The Crash
T -0001:02:29
PA System: "Emergency code red. This is not a drill. Please acquire a Foreign Environment Survival Suit from your designated locations and evacuate to a Savior in the exit bay assigned to you. I repeat, this message is not a drill."
[Biometric ID: Blake Tompson entered Savior 16]
[Biometric ID: Lewis Crauly entered Savior 16]
[Biometric ID: Alison Walker entered Savior 16]
Alison Walker: "Are you alright Officer?"
Blake Tompson: "Yes I am. Good to see you Alison."
Alison Walker: "Do you know what caused this?"
[Biometric ID: Sarah Wu entered Savior 16]
Blake Tompson: "Didn't get to read diagnostics. I was in a corridor not far from here, not in the commanding bridge."
[Biometric ID: Ryan Degel entered Savior 16]
Ryan Degel: I was just in Engineering Bay Two. I heard there was an explosion in the Engine Maintenance Area. No sign of a projectile."
[Biometric ID: Zachary Vasiliev entered Savior 16]
[Biometric ID: Kathrine Ediff entered Savior 16]
Zachary Vasiliev: "Help! I found this woman hyperventilating on a hallway floor."
Blake Tompson: "Don't worry Miss, everything is alright, you're safe in the Savior."
Lewis Crauly: "Hey, does anyone know what the planet is li-"
Zachary Vasiliev: "Initial scans say it's habitable, so it shouldn't be too bad."
Lewis Crauly: "Alright."
[Biometric ID: Tim Burling entered Savior 16]
Tim Burling: "The bay is full."
Blake Tompson: "Already?"
Tim Burling: "There's a crowd of people trying to get on the last Saviors. I'm not sure how much time they have until-"
Savior 16 Systems: "Bay 4 is reaching unstable conditions. Prepare to launch."
Kathrine Ediff: "No! This shouldn't be happening! I can't-"
Blake Tompson: "Ma'am, it's going to be alright-"
Savior 16 System: "Launching now."
[Savior 16 has launched from Bay 4]
Savior 16
T 0000:00:00
[Savior 16 has landed on Beta W6765 Tau]
[Warning. Unstable landing conditions]
[Biometric ID: Lewis Crauly exited Savior 16]
[Biometric ID: Ryan Degel exited Savior 16]
[Biometric ID: Kathrine Ediff exited Savior 16]
[Biometric ID: Sarah Wu exited Savior 16]
Alison Walker: "C'mon, Blake, you can make it!"
[Biometric ID: Zachary Vasiliev has exited Savior 16]
Blake Tompson: "Wait, I need to do something first!"
[Biometric ID: Tim Burling exited Savior 16]
Alison Walker: "Blake!"
Blake Tompson: "It's done! Now get out of here!"
Alison Walker: "Wait-"
[Biometric ID: Alison Walker exited Savior 16]
FESS Suit: Alison Walker
T 0000:03:24
Alison Walker: "Blake!"
Tim Burling: "Hey, watch your step. There's a cliff."
Alison Walker: "I know that! Blake just fell right through it!"
Tim Burling: "You know what she did right? Let the command module of the Savior loose so that the rest can stay."
Alison Walker: "I realize that now."
Zachary Vasiliev: "That is a long drop, even for a cliff. Can't even see the bottom. It's all covered in dense fog."
Lewis Crauly: "Jesus Christ, it looks like an abyss."
Zachary Vasiliev: "I think I can still see the command module."
Sarah Wu: "Hmm?"
Ryan Degel: "Hey guys, what's happening here?"
Zachary Vasiliev: "A weird cliff."
Kathrine Ediff: "Wait, what? There's no-"
*Animalistic noise*
Zachary Vasiliev: "Oh crap! Get Away!"
FESS Suits: Zachary Vasiliev
T 0000:13:52
Alison Walker: "Here lies Blake Tompson, third officer of the UFS Pilgrim. We may not have her body, but may this monument stand to remind us of her sacrifice and to allow her soul to rest in peace."
Zachary Vasiliev: "Hey, Dr. Burling."
Tim Burling: "Hmm?"
Zachary Vasiliev: "I scouted out the rest of the crashed area. We are surrounded by cliffs."
Tim Burling: "Wait, what?"
Zachary Vasiliev: "Yeah. We're on some sort of weird sky pillar or mountain. Can't see any other land mass, only this spicy fog."
Tim Burling: "Must be the atmospheric concentration. Good thing we're higher up, otherwise we may not be able to see."
Zachary Vasiliev: "Well, in any case, I'm going to explore the rest of the area."
Tim Burling: "Remember to check on the group sometime! We're building a shelter!"
FESS Suit: Ryan Degel
T 0000:15:24
Alison Walker: "So our priorities are to build some habitation modules, then a small place to farm. We have plenty of nutrient supplements from the Savior's storage module to last us a few weeks. Next, we should try to contact other survivors and possibly, the Pilgrim. We have not seen it crash or blow up completely so it will be our only chance off the planet. The Federation isn't going to hear about a crash for years. Everyone got it? Good, let's go."
Alison Walker: "Mr. Ryan, I need you to haul the printer out here. We'll need it."
Ryan Degel: "On it."
Ryan Degel: "Hey, Dr. Wu! Can you help with getting the printer off the Savior?"
Sarah Wu: "Sure."
Ryan Degel: "Thanks a lot. Hey, um, I wanted to ask if you were okay."
Sarah Wu: "What do you mean?"
Ryan Degel: "You were quiet the whole way down here, so I wanted to ask how you were faring."
Sarah Wu: "Oh, um, about the same as everyone else. Just a little panicked at first, I'm alright now, no need to worry."
Ryan Degel: "Oh. Well then, do you know if Ms. Ediff is okay?"
Sarah Wu: "Haven't talked to her yet, but she seems to be very unhinged about our situation."
Ryan Degel: "Do you think she'll be alright?"
Sarah Wu: "Like I said, haven't talked to her yet, but yeah, she'll probably calm down."
FESS Suit: Kathrine Ediff
T 0003:34:52
Lewis Crauly: "Hey, Kathrine."
Kathrine Ediff: "Huh?"
Lewis Crauly: "Remember me?"
Kathrine Ediff: "Oh yeah. Hi Lewis. Sorry I didn't recognize you back on the Savior. I was kind of panicking."
Lewis Crauly: "About that, I wanted to see if you were okay after that kinda-like-an anxiety attack you had on the Savior and after the landing."
Kathrine Ediff: "I was just- overwhelmed. The sudden crash, having to land on an alien planet, then a space monster shows up and an officer dies and it was just a bit too much to handle at once."
Lewis Crauly: "It is. But at least we have rescue to look forward to."
Kathrine Ediff: "Yeah, really looking forward to rescue, going home."
Lewis Crauly: "Anyway, what are you doing right now?"
Kathrine Ediff: "Just preparing material for the shelter."
Lewis Crauly: "Mind if I help?"
Kathrine Ediff: "Not at all."
FESS Suit: Tim Burling
T 0006:26:11
Zachary Vasiliev: "You know, it's crazy that I haven't heard anyone talk about the motherfucking space dragon."
Tim Burling: "I can't believe you talked me into coming with you."
Zachary Vasiliev: "I mean, the name speaks for itself. It's a fucking space dragon! How is it not the talk of the town?"
Tim Burling: "I could be doing something way more useful right now."
Zachary Vasiliev: "See, you're not even listening! There's a fucking space dragon roaming around us and no one gives a crap!"
Tim Burling: "I don't think we have to worry about the fucking space dragon from our site. Doesn't seem to leave it's lower atmosphere habitat."
Zachary Vasiliev: "So I guess we're officially naming it the Fucking Space Dragon."
Tim Burling: "Wha- we're not calling it that!"
Zachary Vasiliev: "Alright, then. I wanted to show you this spot. I believe it's the home of the Fucking Space Dragon."
Tim Burling: "Stop calling it that!"
Zachary Vasiliev: "Weird. It's not there anymore, at least I don't hear it."
Tim Burling: "Maybe it was sick of that crappy name you've given it."
Zachary Vasiliev: "Hold on, what's that in the distance? Give me my binoculars."
Tim Burling: "You have the binoculars on yourself at all times."
Zachary Vasiliev: "Oh yeah, right. Let me get these and-"
Tim Burling: "What is it?"
Zachary Vasiliev: "Well, shit."
FESS Suit: Lewis Crauly
T 0006:28:27
Alison Walker: "Well done, guys! We finished the first half of the base."
Ryan Degel: "Another left to go."
Alison Walker: "Dr. Wu, how is the signal tower going?"
Sarah Wu: "It's done, but there is a major interference going on. We can't contact the Pilgrim yet."
Alison Walker: "Huh. We'll solve that later. For now, all we need is to finish the shelter without interrupt-"
Zachary Vasiliev: "Oi! There is danger afoot!"
Alison Walker: "Where have you two been?"
Tim Burling: "We went to see a possible creature nest, but there was no creature, and we found a storm instead."
Kathrine Ediff: "There's a storm headed this way?"
*Strong wind*
*Animalistic noise*
Tim Burling: "Looks like a pretty violent one too. Even the dragon seems afraid of it."
Alison Walker: "Alright, that's it. Everyone, get in the shelter. Ryan, help me put extra reinforcements on this thing."
Ryan Degel: "Coming."
Tim Burling: "Is everyone in the shelter?"
Lewis Crauly: "Not the two outside."
*Stronger wind*
Sarah Wu: "I hope they get done on time."
Alison Walker: "It is done. C'mon Ryan!"
Ryan Degel: "I'm almost finished with my half! Wait a little longer."
Zachary Vasiliev: "I see the spicy fog headed your way. Hurry up, Ryan!"
Ryan Degel: "Alright I'm done!"
Lewis Crauly: "Close the door!"
*Door closes*
Alpha Base: Room 1
T 0006:33:14
Sarah Wu: "How long do you think this storm will last?"
Tim Burling: "Not sure."
Zachary Vasiliev: "In hindsight, we really should have seen this storm coming. I mean, what I've seen of the planet so far is ninety percent atmosphere."
Tim Burling: "You're not far off actually. We have storms like this on Neptune on a daily basis."
Alison Walker: "You're from Neptune? I always thought you were a terrestrial sort of guy."
Tim Burling: "I am. Born on Ganymede and moved to Neptune for a long business trip. Never liked the color blue again."
Ryan Degel: "I made that mistake too once. Vespella is not a nice place."
Sarah Wu: "You're an Extra-terrestrian?
Ryan Degel: "Yep. You see, the thing about living on exoplanets is that you don't really have much choice in leaving the solar system you were born in."
Alison Walker: "I remember my first extra-terrestrial mission. It was to quell rebellions on Carava. After that, I was immediately moved to Aolo. Spent six months there. Did not have the greatest time."
Zachary Vasiliev: "Why is everyone hating on gas planets? I lived on Uranus my whole life, and it was fine."
Ryan Degel: "It is if you are used to having your head in the clouds."
Sarah Wu: "Gas giants are nice. Visited Jupiter once."
Alison Walker: "Where were you originally from?"
Sarah Wu: "Io."
Ryan Degel: "That is unfortunate."
Zachary Vasiliev: "Wait, do you mean the volcano moon of Jupiter? I always heard it pronounced differently."
Lewis Crauly: "You would be talking about the pronunciation all gas-heads use for the Galilean Moons."
Zachary Vasiliev: "Don't call me gas-head. I'll have you know it's a very offensive term in the outer ring."
Lewis Crauly: "It isn't on Mars."
Ryan Degel: "You're from Mars?"
Lewis Crauly: "Yep. I even made a few business trips to Earth itself."
Ryan Degel: "Really? What is it like there?"
Lewis Crauly: "I'm not the best person to describe it. Kathrine? What was it like living on Earth?"
Kathrine Ediff: "I don't want to talk about it."
FESS Suit: Sarah Wu
T 0015:08:16
Sarah Wu: "Hmm. Wait. Hey guys! The storm is over!
Lewis Crauly: "Huh?"
Alison Walker: "What?"
Zachary Vasiliev: "The storm is over guys! Wake up!"
*Door opens*
Ryan Degel: "Oh, good. We're not dead."
Tim Burling: "Okay, time to get up."
Kathrine Ediff: "Hmm?"
Ryan Degel: "Hold on, it's dark out. Let me get my flashlight first."
Alison Walker: "Oh no! Blake's monument fell over. I need to fix it."
Lewis Crauly: "Well, it was literally a tower of stones."
Ryan Degel: "It's not our only problem. An entire ship fell over too."
Sarah Wu: "Wait, where's the Savior?"
Ryan Degel: "The storm must have knocked it off the cliff. It's gone now."
Kathrine Ediff: "Please tell me that we got most of our stuff off it already."
Alison Walker: "Well, the food, spare parts, and basic tools from the storage compartments is in the base storage now, which hasn't blown away. The printer is there too. So, we haven't lost anything too important."
Zachary Vasiliev: "So in the end, we lived through it pretty damn fine."
Sarah Wu: "Not quite though. The Savior had some major communication equipment in the storage module that was nailed down. And the signal tower is very much obliterated. So, we have to start from square one to signal the Pilgrim to rescue us."
Tim Burling: "That is a manageable problem though, right? The important thing is that we lived."
Alison Walker: "Right. It may be dark out, but we still need to work to make this shelter functional.
FESS Suit: Alison Walker
T 0019:56:34
Lewis Crauly: "You know, it isn't until now I notice how poor this area is. There is barely enough to finish the last rooms."
Alison Walker: "Barely enough is still enough. We'll get the basics down and that is what matters for now."
Lewis Crauly: "But if we need to make extensions or fix a part of the base, we're in trouble."
Alison Walker: "I know. I'm going to find a way. Otherwise we just have to be very careful with our resources."
Sarah Wu: "Hey! I printed a support pillar earlier, it should be done by now! Can You hand it to me?
Lewis Crauly: "Sure."
Lewis Crauly: "Is this for the signal tower?"
Sarah Wu: "Yes, it is."
Lewis Crauly: "Umm, so I checked our supplies and they're a bit low. Alison said to use them for top priority, which is building the base. So, can you help us finish the base instead?"
Sarah Wu: "In every survival story I've read, the protagonist gets stranded somewhere very hostile and they have to survive until rescue comes. In every story, rescue always comes at the end. So, shouldn't this be top priority?
FESS Suit: Tim Burling
T 0020:34:12
Tim Burling: "I can't believe you managed to drag me out here with you, again."
Zachary Vasiliev: "The other guys can finish the base without us and besides, I need your expert opinion on something."
Tim Burling: "What?"
Zachary Vasiliev: "What are thoooose things, at your feet."
Tim Burling: "They are plants. Looks like some sort of alien flora."
Zachary Vasiliev: "I know, right? It's life."
Tim Burling: "Yeah, we kinda already established there was life with the dragon."
Zachary Vasiliev: "You don't understand doctor. The dragon isn't all there is. This plant symbolizes the whole planet is colonized by visible life. A whole network of interacting organisms. It's ecological beauty at it's finest. And when dawn breaks, we shall see it in all it's full glory."
Tim Burling: "Please don't talk like that ever again."
FESS Suit: Ryan Degel
T 0020:5854
Ryan Degel: "What are you doing out here?"
Kathrine Ediff: "Watching the sunrise. Dr. Burling let me know it was coming."
Ryan Degel: "Mind if I sit next to you?"
Kathrine Ediff: "No."
Ryan Degel: "We finished the base."
Kathrine Ediff: "That's good news."
Ryan Degel: "What do you think of the island so far? It's been almost a full day."
Kathrine Ediff: "Not bad so far. I still want to get back home."
Ryan Degel: "The sunrise looks very surreal from here. It looks like it's just appears, as if there's no horizon to rise from."
Kathrine Ediff: "It is a bit eerie. Must be an effect of the atmosphere."
Ryan Degel: "Oh look! A comet! Quick, make a wish!"
Kathrine Ediff: "It looks a bit discolored doesn't it?"
Ryan Degel: "Must be the atmosphere again. Don't make much out of it. Oh, it's a meteorite. Looks like it fell relatively near here.
Kathrine Ediff: "It is? I already made my wish."
Ryan Degel: "I think it is still valid then. What did you wish for?"
Kathrine Ediff: "I'm not telling you. Hold on, what else is that in the distance?"
Ryan Degel: "Looks like islands. Floating islands."
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