I woke up at some point when I felt the warmth of my lover disappear. I opened my eyes and saw him in the kitchen, making food. Standing up, I walked over and hugged him from behind.
His body jerked before he looked back at me and smiled. I kissed him and we just stood there, quietly staring into eachothers eyes. Then the door was flung open, and Jason walked in. Two angry Bulgarians followed, arguing in their native language.
When I heard them, I laughed and walked over. Ty whimpered and grabbed my hand. He walked with me to Jason, who yawned and turned to tell the two to shut up.
"Hey." I said, and Jason glanced back and smiled briefly. Bodil looked up and just seemed to notice where we were before spotting me.
"Well hello," he said with one of his signature giggles. I gave him a wave and Ty smiled, laying his head on my shoulder.
"'Sup?" Ty replied and I glanced into the kitchen to see if the food was done yet. Ty tugged me to the couch and we sat.
"How are we going to have a steady supply of food?" I asked.
"I'm cooking everything now. Hopefully we'll have enough to last us to the edge of the arena," Ty replied. I nodded and kissed his cheek. Jason tossed a bag onto the table.
"Here's our food," he said. I smiled and Ty grabbed it to cook. He left the room as the three sat.
Mitch and Jerome appeared at the doorway, yawning before Mitch grabbed some bread to split with his lover. As the two ate, Tyler appeared.
"Thanks for abandoning me last night, guys," he said. I laughed and spoke.
"Don't worry, we'll just have sex right next to your sleeping body," I said. Tyler gagged and shook his head.
"No thank you. Do it next to Jason," He said, making the space man cough.
"What!?" I laughed at his reaction and Bodil smirked. I laughed, and Seto spoke up.
"Someone's here. Not a good person. We have to go..." Ty came back in, and I yo you you younoticed that his eyes were wider than normal.
"Babe?" I asked, and he whimpered, running over to me.
"He was staring at me! I-I didn't know what to do!" He whimpered and I hushed him by holding his body close. Seto stood and walked to the kitchen, soon coming out with our food.
"I didn't see him, we should go while we have the time." He said, and I nodded. Kissing Ty, we turned and walked towards the door.
I heard my lover whimper and I looked over. His body was shaking, and he had gone pale. His hand tightened on mine, and I spoke.
"Everyone ready?" I asked, and the others nodded, "Tyler, you have the TNT?"
"Yup," he replied. I nodded and looked around at the people we had. Muttering a silent plea, I led the others out of their homes.
We had been walking for quite a while, and only Husky's constant complaining kept us sane. That or out was just slowly picking away at our sanity. Good thing for me, I'm sure I've never been fully sane.
Seto, now on front of us, raised his hand and stopped. Ty's shaking began again, and I heard something move nearby.
"Well well well, my dear Ty has gotten some friends to protect him. What a... noble effort. He's mine boys, so you might as well hand him over," a voice said from behind, and I growled.
"Guys, surround Ty," I whispered. We fell in as a circle. Seto was the only one out of formation, turning slowly around as he listened.
"Who are you?" He snapped. The voice chuckled, and a dark figure stepped out of the woods. Whoever it was was wearing a black cloak that was hooded to hide his identity.
Ty let out a squeak, and I felt him step back. The man looked over, and suddenly a blast of light shot from Seto's palms. The beam slammed into the man, and he went flying back into some nearby trees. Seto stood there, panting. He collapsed to his knees and I ran over.
"Seto," Ty whispered. He knelt down and pushed his bangs away from his face. Reaching down, he felt Seto's chest for a heartbeat. He breathed a sigh of relief and pulled back. Glancing where the unknown had been shot, he spoke.
"He's not dead. We should get moving, one of you carry Seto."
"I'll do it," Mitch volunteered, and I smiled. Ty nodded and stood, beginning to lead us to the edge now.
"That person was... who was he, exactly?" I asked Ty, and he looked over. He seemed to focus on something on the distance before sighing.
"I don't know... or I don't remember. We just need to get out now and meet up with the others," he said. I nodded and reached out to grab his hand. He instantly flinched and pulled away.
"Don't," he whispered. I blinked and fell back alongside Jason.
"Harsh," Jason muttered. I shrugged, not wanting to talk about it. Bodil gently grabbed the spaceman's hand, and I watched quietly.
"You two together?" I asked, and Jason looked to the Bulgarian.
"No, not uh, not really," he said. I felt a frown settle on my face, and Bodil giggled.
"Why the long face?" He asked, and I looked over, finding myself beginning to smile. He giggled and I laughed back.
"Oh nothing, my darling boyfriend just won't let me touch him," I said. Ty looked back.
"Hush, I'm busy trying to make sure we're all safe." He said, making me glance around before walking over. Well, it was more of one of the gayest struts I've ever done.
"I'm only safe in your arms, Ty!" I gasped dramatically, falling into his arms for extra effect.
I saw the boys lips twitch, holding back a smile no doubt. Reaching up, I used him to pull myself upward, then kissed the boy roughly. He let out a grunt before I felt him kiss me back. My tounge ran along his lower lip, and he quickly opened his mouth. Our tounges danced with eachother. Then Seto coughed.
We quickly broke away, and I looked over to see the sorcerer. He was awake in Mitch's arms, though rather pale.
"I suggest you get moving before something else happens," he rasped. I let out an awkward giggle and glanced to the others. Ty rolled his eyes and started walking again.
"Oh, you have a sorcerer now?" I heard the same voice from before speak. Seto let out a curse and slipped from Mitch's arms, then struggled to stand. "Too bad he's awfully weak..." the voice echoed. I grabbed my sword and spoke.
"Do you expect to beat all of us? Do you even have a weapon!?" I called, and a chuckle was the only reply. I felt Seto's hand on my shoulder and he spoke.
"Stand down. He's just messing with us," he said with a cough. I nodded and pulled a water bottle out for the man, handing it to him. Seto gave me a thankful look before taking a sip.
"Drink the whole thing, you sound like death." I said, making him break away to laugh. I noticed Ty look back and smirk at the sound, and I took the chance to grab his hand. He tensed at first, then relaxed and smiled at me.
"Guys, it's getting dark," Jerome said after a few minutes. I cursed.
"Alright, we'll have to set up a base. No use trying to cover land in this area. Etho said the hacker broke only the Redstone making us... fake." Seto related, and Ty jumped in.
"We'll need to have guard shifts... Two at a time. Seto, you'll be sleeping all night. You need rest," he said, "Adam and I will take the first shift. Mitch and Jerome second, Jason and Mudkip third, and you and Simon last." He said, nodding to Bodil. I glanced over and saw a smile on Seto's face.
"Alright, let's go!" I cheered, and Ty brought us to a river bed. The others crowded into a low cave-like opening, and I sat with Ty at the entrance.
Almost thirty minutes later, I spoke, "Ty, why do you flinch when I touch you?" I asked. He looked over and sighed, reaching out to place his hand on mine.
"Adam... I've been having really bad dreams. I think they're flashbacks of some sort... I-I remember this man I was with. He was abusive, I think, and ended up giving me that scar." I looked over at the boy, then wrapped my arms around him, "but after this... this hacker got here, they started to get worse. I think... I think I'm afraid of hurting you."
I looked up at the boy before kissing his lips softly.
"Ty, I would never try to hurt you. I love you so much more than whoever you were with before. If I even made you cry over something, I'd feel horrible." I said, and he giggled, kissing my lips. "You're the reason for me to believe in heaven." I whispered.
"Do you remember when we first met and any time you touched me I would attack you?" Ty asked, and I laughed at the memory.
"I do," I replied, "you suck at hitting people, though. It was like a de-clawed cat trying to play patty cake." He laughed at me before swatting at my arm. "Like that!"
A few minutes later, he turned and crawled into my lap. I smiled and kissed his lips gently, then I trailed kisses down from his lips to his jaw. Kissing along his jaw-line, his body shuddered in my grip, and I chuckled. Shifting, I now kissed down along his neck and caused the boy's head to tilt and give me a better vantage over him. Instead of staying there, I began to nip at his collar bone. He let out a loud gasp.
"S-sky, I don't think we should do this out here," he said. I chuckled and leaned up, kissing his lips once again.
"I know, dear. Our time is almost up, let's wake the others," I said, straightening and walking to the cave. Ty nodded and smiled, grabbing my hand.
"I love you, Adam," he said.
"I love you too, Ty."
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