Partners pt. 4 Flicker
If you don't remember what happened or have no clue what this short story is about go read the first 3 parts they are all located over there--------->
Adams pov:
She sat tapping her thigh, I swear her whole body was slightly shaking. Poor thing. I wanted so desperately to go and pull her into a embrace, stroke her hair and tell her everything would be okay. That's unprofessional though, and would be very much expressing my feelings towards her. Max and I discussed a protection plan for her, we didn't want to send her into witness protection. Since they found our offices they'd most likely find her quickly, the thought of her being killed made me want to drop to my knees.
"Morning" Parker said walking in, Jess didn't move. No smile, no wave. "Parker we have a issue" Max said, he looked our way then to Jess, he motioned with his head to her with a questioning look. "You can address my presence verbally. I've been threatened, my life has been threatened." She said standing up and looking over the desk that seperated her anf parker. "The sooner we get started the sooner get started on sooner we catch the killer so can we drop the subject and get to work" she said slamming her hand onto the desk. This wasn't Jess, wasn't her normal way of confrontation.
"Yes ofcourse" Max chimed in, he walked behind Jess giving her a quick rub on the back. She returned with a small smile. I walked over beside her, it was Jess and I on one side of the desk and Parker and Max. I look down at her hands, beat red. "Jess and I will flip over the files one more time and we will decide on a location to start" I stated, Max nodded in agreement. "Parker and I will look over weapons we will all need" Max said, he took to the hall way. Max stopped me well Jess kept walking towards our office. "Don't let her out of your sight" he said. "I won't, if someone wants to hurt her they will have to go through me first" I say, he nods and a run up the hall to catch up to Jess.
We walked into our office and I shut the door. "Are your hands okay?" I ask, she bounces up and down with a painful remark. "Noooo oww" she said, I took her hands and lifted them to my face. They were only a light pink now. "Don't go slamming things then" I said, she tilted her head and me, I chuckled. "Shut the blinds dummy" she said, I walked over and shut the blinds. We laid the files and photos over the table.
"So are we going with the ex wive lead?" She asked, I sighed. "We need to pick a location and we don't even know the women" I said, she nodded. "Well her name is Naomi Crook, she's 29, she has a 5 year old son named Jackson." Jess said, for a moment I had a flicker of a thought.
"Where are my boys breakfasts ready" my beautiful wife called out to me. I picked up our five year old and we ran around the corner. I made space ship noises and we wiggled around. She had a tray of breakfasts foods in her hand, she walked over and placed it on the table. Her apron tied around her pants and blouse, her pony tail swayed perfectly behind her. Our little boy sat down and started eating. "Oh it's already nine? I have to get to work" she said, she hung up her apron.
She put her blazer on and did up the button, she let's her hair out of her messy cooking ponytail and swept it behind her back. Might I add, still rocking the pant suit. "Already?" I ask, she glances at our son then back to me. "Yes, already" she said making sure she had everything in her purse, including her gun. We didn't do much field work anymore, we couldn't have the risnk of death with a child at home. "I have to train the new a-" she was about to say agents. "Associates" she corrected as our son was now listening to us. "I love you mommy!" He said, she gave him a very tight hug and kissed his head. "I love you too. Be good for daddy today" she says, he nods. She ruffles his hair and turns back to me. I grab her hand and run my thumb over her engagement ring and wedding band.
"I'll see you when you get home" I say calmly. "Okay dear" she replies with a smile. I kiss her gently and she heads off. "Bye my loves!" She says. "Bye mommy" our son yells. "Bye Jess!" I say. "Bye Adam!"...
"Adam?" .....
I snap back as Jess's hand is waving infront of my face. "Oh what?" I ask, she shakes her head and giggles. "You zoned out, I said, I found her address" she says, I nod. "What were you thinking about?" She asks. I smile. "Oh just had a flicker" I say, she smiles and turns back to the files.
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