14. Leviathan Lagoon
Islands could be seen distantly in the horizon; they were not of considerable size, but they were distinct in their own right. Various structures were visible, notably made of a golden stone, and were surrounded by thick palm trees, producing the plumpest coconuts a sailor could ask for. With this, Stump knew that they were close. Indeed, the whole crew was gathered on the deck, with Luci standing before them, who was clearly enjoying herself.
"Crew, our destiny awaits! Leviathan lagoon is but an hour away from here!" Luci announced, "We do not know what dangers we may face, but we must stand strong to whatever comes our way!" Unlike Stella, Luci had demonstrated quite a light-hearted side, the kind of which everyone warmed to. She turned to Cali, "Do you know what it is that we seek here?"
"A Skylander," Cali replied, "but that's all Mags said." Chill stepped forward and smiled.
"Oh, but isn't it obvious?" She asked smugly, leaning upon the wall. Cali shook her head, intrigued.
"Why, it's Thumpback, of course," Chill explained, "whenever he gets a moment, he comes here in hope to outwit the leviathan." She laughed for but a moment. "He has never succeeded, however."
"Well," Stump intruded, "a big guy like Thumpback can't be hard to miss." Chill and Cali nodded.
"Thumpback, eh?" Squalo asked, rubbing his fishbone staff against his head. "I ain't met 'im before but I'd quite like to. He reckons 'imself the best fisherman in all Skylands; I'd like to challenge 'is word on that one."
"Do remember that the Skylanders are our guests," Luci replied, giggling, "but, of course, make your presence known to him at once." She now looked to Chill for council. "Do you know where we'll find him?"
"His boat is quite modest, but I'd recommend, my captain, that we head to shore at once and do a quick sweep to check he hasn't docked," Chill suggested. Luci nodded before fixing her hat. "I trust you will all have a safe trip; the Skylander reputation proceeds itself after all. I must ask you, Cali, to stay behind, however." Cali's head tilted. "We mustn't place all our cards on the return of Magnolia and must start prepping at once for our next trip." Cali nodded. Squalo opened his mouth to speak, but Luci only shook her head in return. "You must stay too; you and Bambinone must do a stock check while the Skylanders deal with their business." Slowly, Squalo nodded in response. "Desiderio, Uovo, Luna, Tenerezza and Meravigliarsi, once the ship is settled upon the shore, you may explore. Have fun – but be careful." Mera and Uovo looked at each other playfully. "Okay, now let's get to work!"
Everyone moved at once, going to their work stations, pulling masts left right and centre and making the ship work precisely as it was designed. It was moments like these that Stump reflected on how wonderful it was abord the Astronave, even if he did have some difficulties adjusting. Chill was helping, too, whilst Cali followed Luci to the Captain's quarters to discuss their strategy. Stump stepped to the ship's rim and stared to the upcoming land. To step on solid ground will be luxury, he thought to himself.
The feeling was not quite the satisfaction Stump Smash desired; as soon as the ship drew to a halt, everything began to become suddenly unnatural, like the movement of the boat was what was making him feel alive. However, this feeling subsided very quickly as he came to terms with land once again. Chill seemed immune to this, jumping down to the islands as soon as the ship had stopped. She scanned the horizon and began making a dash for it. Stump was much further behind, partly because Mera and Uovo decided to leap onto the ladder before he could. However, he was pleased to see Chill had stopped.
"You see his boat?" Stump asked, breathing in the ocean air. It wasn't the air he was used to, but it was – in some sense – fresher. Saltier was probably also a word he'd use to describe it, but this was not a complaint like it had been for the fish. He allowed his feet to dig themselves into the sand as he made slight glances into the surrounding area. There was something about it that gave him a prickly sense of nostalgia, though he didn't recall being here previously.
"Not yet," Chill replied, just a tad bit of frustration on the tip of her tongue. However, soon something caught her eyes. "Well, I see... something." She ran across one of the many rope-drawn wooden bridges which connected the islands together. Stump followed, but he knew precisely what they'd found before he caught up.
"Well, he's here, you were right about that," Stump agreed, looking upon the large, blue tent which had been clumsily put up between two palm trees. Inside was his great anchor, drawn out across the floor. "He left without his anchor?" Chill nodded.
"His boat is equipped with one, too, however," she commented. Stump nodded.
"So, do we wait for him?" Stump asked. Chill pouted and thought for a few moments.
"He could be out there for days without rest," she decided. "I'll speak to Cali and Luci, but it might be best we head off to try to find him out at sea."
Stump rested an arm on a palm tree. He considered it for a moment and eventually agreed before the two began their short trek back to the ship. "It's a shame we even docked, really," he said. Chill didn't respond and paused, flipping her blade up immediately and turning around.
"Clever girl," roared a monstrous sight as Chill pointed her blade towards it. Mustard yellow eyes and a golden hook to match, a tentacle beard sat upon its devilish cyan face. It straightened its hat, decorated with the jolly roger, with its claw-like hand and straitened its back to outshine the Skylanders. It then laughed a ghastly laugh. Stump knew at once that he was bad news and prepared to combat this enemy. Yet, Chill held back and did not strike. He felt at once that the two must have encountered before. The waves were rougher by now as the creature took a twisted cutlass from its belt.
"Squidbeard," spat Chill.
"The very same," he replied and their two weapons metat once.
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