As we re-enter the hotel behind Gareth, I'm feeling . . . Well, a bit numb, I guess. I suppose I'm used to being disappointed when it comes to romance - all that time served with an ex like Eddie will do that to a gal!
"Are you okay?" Ross asks me, pausing in the reception area and gently reaching out for my arm. He's clearly aware of my change in mood, but he doesn't seem to realise why. Which is pretty ridiculous - does he think I'm okay being the other woman? I may not have been Perfect Violet's biggest fan . . . But I've also been the wronged party in a relationship, and I always vowed never to do that to another girl. So if he is back with her, I'm annoyed he's put me in this situation.
"You're with Violet," I say flatly, unable to look directly at him. I don't want him to realise how hurt I actually am.
"What?" I can still see him frantically shaking his head, even out of the corner of my eye. "No, I'm not. I'm really not, Skye." He guides me over to a comfortable sofa in a quiet section of the space. I sink into the chair, feeling his heat settle beside me.
"So why did Gareth just bring her up?" I challenge him, meeting his eyes full on and trying not to let the long-lashed forest-y perfection affect me too much.
"I think he thought he was being funny." Ross sighs, running a hand through his hair and leaving it even messier. Which, of course, due to Boy World rules, means he's now elevated his already hot status by several more degrees.
I could really use a genie right now, I think wistfully: firstly, I would wish I didn't find Ross so bloody attractive. Secondly, I would wish that I didn't like him so much - he's quiet, sure, but he's clearly full of surprises just lurking beneath the surface, and he's already working his way under my skin. And as for my third wish? Hmm . . . I guess my already limited karma loyalty card points would take a major hit if I wished for a house to fall on Violet so we could take her out of the equation completely?
Anyway, we all know the Fortune Department would never grant me a genie. Not unless it was one with numerous factory faults.
Okay, so Ross is saying he's not still with Violet, and I'm inclined to believe him. There's no panic or hesitation in his eyes. If anything, he just seems confused.
But at the same time, I'm realising the root cause of the red flags that appeared in my brain earlier. It's only been a few weeks since she dumped him . . . What if he's not over her? I think back to how bloody perfect she was. She's a pristine first edition hardback novel, and I'm more of a dusty, dog-eared charity shop paperback with a broken spine. If she decides she wants him back, and he jumps to command like an obedient little puppy, then I'm the one who'll be left licking wounds I could have prevented by walking away right now.
There's also yet another red flag I need to consider; one that was raised by his comment about wanting to kiss me when he first saw me. Regardless of the fact he was about to find his relationship over, this just doesn't sit right with me.
And yet . . . My heart tingles at a memory I'd somehow repressed until now. When I first handed the restaurant menu to him upon our first meeting and our fingertips briefly brushed together. My eyes had shot up to meet his, wondering if he had felt the jolt too, and his mouth had curled into the warmest of tiny smiles, the briefest flicker of fire licking his irises. That moment, I realise with hindsight, had affected me more than I realised . . . If anything, it had made me even clumsier that day.
I'd felt awkward and guilty that I'd been "that waitress", even for the briefest of seconds. You know the type, right? The ones who only really exist in books and films - out to steal your man! In real life, I'm sure they have better things to do, but they're rife in the fictional realm. Not that I really thought for a minute I had a chance with Ross at that point. But I didn't want Violet to think I was after him. So I went out of my way to remain cool after that point. Detached.
Until I ended up with my head in his crotch, of course. Couldn't really have gotten more attached if I tried. Well, I suppose my hair could have caught on his zipper. Actually, in retrospect, I'm surprised it didn't. I guess that's why the Fortune department arranged for the hair-meets-branch incident to happen earlier tonight.
"Skye, please tell me what's going on inside your head right now?" Ross is talking again, his voice gentle, and I realise my mind has gone on somewhat of a detour. As I snap back into the present, he's the picture of concern. He places a finger under my chin, carefully tipping my face up so he can study it, and I try not to melt under the sheer intensity of his gaze.
I swallow hard. "Are you . . . over Violet?" I manage to ask. Further puzzlement flashes in his eyes.
"Why would I need to be over her?" He asks, and I feel a rush of anger at his words.
"Er . . . Because I don't know what exactly is going on between us, but I'd rather not be some sort of rebound?" Sarcasm weighs heavily on my tone.
"You're not any kind of rebound, Skye," he says softly. "And I was never with Violet."
"But she said - in the restaurant - that she was there to tell you it was over between the two of you!" I exclaim. "I know I was caught up in somewhat of a humiliation cloud at that point, but I definitely didn't imagine that."
He laughs brusquely, moving back from me and scrubbing at his stubbled jaw with one hand. "Yeah. She didn't mean we were over as a couple. We had a business agreement. She was meant to be helping to fund a game app I've been trying to develop," he explains. "She'd decided to pull out." He winces, a blush tinging his cheeks. "It's a little bit embarrassing. I kind of . . . rejected her advances a few days before, and she didn't take it too well."
"Okay. Wow, I thought you were on a date, and she was dumping you. And that I'd just added to the humiliation with my actions."
"No." He shakes his head. "It was a business meeting only from the outset. I'd already decided I didn't think our partnership was going to work out after she got a bit too handsy with me, but I think she anticipated that so decided to 'dump' me first. And I think her 'it's over between us' comment was designed to embarrass me further in front of you. Because she'd already made a snarky comment about you." He shakes his head. "I'm also pretty sure she tripped you up, and that's why you ended up falling . . . Where you did." His face reddens further, and I end up giggling. "She was jealous. Which, by the way, was why Gareth made that comment. He knows the whole story."
"And all this time, I've thought she was your ex!" I exclaim.
"Definitely not." There's nothing but sincerity in Ross' expression. "Oh, and for the record, I actually spoke to the guy in the restaurant to ask him to give you another chance because I was so sure Violet had caused your fall . . . But he said you'd already left."
My heart skips a beat. Mr Cab Sav apparently had my back all along.
"Yeah. I was skating on thin ice way before the incident with you," I admit. "But I appreciate that."
"So . . ." Ross smiles tentatively. "Do you think we could maybe go on a date when we get back to the city? Preferably not one that involves an exceptionally clumsy waitress or any red wine?"
"You really want to?" I ask, feeling suddenly shy.
He nods. "I like you a lot, Skye. I feel . . ." He trails off, biting his lip. " . . . Like it's not just a coincidence we've met again. As if it's . . ."
"Fate?" I prompt him, slightly self-consciously, and he chuckles.
"I'm a science guy, so I'd probably put it differently. But it seems to have had a higher probability rating for some reason!"
He's so bloody adorable.
"I'd love to go on a date with you," I say softly, and his handsome face lights up. And, as he pulls me in for another kiss, I'm already looking forward to the idea of spending more time with Ross Macallister.
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