Chapter 6
Aphmaus P.O.V
Sky broke the alarm and walked out of my room like nothing happened. I took a shower and put my clothes on and dried my hair and braided it. (Outfit below the second one)
I walked downstairs to see sky texting some girl on his phone. "Who are you texting sky?" I asked trying not to sound angry. "A girl. Why?" He said emotionessly. "N-No reason...just that your texting a girl when youhave a girlfriend and I dont know if your cheating or not!" I said. "Im cheating, easy as that" he said. I grabbed my bag and ran to school crying. I ran past the gang and the skyarmy and ran to the girls bathroom. I threw my bag to the floor and slid down the wall and cried into my knees. "Aph? Are you ok?" I heard shelby ask me. "No... Somethings wrong with sky and its making him do things differently than he would, and I dont know what" I said crying. The girls helped me up, fixed my make-up, and my ave me my bag. We walked out of the batroom and I ran up to jin and hugged him. "Wheres sly?" I asked. "Right ere. Whats wrong aph?" He asked. "Somethings controling sky. Its makeing him do things opposite of what he would normally do. Its making him cheat on me with another girl" I explained. As soon as I said that, sky walked up to us and he was perfectly fine. "You know what? Im done with life. Either the spell works when im around and doesnt when other people are around, or I was just imaging things" I said. "What spell? OH you mean the wierd potion that lasts until you leave and only activates when your around me and alone?" Sjy asked. "Apparently. I thought it was a spell" I said. "I have a potion to take that potion away" ross said. "How? know what? Dont answer that" I said grabbing the potion and hading it to sky. He drank the potion and when I touched him I sensed that the potion was gone nd out of his system. "Yay your back" I said hugging him and kissed him. Ivy walks up and was about to take skys arm, when her arm burned. "Sorry, the potion was gone long ago bitch" I said. She slapped me and everything around her burned. "Slap me again, I dare you I said. She slapped me and my eyes turned red. My hair turned red and had gold steaks in it. I got a red goddess dress with black thread on the side of it. My hair was put into a ponytail and had a black bow. I grew black angel wings and my eyes turned to their normsl color exept with red pupils. Ivy ran away and I calmed down and turned back to normal and my eyes went to their regular hazel color. "I hate haveing the SL as a step-dad..." I said healing my cheek and walked off to my class. (Time skip to fee period) I walked out of the school amd climbed the tall blossom tree and sat on the lowest branch. I turned my music to nightcore wake me up female version and started to sing along.
I looked down and saw sky, jin, barney, max, ross, shelby, and the few. I jumped into sys arms and he put me down. Your better then when we were kids. Do you still remember the lullaby?" Jin asked. "How could I forget?" I asked smiling. I pulled me earbuds out and put the volume as high as it could go. I started the music and started to sing the lullaby I sang to them when they couldt sleep.
Jin and sly smiled and sky fell asleep sittig against the tree. I sat down on his lap ad leaned on his chest and everyone sat around us. "Wake us up when the bell rings" I said and fell asleep before feeling sky wrap his arms around me and holdig me close. I fell asleep in skys arms smiling.
Hey guys!
Its a good thing I remembered this book cause I nearly forgot about it!
Hope you enjoy!
Pandalover ~
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