A Gay Bar....
"Do I have to?" Adam asked. This wasn't his idea of a great night, Atleast not tonight. "Yes! You need to get over this!" Ross responded, Adam was openly bi sexual and his last boyfriend dumped him three days ago. Women never treated him right, using his youtube career as publicity and the money he made for their own expensives. "Maybe you'll meet someone" Ross suggested, Adam sighed. "Let's go, I dont feel feel like arguing" Adam said, finally giving up. He grabbed his jacket and out the door they went....
"Lizzie I really don't want to" Jess said, it was ti late for that though, Lizzie had already curled the last of Jess' long dark hair. "We are going and that's that Jess." Lizzie stated, Jess stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. The grey dress fit her nicely, she looked decent in her opinion. "Fine, we better go then" Jess said grabbing her wallet, stuffing her keys and phone inside.
The bar reeked of alcohol, to be expected. Adam sat down and the bar stools. "Hey hot shot what can I get for yeah?" The bartender asked, he was attractive but not Adams type."Whiskey, dry" he said, the tender went to get his drink. A girl sat down beside him, ordered a red wine. "You are looking fine tonight, go find someone" the bar tender said to the girl. "I'm Terry by the way" the tender said. "Jess" she replied.
The women turned to Adam. "Hey" she greeted. "Hey, I'm Adam" he said, he could appreciate how gorgeous she actually was. "Jessica but call me what you want" she said, he smiled. "Jessie?" He questioned, she smiled. "No one's ever called me that I like it" she said, just then a girl walked over to Jess. "Hey hottie" the girl said. Jess smiled, it was nice to be hit on but she looked uncomfortable. "Hey" she said, Adam could see it in her face.
"Hey babe you want a sip?" He said to Jess, she followed and sipped his wis key. She scruched up her face at the taste. "That was cute" he said, the girl rolled her eyes and walked away. "Thank you" Jess said taking a sip of her wine. "Not in the mood to be hit on?"He asked. "Didn't want to come at all, I was forced" she said, he chuckled. "I know how ypu feel, I was forced too" he said. "But I'm glad I did, wouldn't have run across you" he admitted.
She smiled. "You hungry?" She asked, he smirked. "Always hungry" he said, she grabbed his hand leaving money on the table. "Lizzie I'm leaving!" She said to the pink haired girl well I texted Ross. "Bye?" Lizzie questions but Jess was out the door. "Oh Jeez, that club is warm compared to put here" she said, he pulled off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders. "Thank you" she said and hid her blush.
"Come on" he said. "I thinks there a cafe up the street." He said. She grabbed his hand and they started walking up the street. Who knew a straight couple would come out a gay bar?
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