chapter 19
After that me and Arrow fell asleep. I was so glad that he had on protection other wise I would have been 13 and pregnant. If that would have happened and my Step Dad was still alive he probably would have killed Arrow and then I would be all sad cause the Baby would have no father and I would be going through the pregnancy alone cause Arrow wouldn't be cause he was dead so that's why I'm glad that Arrow wore protection.
Arrow's thoughts
When I woke up Skye was next to me. I pulled blanket off of me and I seen that I was naked. Oh my god why am I naked then I looked over and saw a condom on my night stand and it was filled with cum. I had shocked face :O. I looked back over at Skye and saw a hicky on her neck when I saw the hicky on her neck I got even more worried. Then I looked at all the clues. First there was a condom full of cum. Second I was naked. And Third there was a hicky on Skye's neck. Then I realized what happened last night. I got drunk at the party then when me and Skye got home I decided to have a little fun with Skye and apparently she liked it. Oh Shit I'm so glad her step dad ain't alive or I would be dead but also I feel bad that her step dad died. By what she told me her step dad was more of a dad than Herobrine ever was to her and then some thing moved and I looked and Skye just moved in her sleep. I smiled and got up and got dressed. I then went out to the kitchen and made breakfast.
End of Arrow's thoughts
I woke up and saw that Arrow wasn't next to me then I smelled something good so I got up out of bed then I realized that I was naked so I put on my bra and underpanties and lacy type dress that had belonged to my mom. I walked out to the kitchen and saw Arrow making breakfast I said "hey baby what you making" Arrow turned around and saw me he just stared at me then I told him "you better pay attention to the food you don't want it to burn do you" he turned back to the food and I went and sat on the couch. When breakfast was done he made my plate and brung it out to me I said thank you to him and he sat down with his plate and we ate our breakfast. When we were done he took my plate out to the kitchen and put it in the sink and came back out and sat next to me again on the couch and put his arm on the back of the couch and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed me and I kissed back. "I love u babe" I said to Arrow and he made a heart with his hands as of saying I love u too. I then Hugged him and layed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. When I woke up cause apparently I had fell asleep on Arrow's shoulder I was laying on the couch and I looked around and didn't see Arrow anywhere. Then I heard the sound of tools so I got up and walked tword the garage door and open it I looked around I'm there and then I saw Arrow working on something. I cleared my throat to get his attention. Arrow turned around and saw me he stopped what he was doing and walked over to me
Skye and Arrows thoughts
A- oh hey Skye your awake I didn't even notice
S- Hi ~yawns~
A- well some ones still a little bit tired
S- no I'm not ~yawns~
A- then why do you keep yawning
S- I'm not ~yawns~
A- ok Ms I'm not tired but keeps yawning
S- shut up
A- heh whatever your magisty
S- hey just because I'm the queen don't mean you have to call me that
A- ok baby
S- hehehe ~blushes~
A- your adorable when you blush
S- ~face turns red~
A- ok I'll stop cause you look way to red for me to keep giving you cute compliments
S- hehehe
End of Skye and Arrows thoughts
After that we went back inside and sat on the couch then all of a sudden I didn't feel so good. So I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet then Arrow came in to see if I was alright. After I was done throwing up Arrow took my temperature and my temperature was 105.1 then I threw up in the toilet again Arrow stood behind me and held my hair so my hair diner get in the way. After I was done throwing up Arrow handed me a piece of paper and it said " take a shower to clean up and then go lay down" I looked up at him and he back at me with a concerned face I then shook my head yes so he left the bathroom and came back with a towel and one of his
t-shirt and put them on the bathroom counter and left so I could take a shower. After I was done with my shower I got out dried off put on Arrow's shirt and walked into the room and Arrow had made the bed for me so I could lay down. I layed down in the bed and Arrow walked in and helped me he covered me up and put a trash can next to the bed for me just in case I need to throw up and can't make it to the bathroom in time he kissed my forehead and walked out of the room soon I fell asleep. When I woke up I threw up in the trash can then layed back down but couldn't go back to sleep.
Arrow's thoughts
~sighs~ I can't believe that she's sick but I'm here if she needs anything or help with doing anything. I got up off the couch and walked over to my room and saw her just laying there I slowly walked in trying not to make a sound just in case she's just sleeping with her eyes open.
End of Arrow's thoughts
I was just looking up at the ceiling then I seen a shadow I looked over and saw Arrow he looked at me and handed me a paper "how are you feeling baby" I looked back up at him and said "I'm doing fine" he handed me another paper that said "do need or want anything" I shook my head no he then nodded his head and walled back out to the living room. I fell asleep for a little bit but I was awoken by Arrow coming in and laying down in the bed I turned my head to face him and asked him what time it was and he handed me a paper "about 1:00 in the morning" I said "what how long was I sleeping" he handed me another paper "for awhile I don't know how long" he kissed my forehead and we both fell asleep.
I woke up in the morning still not feeling to well and needed to throw up again but I knew I could make it to the bathroom. I ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I sat next to the toilet groaning in pain from not feeling to well and I hadn't meant to wake up Arrow but he still woke up. I looked up and saw Arrow standing in the door with a concerned look on his face he handed me a paper and it said "are you ok baby" I read the paper and looked back up at Arrow and shook my head "no I'm not ok" I said and held my stomach and leaned over the toilet and threw up.
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