Sky Games; Sequel to Scars
(oh God, sorry it's a few days late ;~; I've been busy with school and all that crap... well, I'm trying to make longer chapters, so there will be longer delays)
After Adam and I got together, we began to figure out who should join the sky games challenge that Jason made. Team crafted was sitting at a table, and I held a quill in my hand.
I looked up.
"We have all of us, how many is there left?"
"Well, we have me, Jason, you, Quentin, Ian, Jerome, Mitch, James... do Weed or Decpti want to join?" He asked, looking to Jason. We were currently at his house, along with the rest of team crafted.
"They said they can't." Jason shrugged, and I leaned against Adams leg, thinking.
"That's eight... And twenty four minus eight..." I thought a second. "Sixteen, right?" Adam nodded and smiled.
"Do we get to have a few others... If Seto wants to join, Kkcomics can too?"
"I know Seto will if I ask, Kyle might..." I said.
"We could do Bodil and Simon. What about Nooch?"
"And Jordan." Mitch added. He was sitting near us, cuddling into Jerome.
"Alright, that's thirteen and one possible joiner." I said, thinking.
"Jason, do you have any horses here?" I asked, and he looked at me.
"Yeah, why?" I smiled.
"So I can go ask Seto and Kyle to join. I don't want to wait and have two less people if they don't want to go." He nodded.
"Do you want to go now?" I nodded.
"I'll go with him." Adam said and I smiled. We stood and I spoke.
"You can keep adding people, oh, add Basher." I said and saw Mitch grin.
Adam and I went to the stables and got our horses. Adam moved and pulled me close, nuzzling into my neck.
"Hnn, Adam?" I asked, and he just smiled and kissed me. He and I didn't exactly want everyone to know our relationship, so he was super clingy when we were alone.
I smiled and climbed up onto the horse. He hoped onto his, then grinned.
"Lead the way, babe." I rolled my eyes and grinned, leading the horse to Seto's house.
Once we were there, I slid off the horse and looked at Adam.
"Stay out here." I said, better to keep it simple. He nodded and I turned, walking into the house.
"Seto?" I called and heard a thump, then he appeared at the top of the steps.
"Oh, hey Ty!" He said, smiling and waking over.
"Hey man." I said and we hugged before I leaned against the door.
"You look happy, did you and Sky get together?" I nodded and grinned.
"Yeah, and I wanted to know if you wanted to join team crafted and some others in a private sky games?" I asked, and he frowned.
"I dunno, who's gonna be there?"
"Well, team crafted, bodil, Simon, Basher, Nooch, and Jordan." I said, then added, "and we hoped you and Kyle would join." He thought before smiling.
"Sure, if Kyle says yes." He said and smiled, stretching. "We could go ask now? He's only a few hundred blocks down.
I grinned. "Sure, but do you have a horse? Adam and I are using them." He frowned.
"Sky's here?"
"Yeah, is that okay...?"
"Yeah, it'll just be a bit awkward." He muttered and I smiled.
"He feels badly for not voting against you going." I said simply, and he sighed.
"Alright, let's go."
I stood between Adam and Seto. We had just walked outside, and I had explained the situation.
"Hey, uh, I'm sorry, Seto..." Adam said, "but, uh, thanks for taking care of Ty the other day. If he had died... I don't know what I would've done." Seto seemed to relax, and smile. I was something those two had on common.
"Nah, it's alright. I'm happy I was out in the desert that late." He said, mounting the horse he had brought. Adam and I got on ours, and we set off.
We got to Kyle's house a few minutes later, and Seto smiled.
"I'll be right back." He entered the house, and soon came out with Kyle.
"Were in." Seto said, and sky grinned.
"Can we stay at your house, or maybe the team crafted one? We are a far ways off, so it's easier if we're just there." I nodded before Adam could speak.
"Sure. You two could say with us or the whole team." Seto smiled, and the two got onto their horses.
"Lead the way."
We got back to the house just as it got dark, and we entered to see Mitch and Jerome making out on the couch.
"Those two are together?" Kyle asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, uhh, guys?" I asked, prodding much in the shoulder. They broke apart, both of them blushing.
"What? Oh, heh, sorry." Jerome said, and Mitch looked down, avoiding eye contact with Seto. He was the one to start the vote, I remembered.
"It's fine, just do it in your room or something." I said. "Not the couch." The two of them nodded and moved to stand, Jerome hunting over slightly. I glanced down and giggled, my face burning.
Jerome looked away and grabbed Mitch, pulling him up to their room. Adam frowned, nuzzling into my neck.
"I wish we could do that." He muttered and I sighed, tilting my head as he kissed my neck.
"Nnn... not in front of them." I muttered, looking over. Seto chuckled and Kyle looked extremely confused.
"Fine..." Adam muttered, pulling back and smiling. I spoke.
"I dunno where the others are, but you two can stay in our rooms, and we can go home."
"How about Kyle and me share your room, and you and Adam share his?" Seto asked, and I shrugged.
"Sure, are you two both okay with that?" They looked between each other and nodded.
"Yeah. I just prefer to have my friend here when I wake up." Seto laughed, and I smiled, yawning.
"Alright, let's go to bed, Adam." I said, grabbing his hand. He smiled and we walked to the rooms, showing Kyle and Seto to their room.
When we entered our room, Adam pushed me against the wall, pressing himself into me and kissing me harshly.
I moaned and kissed him back, arching my back to press my crotch into his. I heard him gasp and grinned before his hands slid up my shirt.
I shuddered from the feeling of his cold hands and squirmed.
"Nnn Adam. Your hands are cold." I muttered and he chuckled, pulling my shirt off.
"And you're sexy." He said, kissing my chest and making me shudder. He walked his arms around me and picked me up, carrying me to the bed.
"I can walk." I said, but he just shook his head and dropped me onto the bed.
"I like to carry my princess." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't call me that. I'm not a princess."
"Whatever." He muttered, undoing my pants. "Now, let's have some fun."
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