Chapter 13
(Sparroweye, Snowfoot, Breezepaw, Reedpaw and Timberpaw: left to right)
Spotted's pov
My paws were sore and i felt like lying down all day but i knew we had to do stuff today. Featherwind's battle training outside woke me up. I look though the hole in the back of the den to see her and Ivyfall talking while battle training. I sighted and walked though the hole towards them, they looked up at the sound of my paws padding against the floor, tail and head high, i made my way over. "Whats going on over here?" i asked. "Training" Sparkeye said. "Training isn't so loud it wakes up the apprentices. "I pointed out. "Go hunt or something" we turned to see Smokepatch, his gaze was cold and dug into my fur uncomfortably. "What do you want?" Sparkeye growled stepping in front of us.
Sparkeye's pov
I growled and flicked my tail to Ivyfall. "Take them back into camp, i need to talk to Smokepatch" she nodded and they ran back into camp. "What do you want" i growled. "It's it obvious?" Smokepatch asked, walking forward with me. "Leadership, that's the only reason your here, isn't it" i asked. "Once Jayshard and you are dead, Slaightstar is bound to make me deputy". "What makes you so sure". "He will take care of her kits? Definitely not you if your dead". "How do you plan killing me?" i asked as we stopped. "That's the easy part" he pounced at me put i was quicker to jump out of the way and swiped at his ears. He dodged and bit into my paw while scratching at my face, my legs gave in and i fell to the floor with a thud, he pinned me down, claws digging into my shoulders. "See, wasn't hard" he said, sniffing my fur. "I could just leave you to die with this wound, but then it wouldn't be as fun" right before he swiped at my neck, something tackled him to the floor. I looked up to see Sparroweye. "What are you doing here?" i asked surprised. "We followed you, what did you think?" he asked, helping me up. I watched as Mistpelt walked though the trees alone. "Smokepatch went back tot he camp, we should head their too. I limped back to camp, Sparroweye and Mistpelt following behind me, when we entered the flower entrance everyone gathered around, when i turned i noticed Mistpelt carrying a small bundle in her mouth and Sparroweye had two and behind them Snowfoot stood their. "What are you doing here, and who are they?" Leopardfang asked. "This is Breezepaw" Snowfoot said pointing her tail to a gray tom with dark gray swirls and white tailtip. "Reedpaw" she said pointing to a white tom with gray swirls from his head to his back to his tail and around his legs and dark gray sports all over. "And finally Timberpaw" she pointed to a brown tom with dark brown wavy lines on his legs, back, and head, and white fire-like patters on his left shoulder and white spot starting on the top of his tail and going across the top, his left ear is dark brown and the other is white on the top. "Are they yours?" Frostwing asked. "No their some one else is kits and we just decided to take them with us" Sparroweye said with a roll of his eyes. "Can we explore now?" Breezepaw asked. "Im to tired to explore" Reedpaw complained, wiggling out of Mistpelts hold. "I want to sleep" he whined. "But what about our mentors?" Timberpaw asked. "Who, you mean Marigoldscale,Hailrain, and Roseheart? They expect me back with them soon so i have to head out, but you three are staying" Snowfoot said softly. "What!" Reedpaw meowed. "What about Wolfpaw, Willowpaw, Cedarpaw and Lavapaw, won't they miss us?" Reedpaw asked, not once have i seen him smile sense he's been here. "Of course honey, but they need you here more" Snowfoot said before bounding off with Sparroweye behind her and finally Mistpelt disappeared to. "They don't want us?" Reedpaw's blue eyes clouded and filled with tears. "Of course they want you, but they think your better off with us" Smokepatch said, rolling his eyes and asking Jayshard to take a hunting patrol out. "Who will watch over us?" Reedpaw whined. "I will" Timberpaw said. "Your far to young" Breezepaw said playfully. "And your not?". "I didn't say i wanted to" Breezepaw shot back his honey eyes clouding and tail swishing back and forth. I looked at Slaightstar who was standing beside me, we lied. "Do you know why they don't want you" I asked. "No" Reedpaw sniffed. "Because their not your parents". "Really? Timberpaw asked. "Yes". "Will you watch over us?" Breezepaw asked. "Of course, here, we'll decide your mentors tomorrow, get some rest" i said and watched as Stormpaw led them around. "Sounds like were doing better then the other clans" Slaightstar said. "But this place will get to small for us all later, we may have to make more clans" i said. She nodded and i limped over to Hazelkit for my wounds.
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