted's pov
I watched as Jadepaw followed Shineclaw around, complaining on how she's been training Hazelpaw more then he trained him, i could tell she was getting annoyed. "Fine, ask Slaightstar or Jayshard for another mentor!" she hissed, walking off to the medicine cat's den. "Jadepaw looked at the den annoyingly and stopped off. I looked at the nursery were Jadepaw was about to ask Slaightstar for another mentor but Jayshard cut him off and gave him one himself. I watched as Slaightstar walked out of the den to return to duties, slowly behind her, i could make out the tiny frame of Rainkit, he looked scared of the outside world, his yellow eyes were brightly shining as he took in the camp, he was so small so it must be big for him. "Rainkit, come back inside the den, your to small and will easily get sick!" i heard Leopardfang meow. "But Lakekit and Marshkit go out all the time! It's not fair you make us stay until were a certain high to go out" he meowed. "It's only because when i was young my brother was about your size and died due to being to cold in the snow, after he died my mother didn't want me anymore and kicked me out" Leopardfang growled, making it clear she wasn't changing her mind. I walked into the entrance, making all eye turn to me. "I can take them out and keep them arm" i offer, Cloverkit looks my way, Slaightstar was right, her left eye is green but her right is blue, it was really pretty and matched her fur. "Will you really?" she asked. "Of course". "Hold up, you, an apprentice, watching five kits? Not happening". "I won't be a apprentice for long, i'm becoming a warrior in a few days" i said making Leopard roll her eyes and flick her tail saying we could go out. "Yay!" the kits shouted running out. I never remembered being this happy to see the world, if anything i was afraid. As soon as the stepped out they stopped, but Marshkit and Lakekit walked out like it was nothing. "I'll he right here if you need me, ill call you every once and awhile to tell a story and warm you up" i say walking and laying at the entrance of the nursery. I watched them play for what felt like forever, i saw Mosspaw roll her her eyes. "Kits!" she meowed when Acornkit and Marshkit tripped her, making moss go everywhere. "Mom was right!" Lakekit squealed, making his littermates look at him. "Mosspaw really is everywere at one time" he said making everyone laugh and Mosspaw grumble and walk away will the moss. "Hey Spottedpaw, want to battle train?" i turned to see Stormpaw and Reedpaw, following close behind is Timberpaw and Breezepaw. "Sure, were'syour mentors?". "Arrow is outside at the training area already" Timberpaw said. "So is Jayshard!" Breezepaw meowed, sense Leopardfang expected kits, Jayshard took over Breezepaw's training. "Featherwind is over at the entrance, waiting for us" Reedpaw said, still,he's yet to smile. "Sparkeye is coming over now!" Stormpaw meowed and we headed out. "Can we come Dad??" we turned to see Lakekit standing there. I figured out the kits are like a group of friends, all getting along with each other, Acornkit and Lakekit are like identical twins, very hard to tell them apart, Lakekit is the leader in a way, Marshkit was like his 'deputy' if you put it in clan form, Cloverkit, Rainkit, and Acornkit called themselves the best warriors ever. "Ask your Mother" he said with a sigh. Lakekit flicked his tail and Marshkit ran off to ask, soon coming back and nodding that she said it was fine. We headed out, the kits running around and playing carelessly, Rainkit walked quietly and carefully beside Sparkeye. I rolled my eyes and walked side by side with Timberpaw and Stormpaw.
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