It had been three weeks since I woke up from that damn sleep, and the preparations for the Sky Games were almost done.
We had everyone who was going to be in it planned out, and they had all said yes. Etho had only a few more Redstone things to work out, and now we had a date to plan for. Now we waited.
I currently sat next to Adam, our hands locked firmly together as we cuddled. Across the room, Jason and Bodil were talking, and the space-man was grinning from ear to ear. I had long since forgiven him for what he had felt, I understood what it was like to feel that way... like I had for Dawn.
I felt Adam shift and his head landed on my shoulder. Looking over, I kissed his forehead and he smiled. I reached down to pull his sunglasses off and when his eyes were revealed, I melted. He leaned up and our lips connected, making me blush when I knew others could see. I kissed back anyway, but we soon parted.
"Are you excited for the Sky Games baby?" I thought for a second. Any time he brought the Sky Games up, my stomach would clench in dread. I kept having nightmares about this faceless man killing everyone. Really killing them...
"Yeah." I lied, forcing a smile to my face. Adam looked concerned for a moment, but seemed to forget about it when Mitch came in.
"Food!" He yelled excitedly, and I jumped up, sprinting to the kitchen. Once inside, I launched to my seat and grabbed my food.
"God, Ty, it's like you're done kind of animal," Adam said. I whirled around, gripping the plate of food to my chest. Suddenly, I jumped back, running to the corner and hunching over.
"No mine," I hissed, making Adam double over in laughter before he walked over, kissing me suddenly. I blushed and pulled back, rolling my eyes and standing up. We walked back over to the table where almost everyone now sat, all of their faces amused. I suck my tounge out.
"Why do you guys have to get up so early?" Seto groaned from the doorway, running his hands through his hair. I grinned and plopped into a seat.
"A better question is why we don't eat in the living room now that Merome over there has told us where they have sex," Adam said, and I laughed. I leaned against my lover before hearing Mitch's voice.
"Hey! We clean it," he whined.
"Sometimes," Jerome added in. Bodil looked around the table, then at Jason who was next to him.
"Really?" Jason nodded, silently eating. Simon rubbed his eyes before standing with his food.
"That's... Eww," he grunted, walking to the living room to eat. I laughed and leaned against Adam. I felt his hand slide along my leg before shuddering.
"I'm going out there too," Bodil said, making both him and Jason stand. I watched them quietly for a moment, wondering if they were together. That would be... interesting.
I finished my food before going back to the living room, plopping down on the couch next to my lover. He smiled and I leaned against him, then I felt it.
A feeling of dread overwhelmed me, and I looked around. Seto was making a face, looking towards the door before glancing around.
Our eyes met and he seemed to realise something. I just looked down and closed my eyes, slowly pushing the feeling away. My body relaxed and I sighed. When I looked back up, Seto looked surprised. His face changed back to normal instantly, and he sat back in his seat.
I looked at Adam, who was practically passed out next to me. He shifted as I watched him, and his arms caught me. I was pulled closer by my lover, and I just replied by leaning against him. I looked around at everyone in the room, all focused on the tv, and sighed happily. Everything was good here.
"Ty!" Adam called from upstairs and I sighed, standing up and plodding up to him.
"Yes my princess?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.
"Come to bed with me! And don't call me that, you're the princess." I smirked at the male.
"Sure, even though my voice is deeper."
"Shaddup, you're the one who is on the bottom anyway."
"I can top again. Remember last time?" I asked, and watched as Adam's tan face turned a dark red.
"Hush," he grunted, and I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smirked and reached around my waist, flipping me into a bridal-style position. He walked to our room and I just rolled my eyes.
Once he set me down I pushed my bangs out of my eyes and smiled. Walking to the bed, I stripped and laid down. Adam did the same, and we were soon passed out and cuddled together on the bed.
I woke up to yelling. My body tensed up and I whimpered, reaching over.
"A-Adam." I squeaked and he grunted, opening his eyes.
"People are yelling," as I spoke, Mitch's words floated in.
"You never do anything nice for me anymore!" I looked at Adam, who sat up and pulled his boxers on.
"I built you a house! It took me, what, three years?" Jerome snapped back. His voice was quieter, but still angry. I had never heard the two fight.
"Yeah, well you don't have to do something huge to impress me dammit," I dressed and stood. Walking to the door, I grabbed the doorknob.
"Ty don't," Adam sighed and I shook my head, ignoring him and going out in the hallway.
Mitch and Jerome stood on opposite sides of the door. Mitch was wearing a long shirt and Jerome had a pair of boxers on, but was otherwise naked. Seto stood there, seeming to be trying to calm them.
I walked over just as Mitch was about to say something, and I spoke.
"Hey guys, calm down," I said, "Mitch, just talk to him. You don't need to yell." My voice was calm, though I was flipping Shit on the inside. Why were they fighting!? For some reason Mitch calmed and looked down. He was crying.
"I just want to feel like you care..." He whispered, and I watched as Jerome winced. He looked like he had been slapped.
"Mitch buddy, let me come back in. Let's talk about this alone." He said softly, and Mitch looked up before nodding and stepping out of the way. Jerome looked at me and smiled before closing the door.
"Is it normal for them to fight?" Seto asked and I shook my head.
"Not that I've seen." I said before looking to the sorcerer. The movement sent my head spinning and I feel into his arms. My body was shaking. "T-they were perfect before... what if Adam and I end up like that?"
"You won't. Adam is better at stress than those two. Everyone is just a little tired from the Sky Games preparations." I nodded and yawned, then felt two arms around my waist.
I looked up at Adam, who smiled and rested his head on mine. Seto shook his head.
"You two need to go on a date." He grunted, and I smiled.
"Nope," I giggled, turning to kiss my lover, "it'll just make us louder at night." Adam rolled his eyes at the silly comment before he pulled away and grabbed my hand.
"Not like we can't hear you already." Seto mumbled. I just walked with Adam to the kitchen. Food time.
"Food," I grunted.
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