Yoongi's POV
"Hey babe." I walked into Jimin's office, smiling.
"What do you want? I didn't call you in here." Jimin said, not looking up from his computer.
"Well, Hyoah is coming over today and I want you to officially meet her." I told him.
"You could have asked me after work, but sure I'll come over. Text me your new address and I'll go there after I take care of some work." Jimin said, finally looking up at me.
I nodded, "Okay. And I'll try my best not to slack off..."
He smiled, "Good. Can you go run this over to Namjoon hyung?" Jimin handed me some work so I had to obey and say yes.
Finally the end of the work day came, and I went to go pick up Hyoah.
I already texted Jimin my address but he still wasn't at our apartment.
"Appa, I want ice cream." Hyoah whined, laying on the floor.
"We are waiting for someone, then we can go." I told her.
Hours went by, it was already 8 pm and he still wasn't there. If I was going by Hyoah's mom's rules, she'd have to be in bed by now.
Eventually, there was a knock at the door so I quickly got up and answered it. Jimin was standing there, out of breath.
"J-Jimin?" I bought him into my apartment, "What's wrong?"
"I got caught up in work and forgot to come over, when I remembered, I ran over here." Jimin looked up at me, sweat rolling down his face.
"It's the short man!" Hyoah shouted.
I guided Jimin over to the couch and bought him a glass of water, "Thanks hyung."
"No problem." I pecked his cheek since its been so long since I could do that and played it off as normal.
"Ew! Two boys aren't supposed to kiss!" Hyoah exclaimed.
Both Jimin and I looked at her, "Hyoah, it's your bed time." I looked at her.
"But you promised me ice cream when the short man gets here."
"It's too late, we can do that tomorrow." I picked her up and bought her to her room.
"Uh... We can go." Jimin followed me to say.
I shook my head, "It's too late for her to have sugar." I laid her in bed since she was already in her pajamas.
"But appa~" Hyoah whined. I kissed her cheek and tucked her in then left the room with Jimin.
Jimin's POV
"I'm sorry I came so late..." I hung my head low, feeling bad as we walked out of the room.
Yoongi just put a smirk onto his face and pulled me onto the couch. "It's fine. At least you're here now."
I looked around, the apartment was still pretty old. It was a different one then last time but in the same apartment building, "Hyung..."
"What?" Yoongi rose an eyebrow.
"I know it's risky... But do you want to live with me again?" I asked. I hated the environment he was living in. I guess I really do still care about him.
He took a deep breath in and sighed, "Look, I have a pretty good job, even a pretty good side job. I can handle myself."
I widened my eyes since he found out why I was asking, "Right. But... But I really miss you." I tried to use as an excuse.
Yoongi just chuckled, "I see you at work everyday."
"But I'm all bossy at work." I said.
"Then we can go on a date after work." Yoongi kissed my cheek again."But you should spend the night tonight, we don't have work tomorrow."
I nodded. Why didn't he want to live with me?
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