God, I felt bad for what I did to Seto. But the way he was, it just wasn't for team crafted. I wanted to stay in touch, maybe even become better friends, but the guilt just overpowered me. Plus, what if he hated me?
I rolled over in the bed, shifting to get a more comfortable position. Jerome grunted and woke, looking up before yawning. I hadn't ment to wake him, I guess I was just squirming to much.
"Mitch, babe, what's wrong?" He asked and I sighed, moving closer to the bacca. I wondered if I should even tell him, but he could always tell when I lied.
"Just thinking..." I muttered, and he smiled, kissing me softly.
"Well obviously." He said with a laugh, and I smiled, shifting my naked body closer to his. "But what are you thinking about?" He then asked and I sighed.
"Seto..." He stared at me, then leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"I'm sorry, buddy, but it's already been done." He said. I sighed.
"I know, Jerome, but when he came back... I just feel really guilty. You know how he gets too." I bit my lip, and Jerome moved to sit up, his back against the headboard of the bed. I felt him pull me up into his lap.
"Well, then why don't you talk to him? Tell him you're sorry." I sighed.
"I feel awkward around him." I knew I wanted to talk to him, tell him I was sorry, but I was scared.
"Hey, we all took part in that. Everyone, except Ty, I mean, voted him off. It's not just your fault." I looked up at him and nodded.
"Alright, thanks baby..." I said, nuzzling into his chest and smiling, my fingers slipping through his fur, sliding down his body.
I knew what he wanted when he tensed under me, his breathing becoming a bit quicker and more shallow.
I grinned. He knew what I wanted.
The next morning, I slipped out of my bed early and got into Jerome's private shower. Lucky for us that he wasn't actually like he said. Ugh, he knew parmesan cheese freaked me out.
I stepped into the shower and began to wash. Then someone entered the bathroom, and stepped on the shower behind me. I turned to see my lover and best friend.
"Mmm, Jerome, that's a bit scary. Couldn't you have announced yourself?" He laughed softly and wrapped his arms around me.
"Like I'm gonna do that." He said, then yawned. He must have just woken up. Of course, his yawn made me yawn too, and this just made him laugh again.
"Still tired?" I asked and he nodded, laying his head on my own. I smiled and leaned back against him for a moment, then grabbed the shampoo.
"Alright babe, I need to wash." I said simply and he sighed.
"Hmm, fine..." He muttered, stepping back. I smiled and began to wash my hair, and once ask the conditioner was out, I smiled.
"Almost done, babe." I said and he rolled his eyes, washing his own body.
Once I finished, I waited for Jerome, then stepped out and grabbed the towels, handing the larger one to Jerome. That fur did get in the way sometimes.
I sat on the counter as he dried, allowing the towel to slide off of my body. I moved so that my legs were spread just a bit. He smiled.
"Well, well, if I didn't know better, I'd say you're just trying to turn me on again." I smirked and looked along his body.
"And, it appears to be working." I said and he smiled, grabbing me and pulling my body up against his. I was still half on the counter, and used it to help me get my legs around the Bacca's waist. My arms moved around his neck, and he smiled.
"We're probably gonna need another shower..." I grinned.
"Do it."
After we showered for the second time, I went into the kitchen. We always woke a few hours early, just in case we decided to have some fun. I smiled.
Walking to our cupboards, just chests designed all fancy-like, I looked to see what we had. In the end I decided on eggs and toast, then began to cook.
Jerome came out and grinned, wrapping his arms around my hips and nipping my neck.
"Hnn, Jerome, not when I'm cooking." I said with a huff, squirming out of his grip.
I heard him sigh and sit down, then turned to see Ty and Adam enter the kitchen.
Ty looked a little in pain, and I remembered the soft moans I heard the night before once Jerome and I had finished. I smirked and grabbed a few herbs, making a potion. I had discovered this after the first few times Jerome and I had done this.
I walked over to Ty and handed it to him with a smile.
"This will stop the soreness." I said with a smile, and he gently took it.
"Thanks..." He said, his face turning a bit pink. Adam smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist. I smiled as Ty drank the potion, then he smiled.
"You're welcome." I said and Jerome walked over, pulling me closer to him.
"Jerome..." I muttered, squirming. I heard him sigh, and looked up.
"But they get to do it." He whined, and I rolled my eyes, pushing him off of me and walking back to the furnace, pulling the food out.
"Well, they're not trying to maintain a household." I replied, setting the table. "Now, be a good boy and go wake the others." He nodded and I smiled, kissing him quickly before he left.
Once Jerome was back, along with the rest of the people in the house, we began to eat.
"How about Ant?" Ty said suddenly, looking up, "for sky games, I mean." I smiled.
"That will be fine. You know what, we should change some rules!" I said, grinning, "we should have teams... four people each is six teams, and the last ten standing has to fight to the death." Jerome grinned.
"Ooh, I'm in." The others muttered their agreement, except Seto and Kyle, who just stayed quiet.
"It'd be cool if the last three teams could start to build and mine things..." Ty muttered, picking at his food.
"Yeah! Like battle dome, but better!" Jerome grinned, and I spoke.
"We need a Redstone master, though..." Seto looked up.
"We could get Etho to do it." Ty smiled and looked up.
"It would take a while..."
"We don't have all of our people planned out yet! It would give us time to plan everything." I said, grinning like a madman.
"Alright. Do you want me to head out and ask him. He should be on his minecrack thing." Seto said.
"Sure." Jason said, yawning. I started at him for a second. How did he eat in that spacesuit?
"Can I come with?" Ty asked, and I smiled, watching as Seto nodded.
"In that case, so am I. I've always wondered about this Etho guy." Sky said.
"Well everyone else is going, so we might as well go too." Jerome said, and I sent a glare at him. He just smiled in reply.
"Really...?" He asked, and I sighed.
"If you're okay with it, I guess." I muttered, and felt Jerome's hand squeeze my leg. I had long forgotten about that being there. He was almost always touching me in some way. I think it gives him a sense of control.
Seto shrugged and glanced at his lap. Kkcomics smiled and nudged his arm.
"Come on, it'll be fun. Especially if we can convince Etho to do it. You know, it'd be cool if he would play with us. He could be on our team."
"Now, wait, who said I was on your team?" Seto asked in reply.
I zoned out of their conversation, leaning against Jerome and soon passing out. I woke as everyone was packing for the trip. We had no guarantee we'd find Etho, so we might as well pack extra.
"Hey man, you ready to go?" Jerome asked, holding out a diamond sword to me. I noticed betty on his backpack and smiled.
"Yeah, let's do this!"
A few hours later, we had found the house to teleport to Ethos minecrack server. Once we were in, Seto glanced around.
"Alright, if he's in here, he's probably either building or checking something new out." He said, and I nodded.
"This place is cool..." Jerome said, walking around the area we were in before quickly walking back and grabbing my hand. "Where first?"
"Hmmm, man, I haven't been here in forever..." He muttered, looking around. He then smiled.
"Well, I guess we have to tour the place and hope to see him!"
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