Chapter 1: The Sky's the limit!
Sky High, the most prestigious power training school in the northern hemisphere, only accepts the best and brightest. So when Emerson Lee's parents told him he would be attending this year his first thought was "heck yeah!" and his second thought was "oh no".
Emerson had always been a slacker by nature, coasting on his natural smarts and good looks to get by but at Sky High, the standards are a lot higher (no pun intended). Yet even though his stomach felt like it had overgrown butterflies in it he just had to tell his best friend, Jared Brooks.
"Hey, Jared", Emerson said into his phone, "Guess what!"
"You're going to Sky High", answered Jared.
"Oh . . um yeah?" he replied confused, "How did you know?"
"Because so am I", Jared said as his voice cracked, he sounded like he might cry. "This is terrible, Dude, how can I go to a super school if I'm not super!?"
Emerson felt like kicking himself, here he was about to tell his best friend he was headed to a super school when his friend didn't have his powers yet.
"I'm sorry, Jare".
"Don't worry about it, you're just lucky you got your power last year, I'd be lucky to get mine at all".
It was true, Emerson discovered his power last year during an eye exam. When the doctor shined his light into Emerson's eye he felt a burning sensation and his eyes began to water. Luckily he went to wash his eyes when he did because not a second before he walked into the bathroom did a brilliant blue energy beam shoot out of his eyes, the beam lasted only a second but it broke the mirror, cracked the sink and even propelled Emerson out the door. Quick reaction from his parents saved him from explaining and he was taken to a Superpower specialist. Apparently he had the ability to shoot kinetic energy beams from his eyes, kinetic meaning the beams don't burn or electrocute, but they still feel like one mean punch or an eighteen wheeler depending on the strength.
"You'll get there, Jared", He promised.
"Thanks, I'll see you later, Man".
Emerson awoke the next day to his cell phone ringing.
"Hello?" He answered.
"You need to come over. Now."
"Jared? What's wrong? What happened?"
"I have a surprise, you need to come see it", Jared laughed like he'd just made a joke.
"Jeez, Man, fine", he replied, " but if this is another stupid website that has supposed evidence of aliens I'm gonna lazer you to death".
After a quick change from his PJs Emerson jogged over to Jared's place just two houses down the road. Not bothering to knock Emerson just let himself in, "Hey, Mr. Brooks, Jared called me over", he said as he spotted Jared's dad.
"Yeah, Jared said you should go on up to his room", he replied with a knowing grin playing on his face. Instead of questioning Mr. Brooks Emerson dashed up the stairs towards Jared's room. At the door he knocked, Emerson learned the hard way that you don't just barge into a teenager's room.
"Come in", he heard from inside. He opened the door into complete darkness, a second later Emerson flipped the light on to see Jared's room. It was, in every way, a teenager's room: clothes on the floor, an empty hamper, a half full bookshelf with the other half of books on one part of the bed and no Jared in sight.
"I'm right here, Dude."
Jared's voice definitely came from inside the room, Emerson stepped in slowly looking all around the room.
"Right where?"
"Right. Here." Slowly he saw a figure bleed out of the bookshelf and its features changed into that of Jared.
"Holy hell, Jared!"
"Yeah, Em, I finally got my powers! You know what this means?" Jared asked.
"We are going to Sky High!"
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