Chapter 3
Sonic Boom Pov
Sonic Boom was flying around looking for any sign of Whirlwind and soon noticed her on a rock floating in the air and she landed next to her.
"Are you okay?" The Griffin asked as the dragon flicked her wings and looked at Sonic Boom. "I'm fine I just needed to cool off" She chirped as Sonic Boom giggled.
"I know Jet Vac can be really pushy but sometimes we have to put up with it" She chirped as the female dragon smiled.
"Thanks. Maybe we should go find the others?" Whirlwind asked as Sonic Boom looked at her. "Are you sure? You said you didn't want to go back out there" Sonic Boom asked tilting her head.
"I'll be fine! And plus who can possibly have the guts to fight a dragon with storm powers and a Griffin that can nearly shatter your eardrums off" The dragon smirked.
Sonic Boom rolled her eyes and took off beside Whirlwind who was setting off mini rainbows every now and then.
"Hey what do you think it's like down in the earth below us when we weren't statues?" She asked as Sonic Boom tapped her helmet on her head.
"I don't know, maybe we'll find out some day" the Griffin added flying upside down as Whirlwind stopped causing the Griffin to halt quickly as well.
"What's up?" She asked flying back to the dragon who flew down to where Funny Bone was caught under a tree branch huffing.
"What's up with you?" Sonic Boom asked landing on the tree above him. "What does it look Like?" He growled as Whirlwind chuckled and blasted the branch off.
"What are you two doing out here?" He asked sitting down as Whirlwind sighed sitting down.
"We left the Skylanders" She said quietly and Funny Bone tilted his head. "Why?" He asked surprised as Sonic Boom signalled him to come over to a distance.
"Jet Vac was too hard on her and she flew away, and I followed her. We don't plan on going back though" She explained quietly as Funny Bone tilted his head.
"Oh, shall I tell the others? They aren't that far from here" He asked as Sonic Boom tucked her wing in and looked at Whirlwind.
"I guess you can but I'm not sure Whirlwind would like it" The Griffin added as Funny Bone flicked his tail a few times.
"What you guys talking about?" Whirlwind asked walking over with her wings tucked in.
"We were talking about telling the other dragons of what happened" Funny Bone barked as Whirlwind sighed smiling.
"Its fine if you tell the other dragons, just keep Jet Vac out of this" Whirlwind added as Funny Bone nodded and was about to hop off as Sonic Boom stopped him.
"We're going to come with you" The Griffin chirped as Whirlwind nodded taking off flapping a few times as Sonic Boom followed.
"All right! I know where they are, follow me!" He barked leaping off as the two followed.
"To the Sky Perch!" Whirlwind cooed doing a twirl as Sonic Boom ruffled her feathers and sighed smiling.
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