Chapter 21__Back to Normal
It was a regular day in Central City. Nothing out of the ordinary. People woke up, rolled out of bed, suited up for the day. Got to work as fast as they could. Made sure they got a caffeine fix on the way, so they could make it through the mountain of work that awaited them. That was a regular day, for regular people.
After Natalia had burned me alive to take all of my powers, I had to sit out of everything, because I was bedridden in the med bay of STAR Labs until I healed completely.
Cisco was wearing Reverb's glasses, holding Jay/Hunter's helmet, trying to find where Hunter and Natalia had took Quinn. "I really wish we didn't have to keep Jay's helmet around. I hate this thing. Just want to put a dent in it."
"Cisco, did you see Quinn in your vibe?" Caitlin asked.
"They have her in their lair," Cisco told us. "She's scared, but she's okay."
I sighed in relief. "Thank God. All right, we need to get her back."
"I know, but without your powers, and while you're still healing, Vera, there's no way any of us can get through that breach that Cisco found at the asylum," Joe told me. "I just don't think there's anything we can do right now."
"That's right," Harrison told us. "And it's thanks to the two of you. Or, more correctly, it's all thanks to Quinn Tate for getting this reaction from her stepsister Natalia and her ex-boyfriend Hunter."
"Enough," Joe told him. "We're all suffering here."
"That's right," Harrison told him. "That's right, Detective. We're all suffering. We've lost Tate, you've lost your powers, and now?" He looked at me. "None of us are even sure that you will make a full recovery, seeing as your healing is prolonged due to the fact that you don't have your powers anymore. Now Zoom and Phoenix can come through that breach any time they want. And that, that's on you."
"Hey, that's on all of us," Iris told him. "We made these decisions as a team."
"No, we didn't," Harrison told us, walking toward the door.
"And where you going?" Barry asked.
"I'm gonna go find Jessie before Zoom and Phoenix do," Harrison answered. "Again."
"Wait, you found her?" Caitlin asked. "How?"
"Cellular dead zones, Snow," Harrison answered. "People from my Earth vibrate at a different frequency than people from your Earth. They leave cellular dead zones wherever they go."
"That's why I'm always dropping calls around you?" Cisco asked.
"Okay, so, wait," I told him. "How did that help?"
"I track the dead zones created Jessie since she got here and I follow the trail," Harrison answered, pulling in his bag. "It's that easy."
Harrison picked up a gun.
"What, so you think you're gonna need that gun to convince her to leave with you?" Iris asked.
"You're all full of questions today, aren't you?" Harrison asked. "The gun is not for my daughter. She's not the only person from a different Earth hiding out on this one. If I run into them, I'm gonna need this."
"Okay, but you're also gonna need some help," Cisco told him.
"Really?" Harrison asked. "You know anyone with the power to help me, Ramon?"
Harrison walked out, leaving.
"Great," Cisco told us sarcastically. "I'll be in my workshop."
"Don't listen to Wells, guys," Joe told us. "This ain't all on you."
"Yeah, I know," Barry told us.
"You need a ride back to the station?" Joe asked.
"No, I'm good," Barry answered. "I'm gonna stick around here, actually. Finished all my cases this morning."
"Damn, that was fast," Joe told him. "That was a poor choice of words. You do know it's okay to ease back into the way you used to do things, right?"
"Well, this is the only way I can fight crime," Barry told us. "If I'm not the Flash, this is what I gotta do."
Third Person
Quinn was on Earth 2 in the lair, sitting on a bed, chained up, looking at an untouched tray of food in front of her.
Hunter, suited up, zoomed inside. "You need to eat." Quinn didn't answer, didn't even look at him. "Quinn."
"If you want to speak to me, then take off that mask," Quinn told him.
Hunter zoomed away to take off the suit, zooming closer in normal clothes, speaking in his normal voice. "Does this make you feel better?"
"Nothing you could ever do would make me feel better," Quinn told him angrily.
"You don't need to be afraid," Hunter told her. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I care too much about you to do that."
"You only care about yourself," Quinn told him. "Hunter. Even if you would never hurt me like you say, that doesn't apply to Natalia. She's the one that took me. She's the one that hates me. And she wants to destroy me."
"Yes, she does," Hunter agreed. "She's a monster. And I know that you think I am one, too. I understand why." He sighed. "But that'll change. Please, Quinn."
"Why do you care?" Quinn asked. "You're cured. You don't need me for anything. The only reason I'm here is so that Natalia can bring an end to me and her sadistic game of ruining me, and you helped her. It worked. Congratulations. So why are you here?"
"I'm here because I love you," Hunter answered, walking closer, kneeling in front of her. "It may take a while, but someday, you'll start feeling about me that way again, too."
"If you really love me, then get me out of here," Quinn told him. "You can stop Nat."
Hunter chuckled, shaking his head. "No, I really can't. No one can."
Quinn looked at him curiously in realization. "You're scared of her. You're scared of her just like the rest of us."
"Any sane person would be, Quinn," Hunter told her. "We're just gonna have to play along, okay?"
Quinn didn't answer, looking away.
They heard something outside, looking around.
Hunter looked at Quinn for a moment, zooming out of the lair, leaving.
Natalia used fire to fly inside, not in her suit for the first time. She walked toward Quinn. "Hey, sissy. You ready to end this?"
Quinn didn't answer, glaring.
I was still lying in bed tiredly, waking up after falling asleep, looking at the burn marks over my body that still looked bad.
The news was on.
"And a new report has shown that petty crimes have risen slightly, sparking concern that the Flash and Pyra--"
Barry turned the news off.
I looked up.
Barry sat next to me, leaning closer. "Hey."
I managed a small smile. "Hi."
"How you feeling?" Barry asked.
I sighed. "I'm okay."
Barry gave me an unconvinced look. "Vera."
"I'm better," I told him. "Let's just leave it at that, okay?"
Barry chuckled softly. "Okay." He took my burned hand in his. I winced slightly. "Does that hurt?"
"No," I told him. Barry raised his eyebrows slightly, unconvinced. I smirked slightly. "A little." I sighed painfully. "Do we really not know if I'm gonna heal?"
"You're gonna get better," Barry told me. "I promise. If you weren't gonna get better, you wouldn't have survived."
I sighed, nodding. "Yeah."
"And I'm gonna be right here until you get better," Barry told me.
We smiled small smiles.
Barry kissed me on the forehead, then softly on the lips.
"Barry, everybody's gonna realize sooner or later, that we don't have our powers," I told him.
"The later the better," Barry told me. "The last thing we need is every criminal in this city thinking they're untouchable, right?"
The computer beeped from inside the Cortex.
"What is that?" I asked.
"Case in point," Barry told me.
"What?" I asked. "What is that?"
Caitlin and Cisco walked in.
"It's Harrison," Caitlin told us.
"What about Harry?" Barry asked.
"The camera in the lab van recorded an accident," Caitlin told us.
"See, this is my version of Crash Assist," Cisco told us. "It's like those Russian dash cams, but you know, without attack helicopters and bad pop music on the radio."
Caitlin showed us a tablet of the footage of the accident.
We saw a man punch through the van door to rip it off to get to Harrison.
"That does not look like an accident," Caitlin told us.
"First, Quinn's taken," I told them. "Now, Wells."
"This is where he got taken, but there aren't any traffic cams in that area," Cisco told us.
"I'm gonna head out there, see what I can find," Barry told us.
"I'll analyze this footage and see if we can figure out who this is," Caitlin told us.
"All right," I told them. "Where's the last place the van stopped?"
"Woodman and Shore for about 15 minutes before heading back to Central City," Cisco answered. "Why?"
"That's where Jessie must be," I answered. "She should know if something's happened to her dad."
Caitlin nodded.
Barry walked out, leaving.
Third person
Quinn was still chained to the bed.
Natalia was pacing in front of her.
"I thought you died in the asylum fire," Quinn told her.
"I know you did," Natalia told her. "That was the point. I was actually surprised to see your reaction to my so-called death. You felt pain."
"Of course I did," Quinn told her. "You did horrible things, but you were sick. You still are. Just more so now." She looked toward the masked man in his cell. "Who is that?"
"That's need to know, and all you need to know is that I need something from him," Natalia told her.
"Yeah?" Quinn asked in boredom. "And what do you need from me, other than satisfaction of watching me break from your twisted little game?"
"I was in that asylum that you put me in for six years," Natalia told her. "I've only been playing the game that you hate so much for three. Half that long. I'll let you know when I'm done in three years."
"It's over, Natalia," Quinn told her. "You stole my powers, sent me to another Earth, took Jay from me, took my friends' powers. You won. What else do you want?"
Natalia smirked. "I want it all."
Jessie was here now, in the Cortex.
I was sitting with her at the desk.
We were looking at a picture of Harrison on the computer.
Barry and Iris stood next to us.
"I never should have left," Jessie told us
"No, this isn't your fault," I told her.
"Do you know who took him?" Jessie asked.
Caitlin and Cisco walked toward us.
"That's where things get interesting," Cisco told us. "That fingerprint that you guys brought in? The one from the van, I mean."
"Yeah, yeah," Barry told us.
"Belongs to this guy," Cisco told us, pulling up the information.
"Griffin Gray," Caitlin told us. "A senior at Central City High School."
"No, wait," Barry told us. "I've seen this kid's picture before. He went missing, like, six months ago."
"That's right," Caitlin told us.
"That doesn't make any sense," I told them. "An 18 year old didn't kidnap Wells."
"That's what I thought at first, but feast your eyes on this," Cisco told us.
The two pictures were side by side, aging to make them look the same.
"Wow," Iris told us. "It's the same guy."
"Yeah, the blood sample confirms it," Caitlin told us.
"How is that even possible?" Iris asked.
"I'm not sure yet, but I will analyze the cells on a molecular level to see what we're dealing with here," Caitlin told us.
"You know, I might actually be able to help," Jessie told her.
"How?" Cisco asked.
"Bio-chem was one of my majors in college," Jessie answered.
"One of your majors?" I repeated. "How many did you have?"
"Five," Jessie answered. We were stunned. "What? Is that not common here?"
"Girl, no," Iris answered. "That is not common anywhere."
We chuckled.
"All right, let's search for that Gray, see what we come up with," Barry told us. He looked at me. "Vera, see if facial recognition brings him up." I nodded. "I'll check CCPD database."
"Cool," Cisco told us. "Let's see what we can do."
Third person
Quinn was still sitting on the bed, struggling with the chains.
Natalia was pacing, looking at the untouched tray of food in front of her. "Ooh, someone's not eating the food that Hunter gives you without my consent. Tick tock tick tock."
Natalia used fire to burn the food out of existence.
"You seriously have nothing better to do than to torment me, do you?" Quinn asked.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand," Natalia told her. "Your self-righteousness is overwhelming."
"Sorry that I'm not a killer like you," Quinn told her sarcastically, bitterly.
Natalia chuckled. "And here I thought you were willing to chalk up all my bad behavior to my mental sickness."
"I'm willing to chalk up your pre-Phoenix behavior to the mental illness," Quinn told her. "Not so sure about everything you've done since. You have everyone living in fear, even your partner."
"Well, I don't care about a bad reputation," Natalia told her.
"Obviously not, when you're announcing that you killed our parents to every one you cross paths with," Quinn told her.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Natalia told her sarcastically. "Do you miss your mommy and step daddy? You shouldn't have told them what I was up to. They wouldn't have followed you to that warehouse, and I wouldn't have had to kill them."
"You didn't have to kill them," Quinn told her angrily. "You could have just let them go."
"And went into the loony bin quietly," Natalia told her sarcastically. "Yeah, no thank you."
"Let me guess," Quinn told her. "You're just gonna keep me locked up here for three more years?"
"Preferably," Natalia answered. "And until then, I'll burn you until you're unrecognizable to everyone that you love." She tilted her head snugly. "And everyone that loves you."
Natalia let her hands catch fire, walking toward Quinn.
Quinn backed away on the bed as much as she could, though she couldn't go far because of the chains around her wrists.
Natalia used the fire to burn Quinn around her hands, making her scream in pain.
The team was still trying to find Harrison.
Barry and I were in the med bay, where I could lay down while we searched the net.
Cisco, Caitlin and Jessie walked into the Cortex.
"Yo," Cisco told us.
"In here," I told them.
They walked in.
"I got your text," Cisco told us. "What's up?"
"All right, facial recognition just picked up Gray breaking into Ace Chemical down on Newbury Road," I told them.
"Is my dad with him?" Jessie asked.
"I don't know yet, but we have to go," Barry told us.
"Uh, you sure about that?" Caitlin asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Barry answered. "Look, we can't just sit here. Regardless of whether I have my speed or not, I have to try to help. That's never gonna change."
I sighed. "Okay. But I can barely leave the med bay, let alone go up against a metahuman, so you're gonna need some backup."
"Joe's on his way," Barry told us.
"And I'm going with," Jessie told us.
"No, look, uh, just please stay here," Caitlin told her. "We don't know what we're dealing with here yet. Help me finish running tests on the blood sample."
"I'm sorry," Barry told her. "Thank you, Jessie."
Barry and Cisco walked out, leaving.
Caitlin turned to tend to me.
Jessie sighed, restless.
Barry, Joe and Cisco had gotten into a fight with Gray at the Ace Chemical plant, and Barry had gotten hurt.
They came back to the med bay.
Barry was sitting in the chair next to me in my bed.
Caitlin was patching Barry up. "So, his genes have actually mutated. I ran the DNA from the blood sample Barry found, and the functional myostatin in his cells is essentially gone, giving him super strength."
"Guys, there's something else," Barry told us. "Um, I saw him age. Right in front of me."
"Yeah, he's suffering from oxidative stress," Caitlin told us. "It means the protein and the DNA in his body are being ravaged by oxidants."
"So, what?" Joe asked. "He needs to up his blueberry intake?"
Caitlin chuckled. "No, it means the more he exerts himself, the faster he ages."
"So, if we can get him to exert too much energy, then..." I trailed off.
"Then he'll become old and weak," Iris finished.
"And how do you think we're gonna do that?" Joe asked. He looked at Barry. "I can't watch you be a human punching bag until he turns into Grandpa Simpson."
"I think we can fix that," Cisco told us. "Caitlin, Jessie, I'm gonna need some of that quick thinking of yours."
Caitlin, Cisco and Jessie walked out, leaving.
Iris looked at me, nodding to Barry. "Vera. I gotta get back to the news station."
"I'll give you a ride," Joe told her. "I gotta get back to CCPD, anyway."
Iris and Joe walked out, leaving.
I sat up painfully, turning to face Barry. "You okay?"
Barry sighed. "No, not really." I tried to stand. Barry stood, placing his hands on my shoulders to stop me. "Hey, what are you doing? Lay down."
"Barry, I was burned alive, three times, but I didn't die," I told him. "I'll be fine."
"You know, when we were out there, together, as Flash and Pyra, we did a lot of good together," Barry told me.
I nodded. "Yeah, we did."
"And that feeling, after the job was done, when we look at each other after we take down the bad guy, like we're congratulating each other, it was like we were the only two people in the world," Barry told me.
I smiled a small smile, nodding, remembering. "Yeah."
"And now, I don't know," Barry told me. "I just don't even know who I am anymore, or who I'm supposed to be."
"Barry, you're supposed to be the same guy you've always been," I told him. "Suit or no suit, that guy is a hero."
Barry chuckled softly. "Same thing goes for you. I know you had doubts about yourself, about what you could do, after Thawne nearly made you kill Joe and Cisco, nearly me... and after you found out that he tricked future you into starting the fire that killed your family." I looked down. "I know that all of this, it's been you trying to make up for that. Like penance. But none of that was your fault. Hey." I looked at Barry. Barry took my hands in his. "That girl has always been a hero, even if you don't think you were. And when you heal from this, even if you don't have your powers, you'll still be a hero then, too."
I smiled a small smile. "Here I am, trying to reassure you, and you end up reassuring me. Again."
Barry smiled. "Yeah, well... that's what we do. We're a team."
I nodded in agreement. "We're a team."
We smiled small smiles.
Third person
Quinn was still chained to the bed, being tortured by the fire from Natalia, screaming in pain for a moment, bringing herself to silence so that she would not give her stepsister any more of the satisfaction that she wanted. "Enough. Enough!"
Natalia stopped torturing her, letting the fire fade, smirking. "You're strong." Quinn was breathing heavily in relief, in agony. "How does it feel, Quinn? To know that your entire torment has been because of you?"
"It's because of you," Quinn told her.
Natalia walked closer angrily. "You locked me away for six years! Six years that I will never get back."
"At least I didn't kill your mother," Quinn replied. "Or tried to kill you. Or played this sick, twisted, sadistic game."
"Well, what can I say?" Natalia asked. "I'm sick. I'm twisted. And I'm sadistic. And I'm not gonna stop until you're begging me for death."
Natalia continued to use fire to burn Quinn, making her scream.
The team was in the Cortex.
"I'm not picking up anything from facial recognition," I told them.
Cisco sighed. "The only cellular dead zone I can find is the one in here." He looked at Jessie. "No offense."
"No, wait a second," Jessie told us. "Was he wearing his watch when he left to get me?"
"I already tried that," Caitlin told her. "GPS isn't working."
"Okay, no, but the metahuman activity would be," Jessie told us. "I mean, the watch is designed to track metas, right? And since Griffin Gray is one, it'll keep sending a message to a server until it goes through."
"But since we're on a different Earth, it'll never go through," Barry told us.
"So it just keeps sending the same signal," Iris told us.
Cisco tracked the into. "There he is. Central City Amusement Park."
"Yeah, and I'm coming with, this time," Jessie told us.
"Okay, great, we found Harry," I told them. "But how are we gonna stop Gray?"
Cisco stood, laughing. "I'm so glad you asked."
"Cisco and I upgraded the internal lining in the suits," Caitlin told us. "Felicity gave us some dwarf star alloy."
"Wait, dwarf star alloy?" Iris repeated.
"It's the same compound that's used to protect Ray's Atom suit," Caitlin explained.
"That's right," Cisco told us. "Super strong, super lightweight. Only thing is, we couldn't get much of it."
"All right, what does that mean?" Barry asked.
"We could only cover the chest portion of your suit," Cisco answered.
"Oh," I told them.
"Yeah, sorry," Caitlin told us.
"Uh, here's the other thing, probably not a big deal," Cisco told us. "Um, I'm guessing the suit will only absorb one of Gray's punches. Anything more than that, you'll be like a pinata, only it won't be candy coming out. It'll be..."
"Me," Barry told us.
"Your--yeah, you," Cisco answered.
Barry sighed. "Yeah. All right. Hopefully, one gimme punch is all I'll need."
We looked at Barry worriedly.
Barry looked at his suit.
Iris, Caitlin, Jessie and I were in a van at the amusement park, watching the video feed of Gray and Harrison inside, and Barry outside, suited up, with Cisco and Joe.
"Why is it that bad guys always insist on having the creepiest hideouts?" Cisco asked.
"Because they're crazy," Joe answered.
"Right," Barry agreed.
"Hey, Barry, Gray's headed your way," I told him.
"All right, come on," Barry told them. "Hey, come on."
The boys jogged closer.
Gray walked outside.
"You ready?" Cisco asked. "Okay, Vera. On my mark. Three... two... one... Now!"
I hit the button for the power that turned everything in the amusement park on.
Gray was blinded by the sudden lights.
Barry punched him in the face repeatedly, kneeing him.
"Is that all you got, Flash?" Gray asked. "Where's your partner? Pyra?"
"We just want Dr. Wells," Barry told him.
"And I wanted him to fix me, but he can't," Gray told him. "So, once I finish you, I'm gonna finish him."
Joe walked closer, aiming his gun at Gray. "Freeze."
Cisco walked closer, aiming his weapon.
Gray picked up a small model car.
Joe tried to shoot him.
Gray used the car as a shield, throwing it toward Cisco and Joe.
Cisco and Joe barely managed to avoid being hit, diving to the ground, making the model car hit the ground behind them.
"Come on!" Barry told him.
Gray continued to age.
Cisco knelt next to Joe. "You okay? Come on." I turned the power off so that Gray couldn't see where Barry went, or that he didn't have his speed. Gray walked off to find him. "Okay, I think one more punch, and we get this guy a walker."
"Hey, guys, we got him," Caitlin told them. "He's over by the Ferris wheel."
I turned the power back on.
Barry tried to punch Gray. Gray ducked.
"Look, we can help you," Barry told him.
"It's too late for that," Gray told him. "Not everyone got the powers you or Pyra did, Flash. Some of us weren't so lucky."
Joe and Cisco ran toward them.
Gray punched Barry in the chest, his super strength sending him into a wall, making him fall. He started to age more quickly.
"That was the gimme," Joe told us.
"Griffin, please stop," Barry told him.
Gray walked toward him. "I might be getting older, but I'm stronger than ever."
Gray tried to punch Barry in the face. Barry ducked to the side, making him punch the wall behind him, making the wall dent. Gray continued to age, trying to punch Barry. Barry spun out of the way. Gray turned to face him, backhand punching Barry in the face, sending him spiraling to the ground.
I watched worriedly. "Barry."
Iris put a hand over her mouth worriedly.
Gray continued to age, falling to the ground.
Joe and Cisco ran toward Barry.
"Are you okay?" Joe asked.
"Oh, I'm good," Barry answered. "Could've used more of that dwarf star alloy."
Joe and Cisco helped Barry stand. They walked toward Gray.
Barry turned Gray over.
Gray looked like a normal teenage boy again, but he was dead.
And of us regretted that he had to go like that.
We walked inside to see Harrison cuffed up on the floor.
Jessie ran toward Harrison, uncuffing him, helping him stand. They both hugged, breathing heavily in relief.
"I'm so sorry," Jessie told him.
"I'm sorry, too," Harrison told her.
Harrison looked at the rest of us, nodding in thanks.
Wally wanted to meet with the Flash and Pyra so that he could thank us for giving up our powers to save his life.
Joe brought Wally onto a rooftop. "Relax, they'll be here."
"What should I say?" Wally asked. "I mean, I don't even know where to start."
"Just be honest," Joe told him. "Speak from your heart."
"Okay," Wally told him.
Barry and I stepped out into the open, using voice disguisers.
"Wally West," I told him.
Joe looked at Wally. "See you at home."
Joe walked off the roof.
Barry looked at Wally. "You wanted to see us."
"Uh, yes," Wally told us. "I did. I mean, I do." I chuckled softly. "Um..." Wally cleared his throat. "I just wanted to thank both of you for saving my life. And I know that that came at a huge price for the both of you. And I don't know how I'll ever repay that. I guess what I wanted to say was that I'm not gonna waste this chance that you've given me. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Wally," I told him.
Barry and I walked away.
Wally sighed, chuckling, smiling, walking inside.
Third person
Quinn had passed out due to the pain of torture of the day before, waking up.
Hunter was nearby. "You okay?"
Quinn looked at the burns in her arms, hands, legs and stomach. "Does it look like I'm okay?" She looked around. "Where is she?"
"Natalia?" Hunter asked. "She's not here." He sat in front of her, treating the burns. "You don't have to be afraid."
"What are you doing?" Quinn asked.
Hunter looked at her in amusement. "You don't want to get the wounds infected. Wounds like these from a blaze like Phoenix, it could kill you if not treated properly."
"You let her do this to me," Quinn told him.
"I'm sure you have realized by now that no one lets Natalia do anything," Hunter told her. "I can't stop her. No one can."
"Then get me out of here," Quinn told him. "Please. Take me back to Earth 1. I don't want to be here anymore, not if it means that I have to be near her. I have friends there. Friends that I trust. Friends that I care about. Take me back, Hunter."
Hunter looked at her, almost guilty by the pain she was in.
Quinn looked at him pleadingly.
Natalia walked in. "That's not gonna happen." Hunter stood, turning to face her. Quinn pulled at her chains. Natalia smirked. "You know, I've always measured my success by counting the number of victims I've had. But now I think I'm gonna widen the scope and start counting the number of Earths I conquer instead." She walked toward Quinn. "You want to go back to Earth 1? Let's go. After all, this Earth has already been brought to its knees."
Quinn looked disgusted and worried.
Natalia smiled, giggling evilly, burning through the shackles chaining Quinn to the bed, taking her away.
Hunter turned after them, looking troubled, following them at zooming speed.
Barry and I were in the Cortex, looking at our suits.
Harrison walked in. "Well, you're here early."
"Yeah, Barry came to see me in the med bay," I told him. "I'm still not doing too good." I gestured over the burns all over my body, including my face. "As you can see."
"I know that we just took down Gray without powers, but..." Barry trailed off. "We have no idea how to get Quinn back without them."
"We can't," Harrison told us. "Quinn is part of a sick game played by Natalia, years in the making, who wants to make her stepsister's life a living hell, and if you get in her way of that, she will do the same to you."
"Then what are we gonna do?" I asked.
Harrison sighed. "Gray... Gray kidnapped me because he thought I was Harrison Wells from this Earth. I know he was talking about another guy, but I just... I can't help but think I still haven't paid for what I've done."
"What does that mean?" Barry asked.
Harrison walked closer. "I thought, you know, when we--when we closed the breaches, I could just forget about everything I've done, but I can't. I realize what I can do. You are gonna get your powers back. And I'm gonna help you do that."
"How?" I asked.
Harrison chuckled without humor. "By creating another particle accelerator explosion."
Barry and I looked at him in confusion.
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